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Embla Claymore 14-07-2010 19:01


Originally Posted by Refresher (Post 2026960)
I'm sure some stars would demand private visits to HMV after the store has closed or get someone else to do their shopping :lol:

yeah exactly!I don't know how popular they are over there, I mean, what chances they have to be recognized and bothered by any music fan...

Little Girl Lost 14-07-2010 19:06


Originally Posted by Manicben (Post 2026942)
If I had their money I'd be in HMV all the time aswell.

I'd love to spend oodles of time in HMV too.

Refresher 14-07-2010 19:16


Originally Posted by BlackStone (Post 2026962)
yeah exactly!I don't know how popular they are over there, I mean, what chances they have to be recognized and bothered by any music fan...

Manics popularity has dwindled over here so can imagine a very fan free shopping trip in Italy unless they bumped into you :lol:

The Gutless Wonder 14-07-2010 19:18

James is in America? Thought he'd still be gadding about Portugal for a bit! Glad I'm not a rockstar, couldn't cope with all that airtravel!

mafiamonroe 14-07-2010 19:21


Originally Posted by Refresher (Post 2026907)
My cousin bumped into Nicky Wire today in HMV Newport. They had a short chat. Nicky said he's fine and that James is in the USA at the mo finishing off the album.

Thanks for that. You'd have thought Nicky would shop from HMV online as the prices are cheaper than instore and he wouldn't have to leave the house.

Refresher 14-07-2010 19:24


Originally Posted by The Gutless Wonder (Post 2026972)
James is in America? Thought he'd still be gadding about Portugal for a bit! Glad I'm not a rockstar, couldn't cope with all that airtravel!

Opps forgot Nicky said not to disclose James' location to the Gutless Wonder :lol:

The Gutless Wonder 14-07-2010 19:27


Originally Posted by Refresher (Post 2026976)
Opps forgot Nicky said not to disclose James' location to the Gutless Wonder :lol:

Ha! Ha! I know where he is now! But I'm not a fan of longhaul flights so he's safe at the moment. :(

Refresher 14-07-2010 19:32


Originally Posted by The Gutless Wonder (Post 2026978)
Ha! Ha! I know where he is now! But I'm not a fan of longhaul flights so he's safe at the moment. :(

I'm sure you would do a longhaul flight if you had a chance to meet James :) but there is no need to just come to Cardiff one day :lol:

Embla Claymore 14-07-2010 19:39


Originally Posted by Refresher (Post 2026971)
Manics popularity has dwindled over here so can imagine a very fan free shopping trip in Italy unless they bumped into you :lol:

Oh I'd be SO glad to report a close encounter with the Wire downtown Milan! ;)

Refresher 14-07-2010 19:57


Originally Posted by BlackStone (Post 2026992)
Oh I'd be SO glad to report a close encounter with the Wire downtown Milan! ;)

I was in Sardinia in March alas did not see Nicky there but I'm sure one day he will be in downtown Milan ;)

Little Girl Lost 14-07-2010 19:59

I've never bumped into them in Cardiff and I'm there at least once a month! :(

The Gutless Wonder 14-07-2010 20:10


Originally Posted by Refresher (Post 2026982)
I'm sure you would do a longhaul flight if you had a chance to meet James :) but there is no need to just come to Cardiff one day :lol:

One day................................... :D

Refresher 14-07-2010 20:10


Originally Posted by Little Girl Lost (Post 2027027)
I've never bumped into them in Cardiff and I'm there at least once a month! :(

That must be the day once a month the Manics visit Farnborough :)

mafiamonroe 14-07-2010 20:11


Originally Posted by The Gutless Wonder (Post 2027038)
One day................................... :D

I bet if you heard that James was spotted at Ascot watching the horses race you'd have to lie down in a darkened room for a while.

The Gutless Wonder 14-07-2010 20:18


Originally Posted by mafiamonroe (Post 2027041)
I bet if you heard that James was spotted at Ascot watching the horses race you'd have to lie down in a darkened room for a while.

Aye, I would! :lol: James at the races? That'll be the day! :D

Little Girl Lost 14-07-2010 20:39


Originally Posted by Refresher (Post 2027039)
That must be the day once a month the Manics visit Farnborough :)

Haha. Well, if they used Farnborough airport...

Refresher 14-07-2010 20:52


Originally Posted by Little Girl Lost (Post 2027064)
Haha. Well, if they used Farnborough airport...

Don't think there is a HMV in Farnborough so I doubt Nicky will be touching down :lol:

Little Girl Lost 14-07-2010 20:54


Originally Posted by Refresher (Post 2027085)
Don't think there is a HMV in Farnborough so I doubt Nicky will be touching down :lol:

There is one in Camberley though and that is only 5 miles away LOL.

Refresher 14-07-2010 21:02


Originally Posted by Little Girl Lost (Post 2027088)
There is one in Camberley though and that is only 5 miles away LOL.

Camberley HMV then for the launch party of Postcards From A Young Man :lol:

MSPKYE 14-07-2010 21:10


Originally Posted by exopotamie (Post 2026928)
hm, I wonder where...LA as they mentioned on the website that one time? Thanks for the info!

Isn't it being mixed by that Chris Lord-Alge guy? So I imagine he's wherever he's based

exopotamie 14-07-2010 21:13

Oooh, good thinking. That would indeed be LA then.

Manicben 15-07-2010 10:31


Originally Posted by Manicben (Post 2026942)
If I had their money I'd be in HMV all the time aswell.

Come to think of it, I'm always in HMV anyway...

rabbit 21-07-2010 10:05

I saw Sean in Bristol the other day near Colston Hall. He was wearing a baseball cap (again) and sunglasses even though it was raining and had a posh rucksack bag with him for some reason. he was chatting away to a tall bald bloke in designer togs as they walked past together so i didnt interrupt - just gawked like a fool at him. lol

nic 26-07-2010 13:22

I saw Wayne,Sean Moore and Nicky Wire in Cardiff this morning.
I hope i didn't look like a stalker because i hid behind the wall when they got out of the car.

MSPKYE 26-07-2010 13:23


Originally Posted by nic (Post 2034185)
I saw Wayne,Sean Moore and Nicky Wire in Cardiff this morning.
I hope i didn't look like a stalker because i hid behind the wall when they got out of the car.

Ooh where abouts were they? I was going to go in this morning but my mum decided to take the car so I couldn't

deadmartyr 26-07-2010 17:06


Originally Posted by nic (Post 2034185)
I hope i didn't look like a stalker because i hid behind the wall when they got out of the car.

*Imagines Sean catching you out of the corner of his eye, halting Wire and Wayne with his arm, and then whipping out a pistol whilst he investigates: "Wait here!"*

relic 26-07-2010 18:32


Originally Posted by deadmartyr (Post 2034454)
*Imagines Sean catching you out of the corner of his eye, halting Wire and Wayne with his arm, and then whipping out a pistol whilst he investigates: "Wait here!"*

Within ten seconds of reading this I had mentally composed a very, very filthy fanfic :lol:

And no, I'm not going to write it down.

Dext37 Fielding 26-07-2010 18:36

they were probalby in Cardiff rehearsing, with Wyane doing some backing vocals/filling in for James.

deadmartyr 26-07-2010 18:39


Originally Posted by relic (Post 2034588)
Within ten seconds of reading this I had mentally composed a very, very filthy fanfic :lol:

And no, I'm not going to write it down.

You misread pistol, didn't you?

exopotamie 26-07-2010 18:43


Originally Posted by relic (Post 2034588)
Within ten seconds of reading this I had mentally composed a very, very filthy fanfic :lol:

And no, I'm not going to write it down.

Oh, you can't just tease us like that! Wire's writing Doctor Who fanfic and should be an inspiration to us all. ;)

nic 26-07-2010 19:59


Originally Posted by deadmartyr (Post 2034454)
*Imagines Sean catching you out of the corner of his eye, halting Wire and Wayne with his arm, and then whipping out a pistol whilst he investigates: "Wait here!"*

We stayed at the bay last night and before going home went into town,then i decided to show my husband the studio the manics have recorded in,which he was thrilled about.
Had a look then as we were walking up the street i thought i saw Wayne Murray go past in a car,so went back.Saw him get out the car(i think the other sean was driving).We then went for coffee across the road.I sat by the window in case i saw the manics but after 15 minutes decided to go.Walking up the road i thought i saw Sean and Nicky go past so we went back.I hid by the wall and asked my husband if it was them.He stood in the entrance looking at them.They must have wondered who the hell it was and me keep popping my head round the corner to see if they were still there:o
I didn't go to speak to them.My husband wasn't happy as he doesn't like the manics and i've been there a couple of times with Louise and never seen them and see them the day i'm with him.He moaned about it and said what a shit car Sean had.
I would have stayed in the cafe a bit longer to see if James came out but i had to go back to the hotel to check out by 12.
I will shut up now as i only saw them and didn't speak to them:o

everlasting 26-07-2010 20:03


Originally Posted by nic (Post 2034734)
We stayed at the bay last night and before going home went into town,then i decided to show my husband the studio the manics have recorded in,which he was thrilled about.
Had a look then as we were walking up the street i thought i saw Wayne Murray go past in a car,so went back.Saw him get out the car(i think the other sean was driving).We then went for coffee across the road.I sat by the window in case i saw the manics but after 15 minutes decided to go.Walking up the road i thought i saw Sean and Nicky go past so we went back.I hid by the wall and asked my husband if it was them.He stood in the entrance looking at them.They must have wondered who the hell it was and me keep popping my head round the corner to see if they were still there:o
I didn't go to speak to them.My husband wasn't happy as he doesn't like the manics and i've been there a couple of times with Louise and never seen them and see them the day i'm with him.He moaned about it and said what a shit car Sean had.
I would have stayed in the cafe a bit longer to see if James came out but i had to go back to the hotel to check out by 12.
I will shut up now as i only saw them and didn't speak to them:o

Hahaha that's great, I can imagine you hiding and looking around the wall every few seconds like a secret spy. Shocked though you can't brainwash your husband into liking the Manics at least a bit! haha!

wireobsessed 04-08-2010 09:37

Anyone seen them out and about in the last week? Guess the next time might be at the gig on the 5th?

Refresher 08-08-2010 14:30

Just come back from watching the mighty Bluebirds. My mate who was also at the game text me and claimed he saw James Dean Bradfield and his Mrs down at the match. I can't see the logic of it as he's a Nottingham Forest Fan. Mind you Stuart Cable's new band were having a charity single launch at the game. Anyone know if the Manics have any work commitments today?

bristarman 08-08-2010 15:00


Originally Posted by Refresher (Post 2046067)
Mind you Stuart Cable's new band were having a charity single launch at the game.


Beat Poet 08-08-2010 15:44


Originally Posted by Refresher (Post 2046067)
Just come back from watching the mighty Bluebirds. My mate who was also at the game text me and claimed he saw James Dean Bradfield and his Mrs down at the match. I can't see the logic of it as he's a Nottingham Forest Fan.

I should think he's always followed CCFC, being a local team!

MSPKYE 08-08-2010 15:47


Originally Posted by Refresher (Post 2046067)
Just come back from watching the mighty Bluebirds. My mate who was also at the game text me and claimed he saw James Dean Bradfield and his Mrs down at the match. I can't see the logic of it as he's a Nottingham Forest Fan. Mind you Stuart Cable's new band were having a charity single launch at the game. Anyone know if the Manics have any work commitments today?

If he was I didnt see him down there, probably in the Premier seating the bastard:P


Originally Posted by Beat Poet (Post 2046127)
I should think he's always followed CCFC, being a local team!

No dont think so, he's firmly a Forest fan, not sure he's forgiven some Cardiff fans from them ripping up one of their early Blackwood gigs

Refresher 08-08-2010 15:54

Premier seating the bastard :lol: I did not see him in the Ninian Stand. If I did see I would have approached him on behalf of The Gutless Wonder ;)

Rammstein 08-08-2010 16:57

I was in the canton (giving cardiff my support over the pigs) and James was indeed there!! I went up said hello and asked how the London show went, he replied "the crowd were great, I was not so good" he was led away by a woman (possibly his wife?). As for the game typical cheating pigs!!

hummingbird 08-08-2010 17:50


Originally Posted by Rammstein (Post 2046219)
"the crowd were great, I was not so good"

awwwww :(

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