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TheUglyLie 14-02-2025 00:18


Originally Posted by Aestivate (Post 2700731)
Let The Light Return - feels strange when Nicky tries to write and sing happy.

Johatsu -reminds me of All Alone Here sprinkled with something (can't quite place what)

Ooooo my! Johatsu is 100% All Alone Here from the go. And with the mention of ghosts, it’s really cool that they’ve made this sound as Lifeblood-y as possible.

I can see why these 2 tracks didn’t make the final cut though (that’s not to say they’re bad).

Cyle 14-02-2025 00:50

A couple of playthroughs now and Brushstrokes may be my favorite overall though I still love Hiding in Plain Sight. The intro into Decline and Fall makes that song for me which is funny because it's not there on the single and when I heard it I wasn't nearly as into it as I am now.

The title/opening track is amazing and smacks strongly of Futurology to me and I really wish the album had more of that offbeat weird flavor and as such I find the middle of the album okay if a bit saggy.

Closes strong for me with Deleted Scenes and Late Day Peaks though, really like those two and OneManMilitia makes for a nice booked capper. I'll have to give more time to the midsection of the album to see if they're growers but even so I really dig the album because when it's strong it's really strong.

No idea where I can get the Japanese bonus tracks though, why didn't they release a deluxe edition for this one like every other album in the past decade? I'd like some demos too dangit.

Nikolai 14-02-2025 03:33

Wow. After not having massively high expectations - The Ultra Vivid Lament was pretty limp and uninspiring - the new album has quietly come along and blown my socks off. I love it.

The 4 songs we’d already heard are great, but for me the real magic of this record comes along between tracks 7-12: six absolute spine-tinglers in a row.

I dunno if it’s because I’m feeling increasingly vulnerable in my old age, but the one-two punch in the heart of Being Baptised and My Brave Friend turn me into mush, I’ve gotta be honest. Being Baptised is utterly gorgeous, all the more powerful when you know the inspiration behind the song and have an affinity with New Orleans, and My Brave Friend is soulful catharsis for anyone who’s ever had to say goodbye to someone precious that they’ve loved.

I was worried this was going to be another latter-day MSP album dominated by uninspired piano tinkling, but instead here synth (predominantly) fills out the sound, and it works really well. The whole thing has a really lovely, melancholic 80s pop-rock sheen and it really suits the songs.

The opening and closing tracks are brilliant bookends and hint at something that, until now, I never thought we needed: an entirely Nicky Wire lead Manic Street Preachers album. I think it could be something uniquely brilliant in their catalogue.

All in all, easily their best album for over a decade and might just be nuzzling pretty close to some of their best work. Fabulous stuff.

Manic Steve Preacher 14-02-2025 05:35

Just had the first full playthrough. The most engaging songs so far are Nicky tracks - the opener is a banger. You can’t help but go about your daily life singing the chorus! Hiding in Plain Sight was a highlight of the released singles and that remains my favourite ‘single’ track. Dear Stephen has echoes of Even In Exile with the floaty guitars, not a bad thing! The run of Being Baptised and My Brave Friend is simply beautiful. I’ll be honest and say it does meander a bit for me towards the end into Ultra Vivid territory and I tend to disengage until OneManMilitia - what a great ending! The highs more than make this album! ❤️

*Found That Soul* 14-02-2025 06:56

On first listen I’m pleasantly surprised, some very nice stuff.
James sounds great
Critical thinking is mental but funny and good
My brave friend is giving me squeeze vibes - maybe Black Coffee in bed ?
OneManMilitia is I Killed The Zietgeist in modern form, Nicky sounding good as well here.
Out of time revival the weakest so far.

Looking forward to the Japanese tracks

theplague 14-02-2025 07:22

Deleted Scenes - the absolute stand out good track on the album.

Routine Builder 14-02-2025 07:56

Anyone have a chance to listen to the demos, anything worthwhile?

Matt_PhoenixFactor 14-02-2025 08:00


Originally Posted by Routine Builder (Post 2700771)
Anyone have a chance to listen to the demos, anything worthwhile?

They don’t seem to be on the streaming sites which is irritating. I haven’t used my CD player in such a long time I’m not sure it even works 😂

mr bowlase 14-02-2025 08:28

Standouts for me:
Being Baptised (even though it seems to be about some Alan Partidge-esq night sweats)
Brave Friend
Late Day Peaks
Critical Thinking

What would be good as a B-side (if they still did them):
Stripped back remixs of People Run Paintings/Brushstrokes like the snippets featured in the album trailer

Matt_PhoenixFactor 14-02-2025 09:16

Just noticed on Apple Music that Dave Eringa has a writing credit on Out of Time Revival. Anyone who has the actual album able to confirm?

y2kyle16 14-02-2025 09:20

Never thought I’d see the day 3 songs with nicky lead vocals would be the 3 best on the album

polar_bear 14-02-2025 09:39


Originally Posted by Matt_PhoenixFactor (Post 2700775)
Just noticed on Apple Music that Dave Eringa has a writing credit on Out of Time Revival. Anyone who has the actual album able to confirm?

Can't see it listed in the Deluxe edition. Just has 'Music and Lyrics: Bradfield, Jones, Moore'.
Dave Eringa is only listed for production and mixing on 1,3,7,8,11 & 12.

The vinyl doesn't even have writing credits.

Porco 14-02-2025 09:48

Monsieur Manics, with all these new lyrics videos you’re really spoiling us.

(For those of us who actually like these kind of things (hi!)):

Critical Thinking
Dear Stephen
Being Baptised
My Brave Friend
Out of Time Revival
Deleted Scenes
Late Day Peaks

Europa Gluten Free 14-02-2025 09:57

This is easily the best album since Futurology.

theraven1979 14-02-2025 10:18

First impressions for what it's worth on a few standouts (I'm going to regret this after repeated listening and I completely change my mind)

Critical Thinking - sounds like The Skids Vs FGTH and Nicky rambling in an old folks home. S'alright. Will I be playing this regularly?
Decline & Fall sounding like a standout on the album
Being Baptised - So good I wanted to replay this as soon as it finished.

The rest right now are the singles I've already heard or slow burners working there way in.

Strange album really. Nothing jumps out but that said there's no real duffer on there. I agree with others comments regarding 80s pop shimmer, I'm a sucker for that. A worthy addition to their catalogue.

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