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Old 06-02-2019, 14:39
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I can’t believe someone ostensibly speaking for Richey’s family would have the cold gall to be looking to take his friends’ memory of him and shit all over it in the name of ‘the real story’. They’ve been ‘telling their version for 25 years’ because it’s real. The band hype and mythology is not their love for and friendship with Richey. To conflate the two is just even more insulting. The band have always been so respectful of everyone else in Richey’s life in their grief, but are not being afforded the same respect in return. Like theirs doesn’t matter. Grief isn’t top trumps. Jfc.

I’m so angry. Is this what it feels like when a bully at school spreads vile rumours about your kid? That’s the closest analogy I can imagine. I WANT TO SPEAK TO THE FREAKING HEAD TEACHER BUT THERE ISN’T ONE
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Old 06-02-2019, 14:46
Velocitygirl Velocitygirl is offline
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Has anyone broken the news to her that Richey was not even a part of the original lineup?
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Old 06-02-2019, 15:40
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Originally Posted by Velocitygirl View Post
Has anyone broken the news to her that Richey was not even a part of the original lineup?
Ha ha so true.

I've always had the impression that If there was a leader it's always been Nicky.
And he and the others have certainly done a good job of keeping a band going for so long that they aren't as passionate about!

SHR speaks of the cult of Richey but she's the absolute worst of one of those types.
It's an obsession to her.

I hope there's something in this book that has snuck through the editing process and allows the band to sue this woman and ensure she gets the negative press she deserves.
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Old 06-02-2019, 15:51
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Originally Posted by beautifuldistortion View Post
I've always had the impression that If there was a leader it's always been Nicky.
And he and the others have certainly done a good job of keeping a band going for so long that they aren't as passionate about!
Indeed. There's been several occasions of Wire referring to JDB as his / their "leader" and JDB calling Wire his "boss". It's beyond lovely! And as for Sean... well... clearly he's the hitman!
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Old 06-02-2019, 15:58
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Aparantly this book is also going to reveal that Richey played all the drum parts on Generation Terrorists, but Sean replaced them with samples while he was put the room because he was so threatened by Richeys superier drumming skills.
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Old 06-02-2019, 16:08
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I wonder if SHR has interviewed Linda Watkins Isnardi for some juicy information for this book as she probably knows Richey better than the rest of the band.
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Old 06-02-2019, 16:26
Velocitygirl Velocitygirl is offline
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Originally Posted by newartriot View Post
I wonder if SHR has interviewed Linda Watkins Isnardi for some juicy information for this book as she probably knows Richey better than the rest of the band.
Your woman who dated Nicky for all of five minutes?! Now there's a blast from the past. We never believed her book could be topped but how wrong we were.
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Old 06-02-2019, 16:28
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Haha I know! Actually I just realised I got her name wrong, it was Jenny not Linda. She was clearly so memorable!
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Old 06-02-2019, 16:47
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This might be a little bit risky to say but where does all of this talking about Richey disappearing and hiding reconcile with his parents choice to have him declared legally deceased.
Look I know it's a tricky subject to bring up but it needs touching on in my opinion.

I can understand why the parents would and I agree with their decision.
It just then seems strange that Rachel is allowing all of these very wild conspiracy theories to flourish.
Obviously she can't be expected to give up hope of finding him. That's understandable.
But to cling to this utter bullshit makes me concerned and very certain that see has been taken advantage of.
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Old 06-02-2019, 16:49
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Just read that GIITT article...fucking hell, why are people giving this woman a platform?

And not to get personal, but I can’t believe FD and Manic Street Mania are still sharing this shit on Facebook and Twitter.
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Old 06-02-2019, 16:56
Velocitygirl Velocitygirl is offline
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Originally Posted by beautifuldistortion View Post
This might be a little bit risky to say but where does all of this talking about Richey disappearing and hiding reconcile with his parents choice to have him declared legally deceased.
I think that was a purely practical decision that had no bearing on what they think actually happened to him. He had that apartment that needed to be sorted out and an estate that needed to be taken control of. Because, although they had him declared dead, they managed it in such a way that his case remained open.
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Old 06-02-2019, 17:02
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That makes complete sense velocitygirl. Thank you
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Old 06-02-2019, 17:18
Bryter Layter Bryter Layter is offline
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Originally Posted by sofarsideways View Post
Nicky absolutely must have come up with the nickname Teddy Edwards when in his 20s. And hallucinated a whole load of games of football. And been using ‘going to Richey’s house’ as a constant cover for covert ballet lessons (OMG MINING TOWN BILLY ELLIOTT HASHTAG CONSPIRACY). And chosen to transfer to Swansea from Portsmouth uni by sticking a pin in a map at random. And and and and etc forever
LOL! Sadly, I believe there is some truth to them not being friends as children. I think Richey and Nicky knew each other, but I don't think they were best friends at the time. From what I've read over the years and the version of events Nicky has pretty much told since Richey left, it sounds like Nicky only really started to get close with Richey in uni and that his friendship with James and Sean came through Nicky.

Personally, I'm not bothered that she mentions that they weren't childhood friends, what pisses me off is the tone and context in which she says it! It's typical of the jabs she's taken at the band over the years except now because she has a product to sell, her derision is more subtle. Oh and that bit about Sleepflower is beyond contemptible and quite frankly, lazy! That Guy fellow who did the interview with her released earlier this week, was on social media doing damage control telling people that never in his life has he seen anyone put so much research into a book as she has. Really Guy? Maybe if you bothered to do your own research rather than fawning over this woman, you'd see how flawed that argument is...on many levels! For whatever reason, her assertions are not being challenged by those interviewing her (the Times book review being the exception. They too were baffled by the hate the band obviously gets in the book), but I'd like to point out that with the larger publications and their bigger readership, she hasn't been as biting in her criticism of the band which suggests that she does care that this book sells despite her claim that as long as she does right by Rachel, she's ok with everything else. Yeah sure! lol! Although, I am a bit miffed as to how alienating the very people that will likely be the only audience for this book, is “doing right by Rachel”? It would seem to me that publicly slating the band would do more harm than good in promoting this book. While I have great sympathy for Rachel and what she and her family have been through, is this a book to promote her brother’s legacy or is this merely a vanity project for both of them?

Man, this is THE worst interview yet! I just don't understand what the band has done to warrant this attack on them as a band and especially as people! They hardly pulled a Pink Floyd move on Richey which is the vibe I'm getting from both SHR and his sister. The Manics have done more to promote Richey's work and keep his memory alive than anyone else has. His father obviously understood this, but that doesn't seem enough. Whether they like it or not, Richey's legacy is inextricably tied to the Manics and always will be. There may be a few people here and there that have no interest in the band beyond him like SHR, but the vast majority of his current fans and future fans will be drawn to him as part of the band because he never really did anything outside the band. That's not a slight against him, it's just how it was/is. I think SHR sees him as a Syd Barrett type where his legacy can transcend the band he was in, but there's a vast difference between who Syd Barrett was and who Richey Edwards was. A less obsessive fan of both artists would be able to see that clearly.

Oh and one final thing, in regards to the Opulence/Bugs Bunny binder and whether or not he intended the written content to be songs, I'm looking at the JFPL reproduction booklet right now and the very first page, in Richey's unique handwriting reads, "these songs are in no particular order of preference although some lyrics are obviously better than others...All is Vanity, etc". Also, with some lyrics like Jackie Collins Existential (Question Time), he's put "CHORUS" or "BRIDGE" on the document. Why include those musical terms if he didn't intend for these words to be made into songs? Apparently though, this book was HEAVILY researched. Lol!

Btw, on a personal note, reading the various posts that have been made by many of you over the past few weeks has made me nostalgic for challenging conversations surrounding the Manics. Some dude was on one of the FB Richey pages the other day carrying on that someone who knew someone who once knew the band said that Richey was a heavy narcotics user possibly including heroin and that he used to frequent prostitutes in the Cardiff red light district after he hired that prostitute in Thailand. Despite this guy offering no tangible evidence, people went with it. I found it distasteful, regardless if this info was true or not, that nobody questioned this fellow and just went with such salacious gossip. I thought to myself, is this what Manics fans have become? Then I come on here and read your posts and I realize that all is still right with the Manics fandom.
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Old 06-02-2019, 17:35
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I think it’s fair to say they might not have been best friends since they met, but definitely mates and close enough to have nicknames, go to each other’s houses etc. Nicky and Richey definitely seemed to be close at college then moreso at uni and obviously after. So you can understand summing that up as ‘we grew up together, we’re best friends’. I get the impression SHR is splitting hairs/twisting words here to fit her narrative and dismiss the bands’, as she has done repeatedly elsewhere. Like you say, it’s the tone of it - malicious and ‘I know better than you’.

Good call on the JFPL stuff, you’re absolutely right. What is ‘basic research and comprehension’? I think someone said earlier, she doesn’t seem to have considered the fact that we all know this shit inside out, and if she’s coming at us she needs to be able to match that...

Has this someone who knew some who knew someone been interviewed for the book? They sound like they’d be the perfect kind of real insight it’s dealing in.
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Old 06-02-2019, 17:43
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Originally Posted by sofarsideways View Post
I can’t believe someone ostensibly speaking for Richey’s family would have the cold gall to be looking to take his friends’ memory of him and shit all over it in the name of ‘the real story’. They’ve been ‘telling their version for 25 years’ because it’s real. The band hype and mythology is not their love for and friendship with Richey. To conflate the two is just even more insulting. The band have always been so respectful of everyone else in Richey’s life in their grief, but are not being afforded the same respect in return. Like theirs doesn’t matter. Grief isn’t top trumps. Jfc.

I’m so angry. Is this what it feels like when a bully at school spreads vile rumours about your kid? That’s the closest analogy I can imagine. I WANT TO SPEAK TO THE FREAKING HEAD TEACHER BUT THERE ISN’T ONE
The more I read about this the more furious I am!! I wont read the book and I've only read some of whats been reported in the press. I know I'm protective of the boys and that includes Richey too but this is a total crock of s**t!! Frankly if the management, or the band, decide to make this official I wouldn't blame them. The not always subtle digs, criticism and ridiculous things that are being written, particularly about the band withholding or lying about information found by the private investigator they hired is ridiculous.

How the hell this has ever got to publication I don't know.
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