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Old 31-08-2019, 05:28
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kevoutus kevoutus is offline
Freed from the century
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Originally Posted by Son of Stopped View Post
I did wish the band would make another out of step album, but you could argue they still did with RIF given most other acts are solo artist and a female solo artist and another solo artist and another female solo artist.
That said, how things have fallen since THB was seen as out of step!
There's probably metallic albums being released now but they just don't seem to be an extension of THB.

I at least feel compelled to introduce it to my Bangladesh friend (loving in Liverpool) and his family next time I see him. Sparked his interest at least.
He is involved with a Bangladeshi band that make mellow music but get videos banners for using using political imagery. So if doing that already, they must at least be familiar with THB!
Will let you know how it goes but probably be next week when I see then next
Happy 25th! And great thread!
Journal For Plague Lovers? That was completely out of step for them. ESP considering it was sandwiched between Send Away The Tigers and Postacards For A Young Man.
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