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Cyle 14-02-2025 17:53


Originally Posted by Lee (Post 2700839)
That’s so weird.

I downloaded the singles when I pre-ordered the album but when it downloaded today they were missing and remained as standalone singles. Eventually managed to move them across to the album but the sample isn’t there.

Sounds like we did the same thing so how did you get the album versions? Did you have to piss about in iTunes or did they just arrive?


Both Decline and Fall tracks and Hiding in Plain Sight automatically downloaded (though I was only charged for two tracks) when I pre-ordered. I just deleted the intro-less D&F off the album since I already had the single as a separate "album" without the intro, but I don't think that had anything to do with what happened so your guess is a good as mine.

FacelessSenseOfVoid 14-02-2025 18:00

I have received my CT t-shirt and Blood Recs vinyl but not my super duper mega bundle for some reason. Demos aren’t available online anywhere so I’m curious to hear feedback from anyone that may have heard them.

TheUglyLie 14-02-2025 18:43


Originally Posted by Europa Gluten Free (Post 2700789)
Another Richey song for me.

Would be good to compile a playlist of Richey songs.

But the bass line is almost a carbon copy of Complicated Illusions no?

TheUglyLie 14-02-2025 18:55


Originally Posted by *Found That Soul* (Post 2700823)
It’s missing on my iTunes one as well

Yep. To start with on Apple Music it wouldn’t play the rest of the album (I.e. not the ‘singles’), so I had to delete it from my library & redownload. But then I noticed the sample into D&F still wasn’t there. Looks like the fact there’s an album version & a single version is messing with the streaming services!

Jayseph 14-02-2025 18:59

Does anyone know what interview it was that James mentioned Sean playing guitar on the record?

theplague 14-02-2025 19:33


Originally Posted by FacelessSenseOfVoid (Post 2700798)
Here's my review after listening to the album a few times on repeat.

Critical Thinking:
Musically quite similar to Antisocialmanifesto (which was a decent song). It’s not the lyrical content that makes this but Wire’s sarcastic delivery - “I demand my respect” had me in stitches. I can see why this wasn’t a single but it absolutely deserves a music video made for it, where I can picture Nicky walking down a street Fast Show style delivering his lines. Certainly nowhere near the best songs on the album for me but enjoyable nonetheless and a great start to the album. 8/10

Decline and Fall:
We’ve had this for ages and it took a while to grow on me but I do love it still. Not as good as International Blue, although the keys in the song do have a slight resemblance to that song - but hugely better than Orwellian (which I think is dog shit). Solid first single and nicely placed on the album. 8.5/10

Brushstrokes of Reunion:
I ruffled some feathers when I criticised this song’s production and mixing and I stand by that. Nothing has changed for me in that response. JDB’s vocals in the second verse are fucking sloppily mixed and edited, which I keep hearing every time I listen to it. The whole song needed to be toned down - there’s a good song in there, as was evidenced by the live version and I’m really looking forward to the demo because if it’s the same as the snippet that we heard before the single release then it will immediately replace the version on the album for me on my playlist. 8/10 (but missed potential to be 9/10).

Hidden In Plain Sight:
Easily the best Wire vocal on a Manics album, and I really like some of his stuff. The Long Goodbye, Death Of A Digital Ghost and The Passing Show are all in my top 50 Manics songs (but probably not for much longer as I need to revisit it post KYE-reissue). Again, I won’t go over old ground but this is a fucking good song and the solo after the first chorus is one of my favourites on any Manics track. Great work from Nicky. 9/10 (P.S. Has anyone noticed that the live version is a lot slower than the recording?)

People Ruin Paintings:
I still can’t get over the stock library riff throughout the song but it’s not too offensive to me as the first time I heard it. It’s grown on me a lot since I first heard it and I’d say it’s in the same league as Hidden In Plain Sight now. There are a lot of layers to this song as is evidenced by the album trailer, but still a sense of room and space to the song, which gives it an expansive feel. Some of JDB’s best vocals as well. 9/10

Dear Stephen:
I’m not a Morrissey or Smiths fan and never will be but this is a pretty decent song. On the weaker side of the album, but it’s nice, light and poppy. It will probably grow on me though. Not much more to add at this stage. 7.5/10

Being Baptised:
When I first heard it, it didn’t really register and went in one ear and out of the other (as someone else on here also said). It’s taken me a few listens to get used to it but listening to the album in sequence has helped me enjoy it a bit more. Not quite the 80s pop sound of the rest of the album, but much more 60s/70s in style with that 12 string guitar ringing away. I think this song will grow on me a lot more. 8/10

My Brave Friend:
Again, one that didn’t really register the first time I heard it, probably because I was listening to the album on a bad connection away from home and trying to work at the same time. But since I’ve had the chance to hear it properly - WOW. One of the stand out tracks on the album. Suspect that the subject matter is Richey (as a few others have said). It’s similar in style to Complicated Illusions but infinitely better and absolutely soaring. Love the drums on this song. Reminds me of a mid-80s song but not sure what, exactly. 9.5/10

Out Of Time Revival:
This had the potential to be brilliant after I heard the album trailer (didn’t know which song it was from then) but the chorus really lets this song down. Probably one of the weakest choruses in any Manics song. The rest of the song is great, and I absolutely love the synths in the verses and the solo is good too. Another JDB penned song with missed potential. 7.5/10

Deleted Scenes:
Took a few listens to register but this one is huge. I read a review where it said the song could have featured in a John Hughes film and I can totally see that, which probably has made me appreciate the song more after reading that comment. Pure 80s pop, could have fitted nicely onto Lifeblood. Lovely JDB vocals. Another stand out track. 9/10

Late Day Peaks:
This song hasn’t really been mentioned much in reviews, which is a shame because it’s easily the best song on the album for me. Unlike the others I heard yesterday on a crap connection, this one registered immediately. It’s very Seven and the Ragged Tiger era Duran Duran for me, which is my favourite album of theirs. Think it was Porco who said this is a sister song to A Soundtrack To Complete Withdrawal, which I agree with, especially with the pulsing rhythm, although this song is a bit more upbeat and sparkly in places. Could have fit easily on Lifeblood. Going to listen to this one on repeat I think. 9.7/10

Dying Breeds Part 2 I’d say and Dying Breeds isn’t a song I particularly liked or listen to much. Weakest Wire song on the album, and for me the majority of Intimism is better than this. Could have taken any one of those and replaced this. Don’t think I’ll be listening to this one much. 6.5/10

In conclusion, this album fuses the best parts of Futurology, RIF and TUVL and combines them. There's a couple of duff tracks on the album but on average I am enjoying listening to more of the tracks on Critical Thinking than I did from those albums on first listen. 8/10 was a fair score I'd say from the reviews.

Holy fuck those numbers for rating! Does a lot of other Manics songs get 16,7/10, 18,2/10 etc?

theplague 14-02-2025 19:35


Originally Posted by Europa Gluten Free (Post 2700803)
“FUCK THAT!” is the best moment on a Manics album since when?

Oh we truly see music and moments on records veeeeeery different.

Cyle 14-02-2025 19:49

I've had the album on continuous spin since it came out and I think I can give a final short review.

The pre-release tracks I really like; Hiding in Plain Sight really works for me as does Brushstrokes of Reunion but I like the other two too, particularly Decline and Fall (with intro.)

The middle section of the album did grow on me a lot but Dear Stephen, Being Baptized and Out of Time Revival still leave me a bit cold overall. Critical Thinking is what I wish the album was more like, I like weird Manics when they surprise me like that. OneManMilitia is a slightly lesser version of that but still works since it's something a bit different and I don't mind a bookend. Late Day Peaks swoops in nicely to get my attention at the end but the one that I find going back to is Deleted Scenes.

Deleted Scenes really fascinates me; it seems to be about Nicky looking back at things he's said and wishing he could take them back and things he's almost said but managed to stop himself at the last moment. But more than that it feels like it's about something that I've always loved about the Manics which is this notion of tearing down something carefully constructed, like how Know Your Enemy was such a harsh response to This Is My Truth Tell Me Yours and in Deleted Scenes I can hear the idea of how easily Nicky could do that now with a single tweet/post/whatever, like he has a draft of something in his sleeve to wreck his reputation or something and I think about that sometimes, how easily and quickly you can bring a carefully crafted and maintained image of yourself down. Like a self-destruct button.

Now I don't know if that was the complete intent but if it is, it speaks to how that aspect of the band and/or Nicky hasn't really changed even with how things are now where that sort of self-destruction is infinitely easier with social media whereas before you had to go to some lengths to become a pariah.

I may be reading too much into it but if nothing else, it did make me think which is what I always want from them so, success! Ace track.

Overall the album does feel a bit aimless and as much as they like to talk about the importance of "feeling free" as a band, I think having a mission statement from the get-go makes for better results every time, even when it doesn't work. Individual tracks shine but as an album it's not all that strong I don't think.

Son of Stopped 14-02-2025 20:38

I treated myself to the lyric video for Out Of Time Revival.
Thought of it as a fifth single! I liked it more than BoR. I don't think I'll have much to worry about unless post tomorrow.
But yes, doesn't it seem like a Saturday?!

manicbill 14-02-2025 22:19

I’m really enjoying this album, the production is beautiful and the sense of hope throughout is fortifying right now.

Nicolas De Staël 14-02-2025 22:43

Short review after listening to the album 7 times in a row...

Critical Thinking: 7.5/10 (This one could've been a huge track, in my opinion, unfortunately the lyrics are delivered in a pretty uninspired way by Mister Wire... Tight, itchy songwriting, nevertheless.)

Decline and Fall: 7.5/10 (Poppy, shiny little tune. Good lyrics.)

Brushstrokes of Reunion: 8.5/10 (A touching set of lyrics and a superb solo cast by Mister Bradfield on this tune... The chorus is a pure blast of melacholic euphoria.)

Hidden In Plain Sight: 7/10 (A bit repetitive for my tastes, though well mixed... Sounds like a PFAYM outtake.)

People Ruin Paintings: 8.5/10 (Nice, ambiguous lyrics combined to a beautiful mellow chorus, that's stuck for good in my head, by now. ...And there's a gorgeous solo packed in it, too!)

Dear Stephen: 9.5/10 (Wow! Elegant songwriting!! There's "Even in Exile" feel to it, which is very appealing to me. :-) A true highlight on CT!)

Being Baptised: 10/10 "I walk out singing a song, ...words of joy and songs of sorrow..." ... ...They've gotten me with this track... I've cried like a baby listening to it the first time. Stunning, epic melodylines and hooks throughout the song, heartfelt lyrics, a gradiose solo and all together just genuinely delivered, to the point, by JBD. There's also an "Even in Exile" shine on this one, as much as on "Dear Stephen". In my opinion, this is the Manics at their very best and the reason why I'm so much in love with them. ...A perfect piece of music!)

My Brave Friend: 7/10 (After the first spin I'd thought that this may be the cheesiest piece music they had delivered in their entire carreer, but, actually, just a few spins later, MBF turns out to be a pretty pleasant, though melancholic ballad.)

Out Of Time Revival: 8.5/10 (VERY 80s sounding, with a pounding chorus... Utterly enjoyable! Looking forward to listen to this tune in a car, on a highway, at night.)

Deleted Scenes: 9/10 (Nostalgic lyrics, musically enticing, with a intriguing rhythm section. A further highlight on CT.)

Late Day Peaks: 9.5/10 (Another fave of mine! I can cling to the lyrics in a most peculiar way, in this case. Feels like sitting on a boat on a weary sea, taking all my problems with me. :-D ...)

Onemanmilitia: 6/10 (A bit of a mess (and a miss, too).)

Album rating, so far: 8/10 (Not as good as the throughout excellent TUVL, but a good one.)

manicbill 14-02-2025 22:51

The music on the title track is so amazing. Please make an album of this lads.

Vancouver 14-02-2025 22:53


Originally Posted by UEF (Post 2700829)
Any chance of some Japanese popcorn in my pocket?

Same here. Love that we still do this here.

everlasting 14-02-2025 23:01

There's less pages in the 2CD book than other releases... must be cutting costs. Played it 4 times through now, the opener is still the one stuck in my head, the chorus of Nicky droning on is pretty catchy and quite awesome haha.

manicbill 14-02-2025 23:33

Dear Stephen is so *crafted*. Stunning.

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