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Old 05-02-2019, 16:18
Velocitygirl Velocitygirl is offline
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At first, I thought the book was going to be another regular cash-in. Then I made the connection between the author and that flamer who was here throwing abuse at everyone and came to view it as a hack job on the band. Now, however, I'm starting to view it as some desperate piece of vindictive "fan" fiction.

Seriously, I have read Manics fanfiction where Sean pays a sneaky visit to Richey in his place of hiding (a religious house) to tell him his father had died. Whatever you think of these works, at least they're not pretending to be real and they're not written by ex-fans to fleece other current fans.

And all this stuff about the Israeli Kibbutz, mysterious women dropping into the hotel room, a marriage proposal to a woman Richey admitted he only kissed once etc, etc. It seems like pure fiction. Especially that verbatim conversation he was supposed to have had with Vivian. And the band knowing all along where he is? Yeah, pure fanfiction.
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Old 05-02-2019, 17:13
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In fairness, it is already documented that Richey wanted to get married. In the close up doc, Teri Hall said that Richey stated he wanted to get married to which Teri replied "Well you've got to get a girlfriend first!". That's the problem with this book, there will be quite a lot of truth in there but I have severe doubts that the author will have detangled this from the wild speculation and mistruth they're putting into it.

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Old 05-02-2019, 17:38
Velocitygirl Velocitygirl is offline
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Originally Posted by Routine Builder View Post
In fairness, it is already documented that Richey wanted to get married. In the close up doc, Teri Hall said that Richey stated he wanted to get married to which Teri replied "Well you've got to get a girlfriend first!". That's the problem with this book, there will be quite a lot of truth in there but I have severe doubts that the author will have detangled this from the wild speculation and mistruth they're putting into it.

Sure, but that's a far cry from actually proposing. Perhaps he did and they have proof. I'm just saying it contradicts what's been already established - that almost nothing occurred between Richey and Jo (also by his own admission).
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Old 05-02-2019, 18:59
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What Velocitygirl said. They seem to be letting their imaginations go to town on things we already know, then acting like it’s brand new information instead of a runaway wtf that no longer makes sense.

Originally Posted by Dac X Lee View Post
But even if it were true that the band is hiding Richey from the public eye, honestly, I couldn't blame them. And, if it's for his own health and well being, I wouldn't mind for Richey to stay hidden from us, in case he returns to his sister, or the band mates. Whatever's best for him and everyone else personally. Their health is more important than our fanatism.
Absolutely, there must be things we don’t and have no reason to know, and they’d have every right. But SHR is saying the band are keeping information from Rachel, which is quite different, and also nuts.
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Old 05-02-2019, 19:09
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The idea that the band know where he is and have kept it from his family for over 20 years is beyond insulting. As parents themselves what justification would there be ?? Nonsense conspiracy theory... not to mention getting in trouble for wasting police time...let's report him missing -Because That's What Richey Wants - errr no.

Last edited by hummingbird; 05-02-2019 at 19:12.
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Old 05-02-2019, 21:06
rosetree rosetree is offline
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I think more than insulting, it's just getting a bit ridiculous. I really hope that kind of thing is not written in the book. From what I've read it seems that Richey's sister has wanted to raise more awareness of Richey and to show him as a person, in highlighting his art and qualities. There seems to be more conjecture though and the Vivians, perhaps it could be a symbol or something, metaphysically in the idea that no one really knows what has influenced Richey at the hotel. I looked at the meaning of the name Vivian in latin it means 'alive'. Also it seems the man who said he saw Richey in Goa was called Vivian. It all just seems a bit odd to say the least.

However I don't think it's a bad thing to have an opinion, theory that is opposing a stream of views, being subjective, as the worst is that someone is condemned because their intent has become misconstrued in the flow. If the book contains more speculation, than what's already known in other books, hopefully they're outlined as such and there's a sense of logic in the content.

Last edited by rosetree; 06-02-2019 at 17:41.
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Old 06-02-2019, 00:02
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I still want to read the book. Duck? A quack quack? Where?? Ow!

Well, I'd like to see some context though I don't think she has kept an objective perspective and has let herself become too close to the subject, too possessive even.....I think you lose your perspective when you get too close though it's easy to do. He wasn't perfect, he could clearly be egotistical, his lyrics harder to decipher as his mental state deteriorated from the evidence of Journal for Plague Lovers...the band have spoken of not being clear of the direction of the band had he not left and continued with them...none of that's negative criticism it just shows a need to not become too obsessed to find the meaning in every last thing he wrote....nor to be afraid to just leave some things open....just keep some distance, you're not his chronicler, don't worry.....what she was saying about his meaning behind I laughed when lennon got shot....I never took that literally but I'm not sure if she's saying he believed in the CIA conspiracy theory or was just alluding to it? It is odd, or maybe telling, if he believed in it....If unsure why not just add what he wrote about it and step back I think what I'm trying to say is she sounds too possessive - she feels close to him, understandably, and wants everyone else to see him as she sees him when maybe everyone who finishes writing a biography must think oh God what the hell do I know, can anyone know, what the hell am I doing? How many years of my life won't I get back???And that would be healthy..

I'm puzzled as to why the interview/publicity/review have all failed to ask why the band are not included. Fair to assume they haven't been interviewed? Maybe they were approached and said no thank you ...or just NO ....but their absence narrows the picture doesn't it? Even if you want a portrait of the artist outside of the band... they were friends since childhood for one, the band were such a big part of his life and work. SHR is right to talk about the huge role he played but it's clear nonsense to fail to recognise the incredible success they've had since. Thems the facts. Why be defensive when no one's denied the role Richey played? She's arguing the defence for a case never disputed. And precisely because his body of work was made public through his role in the band it's folly to cut them out

What she said about the difficulty of painting a fully realised picture of how he was in the weeks before his disappearance..... none of us are exactly the same with everyone we know are we? We show different sides to ourselves, people bring out different sides to ourselves but it can all be ourselves and people have their own interpretation of you....they can see you as they are rather than see you (really fucking irritating I find, that), they can be too close and fail to see what seems more apparent to others who see you less often. How can any of us hope to know anyone else when we're often a mystery to ourselves?

Seems fair to say those posting so far in response to the 3AM interview have assumed SHR interviewed Jo? That's not my reading of her answer. She expressed her biggest regret was not being able to....but that a few letters were made available. I do remember Nicky saying the box and contents were examined to the nth degree at the time with everything a potential 'clue' but nothing came of anything

I don't think, to play devil's advocate she is saying the band are withholding anything....skirting it? Maybe. I'd assumed Vivian was supposedly mentioned by James simply because he was the one there but no seems Nicky not that that makes any sense - if the allusive one approached him later and told him then unless he knew her (or him?) well it might have been one amongst several supposed sightings and conversations that Nicky heard about or was approached about and he may have spoke of to others generally. I'm sure he would have remembered and spoken to the family or police if he felt it actually relevant, heaven's sake why would he say everyone has now forgotten exactly who she was is just too ridiculous. I'd like to see more context as it could to be fair to all be a genuine mistake concerning some fan's bizarre story....there were quite a number at the time.....but the name's stuck for some reason. James has been singing 'Oh Vivian!' quite a bit of late I'm sure it would have shaken a memory out had such a person existed in relation to Richey
The dropping in of the Vivian theory though does of course help the theory that someone else and not Richey returned to his flat in what now seems to have been the early hours...a theory she seems keen on. Bad. Letting your ideas direct the theory. I thought the toll ticket actually gave more credence to it being Richey that returned to the flat and then went back to the hotel....not that I ever theorised it being anyone else but it didn't make sense for him to have done late in the afternoon really

Have I beaten sofarsideways yet on length?

I'm not trying to trivialise I just feel it's sad that not everyone was asked to take part
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And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.' (from Sea Fever - John Masefield)

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Last edited by raven; 06-02-2019 at 00:06.
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Old 06-02-2019, 01:52
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Originally Posted by raven View Post
I Seems fair to say those posting so far in response to the 3AM interview have assumed SHR interviewed Jo? That's not my reading of her answer. She expressed her biggest regret was not being able to....but that a few letters were made available. I do remember Nicky saying the box and contents were examined to the nth degree at the time with everything a potential 'clue' but nothing came of anything
Ohhh did she say that in one of the other interviews and I’m forgetting? In the 3AM one there’s so much ‘Jo said’/‘according to Jo’ that I guess that was the obvious read. But if she didn’t actually speak to them for this, that makes all that quote-dropping and attribution of authority rather suspect...

I mean, we would have assumed everything had been examined to death, but so far the one good thing to come out of all this is the realisation that the time on the bridge ticket was different. I would think the box warrants looking at again and again ad infinitum, as something so loaded with meaning, considering the intentions of the book, considering the things a fresh set of eyes can see - like with editing writing, after a certain point you can’t see the mistakes anymore because you’ve looked at it too much, but someone else can pick them up right away.

Also fun to note that it’s said this book has been in the works for two years, but that Twitter random who deleted her accusations said it’d have been out years ago if it weren’t for the band. Lol okay hun.

The more long posts the better! They want us to dissect everything and come to our own conclusions, right? So they said.
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Old 06-02-2019, 02:53
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This is a theory (not mine) about why Kanye West wore the Richey Raf Simon's shirt:

Kanye West seems extremely knowledgeable, as Richey Edwards is quite possible the Kanye is also a Mason in his own right...Masonry is all symbolic so it would not be impossible to consider that what Kanye was doing here was to give a nod to his fellow Freemason members, or other society as it may be, showing the continued importance of Richey Edwards. Possibly as a reminder or ‘celebration’ of the [20th] anniversary where he was successfully removed from helping awaken the world

That explains the facebook group header picture of Kanye.

Richey knew too much. He opened our eyes and he was removed.

And he didn't even get to buy some bitcoins to get that fake passport from the dark web or hire a hitman (and watch some Red Room live for lyric inspiration).

This Noake bloke's a bit quiet.
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Old 06-02-2019, 03:02
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Originally Posted by sofarsideways View Post
Absolutely, there must be things we don’t and have no reason to know, and they’d have every right. But SHR is saying the band are keeping information from Rachel, which is quite different, and also nuts.
Oh, yeah, that is insane indeed. Bashing the band about something they'd have no reasons to do to start with, while using Rachel's sadness to make profit from personal fixation... Disgusting.
Besides that, it's not like Richey was HER family or best friend.
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Old 06-02-2019, 08:52
newdawnfades newdawnfades is offline
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Can anyone confirm the actual release date of the book?

For me personally, I think I will wait and read the book fully and then see how I feel about it thereafter.

Having been a fan since the early 90's and also luckily enough had a fair few chats with Richey at gigs back then, I for one find it great that Richey and his work are still being discussed/written about. I know people have their own opinions and they are entitled to them and one thing the band taught me from an early age was to question as many things as possible and it is great to see fans new old still doing this as well.

From my own point of view, I am looking forward to reading the book (Ducks for cover lol), as it is another person's view of things, as to this day I still question a lot of things in relation to the disappearance so will be interesting to read another angle.

Hope I am making sense here as I didn't get much sleep last night as someone's house alarm was going off half of the night haha. I have read the thread with great interest and although I do not post much have enjoyed reading all your thoughts on the subject.

Last edited by newdawnfades; 06-02-2019 at 12:07.
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Old 06-02-2019, 09:14
Velocitygirl Velocitygirl is offline
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Originally Posted by newdawnfades View Post
Can anyone confirm the actual release date of the book?
14th February, as of right now.
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Old 06-02-2019, 09:20
newdawnfades newdawnfades is offline
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Originally Posted by Velocitygirl View Post
14th February, as of right now.

Many thanks. I was editing my post when you posted this. Just getting to grips with the forum again haha.
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Old 06-02-2019, 11:43
newdawnfades newdawnfades is offline
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Whilst we are on the subject...

I stumbled across these two pictures online. They must have been posted before but just wondered what you thought of these as I was taken aback when I saw them and wanted to see what everyone else thought?

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Old 06-02-2019, 11:45
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