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slatex 30-08-2010 23:41

Great review, thanks for posting!

nocultureicons 30-08-2010 23:45

I just noticed... the chorus of A Billion Balconies Facing the Sun has almost the same melody as The Ghost of Christmas.

Mr Richey 30-08-2010 23:47


Originally Posted by nocultureicons (Post 2068805)
Yeah, the only albums I listen to as they were 'intended' are The Holy Bible, Everything Must Go, Lifeblood and Journal for Plague Lovers.

The same here except for Lifeblood - there are a few b-sides I prefer. I listen to my top 5 Manics albums as they were intended though most of the time.

nomanifesto2009 30-08-2010 23:57

1. Everything Must Go
2. The Holy Bible
3. Postcards From A Young Man
4. Journal for Plague Lovers
5. Gold Against The Soul
6. This Is My Truth, Tell My Yours
7. Send Away The Tigers
8. Generation Terrorists
9. Lifeblood
10. Know Your Enemy

and YES i was a tad rude earlier... been wanting to hear the album so badly that i couldn't bear the thought of others having the chance to listen and not me! especially considering the money i've invested in pre-ordering this album!

an amazing album..... the strings sound incredible as do the vocals and the songs? wow... i can't see what people are complaining about, we all knew it wasn't gonna be JFPL part 2...

nocultureicons 31-08-2010 00:05


Originally Posted by nomanifesto2009 (Post 2068827)
1. Everything Must Go
2. The Holy Bible
3. Postcards From A Young Man
4. Journal for Plague Lovers
5. Gold Against The Soul
6. This Is My Truth, Tell My Yours
7. Send Away The Tigers
8. Generation Terrorists
9. Lifeblood
10. Know Your Enemy

and YES i was a tad rude earlier... been wanting to hear the album so badly that i couldn't bear the thought of others having the chance to listen and not me! especially considering the money i've invested in pre-ordering this album!

an amazing album..... the strings sound incredible as do the vocals and the songs? wow... i can't see what people are complaining about, we all knew it wasn't gonna be JFPL part 2...

I wish I liked it as much as you.

Joe-eh 31-08-2010 00:10

On first listen it sounds like all the good songs of SATT.
I can hear a lot of Imperial Bodybags and The second Great Depression. It's shiny and pop, but respectful. So far my favourite tracks are All We Make Is Entertainment, Auto Intoxication and A Billion Balconies Facing The Sun. But this is all after one listen. I can't place it yet on my list of favourite albums. One more listen and I'll try!

EDIT: Oh, and as everyone seems to be doing it. I haven't downloaded any music illegally in years. I only did with this because I'm impatient and have already ordered it in many formats :P I know it's still wrong, but I'm not being a dick!

Elizabeth M 31-08-2010 00:20


Originally Posted by slatex (Post 2068673)
I spend a lot of money on music & hardly ever listen to leaks by the way! Also, never really bother with downloading films as I prefer to see the genuine finished product & like to support the artists/industry.

You're a good man. Thank you :heart::X

La Bohéme 31-08-2010 00:23

This easily sits at no. 5 out of 10 on the album list for me I think:

1. Holy Bible
2. Everything Must Go
3. Journal for Plague Lovers
4. Generation Terrorists
5. Postcards From a Young Man
6. Gold Against the Soul
7. Know Your Enemy
8. Send Away the Tigers
9. Lifeblood
10. This Is My Truth...

Mr Richey 31-08-2010 00:24

I've mentioned my views on downloading before but, as we're on the topic, I'll mention them again.

When it comes to music, I will download albums. If I like them, I go out and buy the albums and delete the downloaded version. If I don't like them, I simply delete the album from my computer. I will always buy music because I am of the opinion that the artwork and the actual physical album itself is half the point. And there will always be people like me, so that's why downloading won't destroy the music industry. And in the end, the music industry needs to see downloading for what it really is where people like me are concerned - free publicity. When Radiohead released In Rainbows, I downloaded it for free and I liked it so I purchased the CD and the vinyl. See? Free publicity resulted in 2 sales.

Joe-eh 31-08-2010 00:25

Posted this (probably wrongly) in the main PFAYM thread so here it is again! :

On first listen it sounds like all the good songs of SATT.
I can hear a lot of Imperial Bodybags and The second Great Depression. It's shiny and pop, but respectful. So far my favourite tracks are All We Make Is Entertainment, Auto Intoxication and A Billion Balconies Facing The Sun. But this is all after one listen. I can't place it yet on my list of favourite albums. One more listen and I'll try!

EDIT: Oh, and as everyone seems to be doing it. I haven't downloaded any music illegally in years. I only did with this because I'm impatient and have already ordered it in many formats I know it's still wrong, but I'm not being a dick!

La Bohéme 31-08-2010 00:27

At the end of the day, you cant download physically being at a live gig. Artists will make money so long as people want to see them. More publicity via downloads can potentially mean more ticket sales.

...and of course I will still buy the album. I'm just very curious and a little impatient - it has felt like an age since the announcement, the single and the release date three weeks away.

Mr Richey 31-08-2010 00:28

All of my albums are available as free downloads! You don't hear me whinging :P

FacelessSenseOfVoid 31-08-2010 00:29

After a day of listening I think the following tracks are my favourites:

Hazelton Avenue
Billion Balconies
Auto Intoxication

Worst songs:

The Descent
I Think I Found (Sh)It

FacelessSenseOfVoid 31-08-2010 00:34


Originally Posted by Richey83 (Post 2068861)
All of my albums are available as free downloads! You don't hear me whinging :P

Likewise :P

Joe-eh 31-08-2010 00:45

Ok here's Joe's go:
The Holy Bible
Generation Terrorists
This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours
Gold Against The Soul
Everything Must Go
Journal For Plague Lovers
Postcards From A Young Man
Know Your Enemy
Send Away The Tigers

May not be very high, but bear in mind I think everything from Lifeblood upwards is utter genius. Can't decide on this one yet.

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