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Old 17-11-2017, 21:24
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Tim Tim is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: fathers can have it.
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This must be a manics album announcement day, i never could get the hang of manics album announcement days.

It doesn't take long for the griping to start huh? Once you see posters barely in double figures remembering their passwords so they can tell us the album artwork is shit. I love it myself, the title is a bit on the nose but i'm a trek fan so i'll take it! The album trailer has some intriguing sounding stuff... ahhh still the only band to make me really excited for new stuff. No more albums indeed... *shakes fist* wirrrrrre!
Please, he prayed, now -
A gray disk, the colour of Chiba sky.
Now -
Disk beginning to rotate, faster, becoming a sphere of paler gray. Expanding -
And flowed, flowered for him, fluid neon origami trick, the unfolding of his distanceless home, his country, transparent 3D chessboard extending to infinity.
Inner eye opening to the stepped scarlet pyramid of the Eastern Seaboard Fission Authority burning beyond the green cubes of Mitsubishi Bank of America,
and high and very far away he saw the spiral arms of military systems, forever beyond his reach.
And somewhere he was laughing, in a white-painted loft, distant fingers caressing the deck, tears of release streaking his face.
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