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Old 29-01-2019, 17:10
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Hmmm another book on Richey that won't really offer much new info. I'll pass, unless it drops in price to like a fiver or less. I'd still love Nicky to write his book on the band, now that would be a unique and interesting read for fans.
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Old 29-01-2019, 17:29
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Originally Posted by Velocitygirl View Post
No. Rachel's only provided a bit of a foreword for the book (as I understand it). She's not listed as one of its authors. So she really has zero say in the editing, images or blurb for the finished product.
Ok thanks.
It’s sounded as if she provided with new info and angles to the authors. And might have a say to things.
But then I know.
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Old 29-01-2019, 18:24
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Originally Posted by keeley View Post
Sara & kezia have been particularly horrifying in comments both on that FB page & here...
Originally Posted by keeley View Post
It seems like a grief spiral after finding someone infatuated enough with every detail of her brother's life to keep hope alive & hate all the same people.
Yep! Truth be told, this is the reason why i was on the fence for a long time about this book. I feel like I'm rewarding people for bad behavior.

Didn't she also post here years ago as Snoopy or something similar?

Originally Posted by handbag View Post
Might as well get Sinead O'Connor to write one all about her correspondence with Richey and her wacky theory.
Now that's a book I would read! Lol!

Originally Posted by keeley View Post
They wrote identical to me too, but with stuff like that blog post & now articles about this book linking both of them, it seems to actually be Rachel. If it isn't, then someone is walking right into a lawsuit.

Sara always worked as the mouth piece even on that page. I don't understand why Rachel would create a page, never bother to clarify much at all in any obvious manner that it's her, then have some random people also write a book instead of just outright doing it herself. It's always been incredibly strange & uncomfortable.
I used to think it was SHR who was running that page too, but sadly, I think it's his sister. I'm not sure why either one of them feels it's necessary to be combative towards his fans.

The press for this book confirmed that they are friends and have been since about 2010.

Originally Posted by Routine Builder View Post
SHR's post history on this board is three quarters insulting the band, and the other quarter insulting members of the forum. Stay classy!
Lol! Pretty much!

Originally Posted by Routine Builder View Post
I'd ask you to look at SHR's post history here. There's upsetting people and then there's dropping into the JBD appreciation thread to call everyone a bunch of idiots. SHR just comes off as a deeply unpleasant person with the online persona of a perpetual teenager with a chip on their shoulder.
She wasn't just combative towards the other members fans, she would be a complete arse towards Richey's fans too. I mean, who exactly do they think is going to read this book? There may be a few readers who have an interest in disappearances, but ultimately, the vast majority of those who purchase it, will be fans. It doesn't say much about the integrity of the authors if one of them has a chip on her shoulder when it comes to his fans.

Originally Posted by beautifuldistortion View Post
Remember this is just my opinion before anyone leaps to her defence but she seems to be an obsessed Richey fanatic who has wormed her way into his sisters life and stirred up loads of shit.
I doubt you'll find many who would leap to her defense. Ha!

A lot of us have been saying as much for the past few years. Keeley said it best...It seems like a grief spiral after finding someone infatuated enough with every detail of her brother's life to keep hope alive & hate all the same people.. Sadly, I think this is exactly what it has come to.

Originally Posted by Velocitygirl View Post
I tried to humour SHR when she stated Richey had been murdered
She actually made this claim here? LOL! Damn!
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Old 29-01-2019, 19:14
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I had no clue about any of this. To read or not to read? Conflicted.
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Old 29-01-2019, 19:17
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Originally Posted by hummingbird View Post

I had no clue about any of this. To read or not to read? Conflicted.
Personally, I'm just hoping someone here will take a bullet for the team and read it and post the best bits in a thread somewhere. I am definitely not buying it myself.
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Old 29-01-2019, 19:18
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Originally Posted by River Boy View Post
That said, after all this time coming up with a fresh interpretation of the disappearance and investigation should have required a lot of digging. I hope it's based on genuine research rather than assumption and speculation.
I wouldn't call posting here asking "Does anyone know of any way I could contact David Cross?" genuine research. She didn't even poke around on facebook first (piss easy to find).

She even asking the creator of that richeysite site if she has evidence Richey ever read the Lennon book by Goldman. If he had, I think, that'd PROVE ... something or other!
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Old 29-01-2019, 20:07
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Originally Posted by Velocitygirl View Post
Personally, I'm just hoping someone here will take a bullet for the team and read it and post the best bits in a thread somewhere. I am definitely not buying it myself.
The spoilers might make me want to read it more
Ended up buying the Richard novel/bio thing and a version of reason cos curiosity got the better of me. The novel wasn't bad if you pretend it's not about richey. Gave up on A version of reason cos it was reading like a GCSE project and I recognised magazine articles he used as sources.

Oh Nicky please please please write a biography and restore order to the cosmos.
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Old 29-01-2019, 20:31
Bryter Layter Bryter Layter is offline
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Originally Posted by handbag View Post
I wouldn't call posting here asking "Does anyone know of any way I could contact David Cross?" genuine research. She didn't even poke around on facebook first (piss easy to find).

She even asking the creator of that richeysite site if she has evidence Richey ever read the Lennon book by Goldman. If he had, I think, that'd PROVE ... something or other!
Lol! You're hilarious!

Wow, this book sounds more and more enthralling every day!

What Richey site?
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Old 29-01-2019, 20:46
Velocitygirl Velocitygirl is offline
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Originally Posted by hummingbird View Post
The spoilers might make me want to read it more
Ended up buying the Richard novel/bio thing and a version of reason cos curiosity got the better of me. The novel wasn't bad if you pretend it's not about richey. Gave up on A version of reason cos it was reading like a GCSE project and I recognised magazine articles he used as sources.

Oh Nicky please please please write a biography and restore order to the cosmos.
I swore up and down that I wouldn't read that Ben Myers novel, but the Kindle edition was going for pennies on Amazon a few months ago. I couldn't resist. It really bothered me that "Richey" nicked off with that old guy's stick at the end. But yeah, pretend it's not about Richey and it could be quite an entertaining read.

I haven't bothered with A Version of Reason. Right from the off, it looked like it would be a GCSE project and I think the guy's a professional biographer. That made it feel that the book was just another job for him. Although others have said he did try to retrace Richey's footsteps.
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Old 29-01-2019, 22:06
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Originally Posted by wireobsessed View Post
I totally understand if people hate what I'm about to write but this has really got to me. I won't read this book. Over the past two days I've become increasingly pissed off with what's been publicised and written. I know I've not read the book but from what has been written via Wales Online and The Sunday Times there doesn't seem to be much new evidence of anything. I get that Rachel is still grieving and frustrated and angry. God knows we all would be but it's her decision again to produce a book that just reinforces the "stereotypical" tortured rock star image of Richey. If she want to reclaim her brother this is not the way to do it. Too many people will simply focus on the sensational stuff-the anorexia, the drinking, the cutting and self harm, the psychological and mental health issues and then the way the book appears to push the idea that he was obsessive about disappearing. The front cover even seems to have been chosen to show the eternal "rock-star" image. If she'd wanted to reclaim him as her brother she should have used a different image.
That said, what has got to me most has been the issue she seems to have with James, Sean and Nicky. The Times article states she is angry with the band and it's hardly hidden. What the hell has she got to be angry with them for? They have acted with dignity and love from the moment Richey left. They still don't know the truth and have suffered just as much. Perhaps she should have considered that. They've clearly not been involved in this and you can't imagine them issuing any kind of reply or statement. It will inevitably hurt them for all sorts of reasons. It's been an incredibly tough 18 months for the boys and Nicky particularly, I wonder if Rachel ever considered that when she was involved in this and particularly with the press articles surrounding the book release? Mourning for a loved one brings back all those feelings of loss you've experienced before, I feel for Nicky so much. It must feel like a smack in the face.
I hate exploitative journalism and this feels so much like that. The release date coincides with Richey's disappearance, the press focussing on the mythology, which Rachel claims to want to avoid, the cover photo, publicly expressing anger at the band and raising the issue that Richey didn't like them or get on with them before his disappearance.... I could go on.
Wherever and however he is, I hope he's found peace. If he is out there living a quiet, happy life this won't help him either. Let things be, rakeing over details, myths and whatever's won't help anyone; least of all Rachel. Some things need to be left well alone; this is one of them.
Agree with all of this.

Although I can understand why Rachel may not have a particularly good relationship with the band (and to be honest, I've had a suspicion for a long while that things weren't entirely amicable...from a few things read in interviews and just a hunch given the circumstances really), even though it's clearly not helpful or fair to be throwing blame around over something that happened so long ago and has quite obviously left everyone involved very traumatised and grief-stricken. Putting myself in her shoes, if it was my brother, I can imagine feeling resentment, whether rational or not. Richey had a whole other life with the Manics that his family weren't really a part of. They, Nicky in particular, probably knew him in ways his family didn't. Who knows what would have become of Richey if he'd never joined the Manics? I can see from a relative's point of view how that could all lead to negative feelings, even if the band themselves have done everything they can to be respectful of Richey and honour his memory since. I don't think the Manics have exploited him though...can you imagine the outrage if they just ignored him and never spoke of him? It's a fine line to tread and I think they've always done their best in very difficult circumstances.

Some of what I've read around this has made me quite protective of the band actually. I'm not taking 'sides' as such seen as I'm in no position to, but it does feel like a low blow to bring the band into it and I can't help but think that Rachel's vulnerability (particularly after losing her parents as well) and desperation for answers have been taken advantage of by other people involved with the book.
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Old 29-01-2019, 23:31
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Originally Posted by Bryter Layter View Post
Lol! You're hilarious!

Wow, this book sounds more and more enthralling every day!

What Richey site?
Yeah, my site. I had forgotten about SHR until this thread.

BTW, she sent me this email back in November 2016:

Dear Vivian, I hope it's alright I contact you here. I'm a friend of Rachel Edwards (Richey sister) and we are currently re-investigating Richey's last months and his subsequent disappearance.

We have a book coming out next year with Penguin/Virgin publishers which can be found here via Amazon: Withdrawn-Traces-Searching- Foreword-Edwards/dp/ 0753545349 This will include Richey's personal archive (photos, letters, poetry, diary entries) and recollections from Rachel and those closest to him.

We are also, however conducting a private investigation separate from the book, and have spoken to many who have helped us so far in trying to piece Richey's last year with the band before his disappearance.

I was wondering if perhaps we could have a chat at some point pertaining to information mentioned on your website? Of course as I stated above, this conversation would be totally separate from the book and the information would only be shared with Rachel and myself. I could also give you some confirmation of Rachel's involvement as I understand you may have had unsolicited requests in the past.

We understand we are going back quite a few years in terms of content on the website, but Rachel and myself are trying to pursue any information that may help her shed some light on a time in Richard's life that may have contributed to what happened on the 1st of February, 1995.

Many thanks again, and look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards.
I wrote back saying okay, and never heard from her again.
I've had a bunch of times over the years, when people from magazines, newspapers,etc. ask to speak to me about my site, I say yes, and I never hear from them again. I want to be helpful, if I can, and I've just gotten so tired of it! So, when the author of Saturday's article, David Owens, wrote to me in December asking to talk, I never replied. (I also didn't reply because I've been battling a serious disease since last Spring and I was living in a nursing home when he wrote. I think fighting for my life is more important than Richey or talking to media about him.)

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Old 29-01-2019, 23:35
Velocitygirl Velocitygirl is offline
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Originally Posted by richeysite View Post
Yeah, my site. I had forgotten about SHR until this thread.

BTW, she sent me this email back in November 2016:

I wrote back saying okay, and never heard from her again.
I've had a bunch of times over the years, when people from magazines, newspapers,etc. ask to speak to me about my site, I say yes, and I never hear from them again. I want to be helpful, if I can, and I've just gotten so tired of it! So, when the author of Saturday's article, David Owens, wrote to me in December asking to talk, I never replied. (I also didn't reply because I've been battling a serious disease since last Spring and I was living in a nursing home when he wrote. I think fighting for my life is more important than Richey or talking to media about him.)

So YOU'RE Vivian!

Seriously though, screw that shit. Hope you're on the mend now.
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Old 29-01-2019, 23:55
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Originally Posted by Velocitygirl View Post
So YOU'RE Vivian!

Seriously though, screw that shit. Hope you're on the mend now.
I think it's interesting that not only did the band write a song about me last year, but now, I find I was with Richey at the Embassy Hotel!
As for my health... I'm back in my own home now, I'm in remission for the serious disease, and I've just started treatment for another, less life-threatening one.

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Old 30-01-2019, 01:41
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I love the polite email you received. Years ago, through that Richard Facebook page, Sara and others I didn't know at all just absolutely had it out for me in comments a few times, & I still have no idea what I ever did to her (except making the link between her & the abusive usernames that kept cropping up here--suppose that can put a damper on a mood )

The best part is that she'd never have written that article that supposedly brought them together if it weren't for something she discovered through an old blog of mine. I was (unintentionally, on my end) useful for the social climb to Rachel, then mocked over my apparent unworthiness to know her as well, as if I cared. Esp if she's really the one behind that page, yikes.
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Old 30-01-2019, 02:20
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I actually did pre-order the book last month,and I got an email from Amazon today saying the publishing date has been changed to February 14th.

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