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YouLoveMe 07-01-2009 19:58


Originally Posted by jack_duckworth (Post 1582761)
he nodded 'hiya'


Did he have it written on top of his head or something?!

kinnock factor 07-01-2009 20:22


Originally Posted by jack_duckworth (Post 1582761)
saw bradders in my shop again this afternoon.
he was wearing a big knee length black coat and a grey scarf.
i squalked in excitement at him and he nodded 'hiya'


do you work in gamlins?

only I was there earlier today and wondered whether the MSP buy guitars from there...that would be a scary coincidence!

deadmartyr 07-01-2009 20:22

On the day of the Colston Hall gig in June 2007, my mum phoned me to say that she was pretty sure she'd seen them in Bristol (College Green perhaps?) and being a localish venue I could have been hanging around trying to find them myself.

I walked past Grant Nicholas in Bristol, down Park Street, last Monday - nobody else seemed to notice him, but I was with a friend who moved to America 4 years ago who I'd not seen since then and who didn't have a clue who he was so a conversation didn't seem right. I thought it was best to leave him alone despite him seeming like one of the nicest guys in music, though I probably would have asked how the new album's going (my favourite band member ice breaker) and to thank him for the two gigs in Bristol this year.

jack_duckworth 07-01-2009 21:45


Originally Posted by kinnock factor (Post 1582922)
do you work in gamlins?


i usually bother nicky more than james as he always seems to be just wandering at his own pace.
he always seems so relaxed and just potters about in a bit of a daze.
james on the other hand storms in,grabs items in a frenzy and gets out.
very polite and always pretends to be interested when i babble at him.
the only section james seems to spend any time browsing is 'world cinema'
only seen sean twice and he wouldn't really make eye contact.

cant say i've ever stalked em outside of where i work tho so im really not 'that' crazy!!

a mate of mine used to work in gamlins about 5 years ago tho and he told me james and nicky go in quite a bit.
cranes too,by accounts they shut off part of the shop one day when nicky decided to try out some gear.

dunno how much truth is in that tho as i cant imagine nicky talking to guitar shop type people.

i hope i dont sound too smug with this kinda post but it is amazing to see members of your favourite band around town,off duty if you like,on a regular basis.
im not from cardiff but moved here about 7 years ago and the first time saw one of them in the street i nearly fell over.then having to scan items that they had selected themselves and actually TAKE THEIR CASH AND GIVE THEM CHANGE,whilst shaking,is something i cant explain.
the whole thing seems extra special to me as i was an obsessive fan for years before i moved here and had never met them so to look up from a till and have nicky say 'hello' TO ME was something i never expected to happen.
everytime i see one of them the amount of excitement and nerves reminds me of how much i love the band/music and why i visit this forum

Littlesue 07-01-2009 21:49

Good for you!! personally I would need a mop and bucket in the near vicinity if ever I had to serve James!!!

The Gutless Wonder 07-01-2009 22:43

Will have to ask my work colleague who met them whilst working in Boots, Cardiff whether James was dashing around grabbing stuff of the shelves, politely stopped to sign a picture, then dashed back off again!

deadmartyr 07-01-2009 23:06

I don't know why I completely forgot, but I saw Sean in Virgin Megastore at The Cribbs Mall in Bristol whilst I was wearing my GT rose t-shirt which he spotted and probably thought "oh no!" I think he was looking at DVDs, bought some stuff, but I thought best to leave him to it or a crowd might develop. Might have been in the summer of 2004.

Then I saw him later walking off towards John Lewis or the exit.

I was working at a game developer called Pivotal Games in Bath until we got closed down in August last year, and apparently one of the guys who regularly emailed out for a lift down the ringroad after work had a kid who played with Sean's in a park in Bristol, but I don't know if that's entirely true, though I doubt you'd make something like that up. I wish I'd offered him a lift now.

Matt_o_Mac 08-01-2009 01:02

Think I saw Sean Moore at Bristol TM once.

LoveMeToDeath 08-01-2009 14:37


Originally Posted by Littlesue (Post 1583007)
Good for you!! personally I would need a mop and bucket in the near vicinity if ever I had to serve James!!!

yep me too, i'd be a complete wreck and probably say or do something stupid

Miss Oceania 08-01-2009 16:56


Originally Posted by mafiamonroe (Post 1567512)
Tracey/Miss Oceania occasionally sees James in Chiswick where she (And James and Mylene) lives.


Originally Posted by The Gutless Wonder (Post 1567519)
Lucky Miss Oceania!

I've only ever seen him three times since I moved to Chiswick, once he was with Mylene. I'd never approach him if I saw him, mainly because I'd be too embarrassed but also because I'm not such a big fan anymore.

Lindseyn 08-01-2009 18:29

:up: Does anyone know if he's still doing the living half the time in London/half the time in Wales thing? I'm not gonna stalk him lol, I'm just curious as I remember him saying about that when he was doing his solo album

theraven1979 08-01-2009 19:49

Saw Sean at These Animal Men/Fabians gig in Leeds around 1994.

MSPKYE 08-01-2009 22:40

Last year I saw Nicky shopping around Cardiff's Capitol Shooping Centre, much to my mother's excitement

Deets 08-01-2009 22:58


Originally Posted by MSPKYE (Post 1583902)
Last year I saw Nicky shopping around Cardiff's Capitol Shooping Centre, much to my mother's excitement

I don't even wanna imagine how I'd behave if I noticed Nicky somewhere... :o

Amanda 08-01-2009 23:31


Originally Posted by Sugar (Post 1228480)
My manager supposedly met Nicky in Vivienne Westwood in Leeds, and her husband had a proper conversation with him. I don't think I believe her.

Sorry this is a really really (like years) late reply but if it was in April 2005 she met him its quite likely as he had a green(ish) Vivienne Westwood jacket for the last few dates of that tour which made its first appearance in Leeds suggesting he'd bought it along the way.

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