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Old 04-03-2019, 07:00
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theplague theplague is offline
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Originally Posted by Routine Builder View Post
It kind of is. Jews are often characterised as having control of money on a global scale. This meme was quite common in Nazi propoganda and the stereotype is still promulgated today by antisemites in the right, and left. Whether SHR was intentional is sort of besides the point.

Plus as record execs go, Rob Stringer isn't exactly known for being that bit of a shithead. He stood by the band through thick and thin. It seems that once again, SHR targets those closest to the band purely out some mixture of spite and envy.
I just believe that you could criticize anyone if they’re greedy capitalist.
Should you avoid doing that if they happen to be jewish? How and for what are you allowed to criticize these persons then?

Again, if you’re connecting their “evil” with the fact they’re Jews it’s another thing.
And if you’re not critizing “evil capitalism” in general.

If she/someone has a history of critizing Jews as evil generally then You have a valid point even if it’s not presented the latter way.
Does SHR have that?

Originally Posted by Bryter Layter View Post

Unless they blatantly say something in the book or allude to this individual's religion, then there's no way really of knowing for sure if they were perpetuating an old antisemitic stereotype or that they were just referring to someone being more concerned about money from a corporate hack angle. I think it's important that we keep this in mind before making any accusations.
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Last edited by theplague; 04-03-2019 at 10:25.
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