Obscure references in JFPL lyrics
Hello all
I've recently been listening to JFPL again and had forgotten how good it is. I ended up digging out my copy of it and re- reading the original copies of Richey's lyrics, which include lines that the manics didn't use on the album. I'm in awe of the amount of information Richey's mind must have been processing at the time to come up with lyrics like these. I apologise if this has already been done but I'm new to the forum. I was wondering if anybody had managed to decipher some of the more obscure references on the album. I'm thinking specifically of things like "Glaad occurs in the chestnut trees" and the references to Robert F Stroud on 'Peeled Apples' and the majority of 'Me and Stephen Hawking' (Spider Robot? Underground car park born at Stonehenge? Three strikes your out - execution - pizza? Did Giant Haystacks ever fight in front of 100,000 in Bombay?) Any thoughts/interpretations? |