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someone, somewhere, soon 01-09-2010 23:02

i'm sure it's probably been said, but 'golden platitudes' should've closed the album.

Mr Richey 01-09-2010 23:05

I will offer no corrections to my original review, but I will say that the title track is starting to grow on me a bit.

Napoleon Bonaparte 01-09-2010 23:05


Originally Posted by Daniel (Post 2070598)
Are you paraphrasing a definition of 'Blind Faith'?

Looks like stating their opinion to me.

workingclasshero 01-09-2010 23:08


Originally Posted by Daniel (Post 2070598)
Are you paraphrasing a definition of 'Blind Faith'?

No its all to do with my ears. Simple.

Daniel 01-09-2010 23:38


Originally Posted by workingclasshero (Post 2070608)
No its all to do with my ears. Simple.

You have 100% faith in never being disappointed in anything they do. Unless you can hear into the future, then I'm not sure that has much to do with your ears. If you can hear into the future, then that's pretty awesome

cameron33 02-09-2010 03:35

After half a dozen listens as opposed to the initial two:

Its not war 6.5 > 7
Postcards - 10 > 10
Skon – 8.5 > 8.5
Descent – 8 > 8
Hazleton Avenue – 8.5 > 8
Auto intoxication – 8 > 8
Golden platitudes – 6.5 > 7.5
Think I’ve found it - 8 > 8
Billion balconies – 9 > 8.5
All we make is – 8 > 7.5
The future has been – 9 > 8.5
Don’t be evil – 8 > 8

Would still give the album an 8 / 8.5 overall.

I think golden platitudes is much better than before. Future is a really original sounding song - I like the more normal sounding verse with the weird sounding chorus and the instrumentation on the track is great. Still really like Found It - has a really cool vibe. I would appreciate INWJTEL more if it was done by another band - its just a bit stereoptypical manics. I don't think it fits very well with the other tracks on the album, especially not as the opening track. Trying a bit too hard for a radio friendly hit.
Still, I think it's overall a very decent album.

lilienation 02-09-2010 03:38

I LOVE All We Make is Entertainment. The riff is catchy as fuck and the chorus is hilariously over-the-top. This had better become a live staple, because the ensuing jumparoundyness and singalongyness would be glorious.

All We Make is Entertainment
Some Kind of Nothingness
Postcards from a Young Man
A Billion Balconies Facing the Sun
The Descent
Auto Intoxication
I Think I've Found It
Hazelton Avenue
Golden Platitudes
(It's Not War) Just the End of Love
The Future Has Been Here 4ever
Don't Be Evil

Haha um... yeah, I still like The Descent, although I prefer the acoustic version. And I can't remember what Don't Be Evil sounds like after 4 or 5 times through. :o

SupernovaStar 02-09-2010 04:47

After ten or more listens, I love this album. Really don't like Auto Intoxication, Hazelton Avenue (both boring songs) and the title track (epic, but so predictable)

But man.. Golden Platitudes is so amazing, SKON is brilliant, Balconies is marvelous.... AWMIE, Don't Be Evil, ITIFI, so many good songs. I'm dancing with joy

nocultureicons 02-09-2010 07:11

^ You're the first person I've seen who hasn't said good things about Auto-Intoxication.

franny 02-09-2010 08:01

:up: Takes all sorts I suppose

workingclasshero 02-09-2010 08:14


Originally Posted by Daniel (Post 2070635)
You have 100% faith in never being disappointed in anything they do. Unless you can hear into the future, then I'm not sure that has much to do with your ears. If you can hear into the future, then that's pretty awesome

Well I've been using my ears for the past 20 years listening to the Manic Street Preachers and have 100% loved all of it. If I were a betting man I predict the chances are, I will not be disapointed in anything they do in the future. Call it confidence in their ability if you like.

Olan 02-09-2010 08:25

Great Album! Hazelton Avenue is my fav. There is some Lipstick Traces/older manics b-side-beauty in this song that i really like :) Auto-Intoxication is a killer as well.

sculptureofabloke 02-09-2010 08:43


Originally Posted by Daniel (Post 2070635)
You have 100% faith in never being disappointed in anything they do. Unless you can hear into the future, then I'm not sure that has much to do with your ears. If you can hear into the future, then that's pretty awesome

They have a 100% record of releasing albums I like, so it's worth a bet that I'll like the next one. It's not about blind faith, it's an educated guess.

That said, I'm gonna surprise everyone and say I really like it. It's probably my 8th favourite Manics album, but cos they're my favourite band and they're that far ahead of my second favourite, I find their below par albums to be better than most bands' best. So yeah... Never gonna make it into my top 5 Manics albums, but should make it into my top 50 albums.

David.Prout 02-09-2010 08:49

In general I love the album, my least favourite tracks being Some Kind Of Nothingness, The Future Has Been Here 4 Ever, Golden Platitudes and It's not war...

y2kyle16 02-09-2010 08:55

In order of how I like the songs

Some Kind of Nothingness
Postcards from a Young Man
(It's Not War) Just the End of Love
A Billion Balconies Facing the Sun
The Descent
All We Make is Entertainment
Hazelton Avenue
Auto Intoxication
I Think I've Found It
Don't Be Evil
Golden Platitudes
The Future Has Been Here 4ever

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