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Comrade Mike 21-02-2025 21:30


Originally Posted by TheUglyLie (Post 2701202)
To anyone who’s recently downloaded the piano versions, you might want to check the files. It seems that PRP Piano version currently downloads as the album version of Critical Thinking…

I've not had this issue, but all of the regular, non-piano tracks have an audio glitch at the end for me.

Son of Stopped 21-02-2025 21:44

Hoodie micro review:
Quick nap? Take it off, you'll boil.
Summer of Dehydration but stylish in the nuclear winter.

Europa Gluten Free 21-02-2025 22:15

I enjoy a good Manics bashing on here as much as the next person (the streets will never forget the Postcards era and all the tat) but some of the songwriting and production bashing on here is ridiculous. I'd advise everyone to listen to the Xfm song by song video to understand how well conceived and realised each song was and is. Still enjoying the album after maybe 20+ listens or so in the last week.

Europa Gluten Free 21-02-2025 22:43

I actually think now that my joint favourite moment on the album, tied with "Fuck That!", is the "So sail a-way" at the start of the My Brave Friend solo. Especially VERY VERY loud in the car.

Are there any other instances of Jimbo shouting at other points on the album?

TheUglyLie 21-02-2025 22:54


Originally Posted by Comrade Mike (Post 2701234)
I've not had this issue, but all of the regular, non-piano tracks have an audio glitch at the end for me.

Yep, I got the glitching too!

Aestivate 21-02-2025 23:26

OK no 2 on official charts but.....
Number One Vinyl Album and Number One Vinyl Single

savemejebus 21-02-2025 23:40


Originally Posted by Europa Gluten Free (Post 2701236)
some of the songwriting and production bashing on here is ridiculous. I'd advise everyone to listen to the Xfm song by song video to understand how well conceived and realised each song was and is.

Is this a suggestion that we should listen to the interview so the band can explain their work and educate us Philistines on why anyone who doesn't like the current production and songwriting is listening wrong and what the correct and manics approved methods for listening to the music is :lol:?

Vancouver 22-02-2025 00:10


Originally Posted by Comrade Mike (Post 2701234)
I've not had this issue, but all of the regular, non-piano tracks have an audio glitch at the end for me.

Yep, same for me. Annoying.

Son of Stopped 22-02-2025 10:13

I can't believe it's been an entire week of it's release. Seems like it's been released a few months ago.

JimmiB 22-02-2025 11:29

I really find it hard to get an impression of MSP albums in the first few listens. So, it's taken me a good week, and a couple of days off from it, to come to some conclusions. I've found myself humming different melodies from various songs, it's gradually getting into my head.

Here we go.

Critical Thinking - like this a lot. Really different, the chord sequence is great and whilst I'd like Nicky's vocal to be a bit angrier, it's good. This could make a barnstorming opening live track. 8/10.

Decline and Fall - grown on my hugely. A bit formulaic but I love the first mini solo, very War On Drugs, and the main solo/drums are great. Like the lyrics. Not a classic, but a classic latter day MSP sound. 7/10.

Brushstrokes of Réunion - growing on me, wish it was a bit more rock, dare I say it a bit more SATT 😬 but 6/10.

Hiding in Plain Sight - for me, the best song on the album and in years. I love it. Love the way it repeats the melodies, the lyrics, builds and builds without becoming overblown. It's a MSP classic for me. Might even go in my top 10. 10/10.

People Ruin Paintings - interesting lyric, a lovely chord change in the bridge, echoes of I Live To Fall Asleep. Nice guitar work, overall there's a lot in this. Good track. 8/10

Dear Stephen - took a few listens for me to get this track, but lovely guitar throughout and a sugary but really nice chorus. 7/10.

Being Baptised - my least favourite. I just can't ever recall the melody and am not a really fan of the ascending guitars. 5/10.

My Brave Friend - comes off Being Baptised well, a nice chugging urgency that builds in its first half but I sense this is a track they couldn't quite master. It's good, nice melodies and lyrics, but doesn't really go anywhere. 7/10

Out of Time Revival - there's definitely a great song in here. Shades of Futurology in here, but goes a bit blustery in the chorus when perhaps it didn't need to. Definitely a solid album track. 6/10

Deleted Scenes - good track, nice chord pattern and I like the uneven sound of the drums which gives it a real urgent feel. Sometimes I wish the guitars and keyboards would be a bit less high, it would give a chunkier sound to complement James' higher range. 7/10.

Late Day Peaks - really like this, lots of Futurology and interesting throughout. Lovely thudding drums, and I like it when James sings a bit lower. 8/10.

Onemanmilitia - good bookend to the album. Not quite as angry as it could be, and starts a bit slowly but improves as it goes along and finishes the album with a bit of a swagger. No longer do I dread the Nicky songs, all 3 on this album are good. 7/10.

Overall, I think it's an improvement on TUVL, for one thing it bursts out much better in terms of production. The more I listen, it sounds more cohesive and works as an album. I don't think it's a retread, for album 15 I think it sounds fresh but can't see it really appealing to people who don't really know them. But I've loved them for 33 years, they are still with us recording and writing, and this album is a good addition to their discography. Just my thoughts, people may agree or disagree, but I'll go 7/10.

darkanddivine 22-02-2025 11:33

A couple of one week on thoughts.

I agree with others that how it plays out live, and then over the next 2 years matters most of all. However, again on repeated listens it's landing for me at least initially. The last 2 albums had a short moment and then maybe only a few individual songs stuck around, but this one has me coming back, it's stuck in my head etc etc. It definitley feels different in that way.

If they were to replace Being Baptised with Johatsu, I think it would be a genuinley awesome opening run of 8 tracks. There are a few moments where it slightly pulls back from being right up there; for example in My Brave Friend where it threatens to take off with "soooo sail away" and then it sortof... doesn't.

I was especially interested to hear My Brave Friend is from the ForeverDelayed era. That gives us an interesting moment where the new Manics are playing an old Manics song. Thinking about it through that lens is quite interesting because you can almost imagine the FD era Manics playing this, so it's probably as cut and dry of an old/new comparison as you're going to get.

But in general, the warm feel of the record, the Lifeblood/Truth guitar style and the confessional style hits the spot. I hear a lot of comments about production. I don't have any strong feelings about it (even though I produce stuff myself), but maybe it would be fun for them to work with another producer on the next one. I'm not sure to what extent that would make a difference given the sonic space they tend to land in.

Genuine question, because I couldn't think of any... Has any band got to album 15 and surpassed/matched their classic/early material? I was thinking how R.E.M. made it there, but 90% of what people seem to like and remember about them is probably the 80s and 90s stuff, less so the 00s with the odd exception. If they couldn't do it, then I'm not sure who could. Probably The Cure? I do sortof feel you have to put this record in that context as well, and compared to other bands that come to mind it's quite favourable.


Originally Posted by JimmiB (Post 2701245)
I really find it hard to get an impression of MSP albums in the first few listens. So, it's taken me a good week, and a couple of days off from it, to come to some conclusions. I've found myself humming different melodies from various songs, it's gradually getting into my head.

Spot on review I'd say this is more or less where I've landed with it.


Originally Posted by Europa Gluten Free (Post 2701238)
Are there any other instances of Jimbo shouting at other points on the album?

I don't think so...

Son of Stopped 22-02-2025 12:04

I definitely prefer the latter half of the album. Out Of Time Revival is wrestling Being Baptised for my favourite. Now love OneManMilita but bored of Critical Thinking! 10 and 11 are getting hard to remember on sight. But know when I hear them what I like about them. Still good then!

JimmiB 22-02-2025 12:48


Originally Posted by darkanddivine (Post 2701246)
A couple of one week on thoughts.

I agree with others that how it plays out live, and then over the next 2 years matters most of all. However, again on repeated listens it's landing for me at least initially. The last 2 albums had a short moment and then maybe only a few individual songs stuck around, but this one has me coming back, it's stuck in my head etc etc. It definitley feels different in that way.

If they were to replace Being Baptised with Johatsu, I think it would be a genuinley awesome opening run of 8 tracks. There are a few moments where it slightly pulls back from being right up there; for example in My Brave Friend where it threatens to take off with "soooo sail away" and then it sortof... doesn't.

I was especially interested to hear My Brave Friend is from the ForeverDelayed era. That gives us an interesting moment where the new Manics are playing an old Manics song. Thinking about it through that lens is quite interesting because you can almost imagine the FD era Manics playing this, so it's probably as cut and dry of an old/new comparison as you're going to get.

But in general, the warm feel of the record, the Lifeblood/Truth guitar style and the confessional style hits the spot. I hear a lot of comments about production. I don't have any strong feelings about it (even though I produce stuff myself), but maybe it would be fun for them to work with another producer on the next one. I'm not sure to what extent that would make a difference given the sonic space they tend to land in.

Genuine question, because I couldn't think of any... Has any band got to album 15 and surpassed/matched their classic/early material? I was thinking how R.E.M. made it there, but 90% of what people seem to like and remember about them is probably the 80s and 90s stuff, less so the 00s with the odd exception. If they couldn't do it, then I'm not sure who could. Probably The Cure? I do sortof feel you have to put this record in that context as well, and compared to other bands that come to mind it's quite favourable.

Spot on review I'd say this is more or less where I've landed with it.

I don't think so...

I think it's really hard for bands to release their best album in the latter half of a career, mainly because music is so of a time and reflects a period of your life. An author seems to be able to improve, but bands less so.

Yes, we seem to agree on the album. I'm going to give it another rest for a few days then come back to it.

JimmiB 22-02-2025 12:48

I need to listen to the 7" songs more, only had a couple of spins.

Mr.Selfdestruct 22-02-2025 16:07


Originally Posted by Porco (Post 2701214)

Obviously participating in the multi-version circus is a personal choice for each of us though, one copy ought to be enough, I think any more is like buying a football shirt (or indeed an overpriced T-shirt or Hoodie!) - you (should) know you’re being fleeced and you’re choosing to do it to support your team. For me, the Manics are the only band I’d do it for, and though I’d love for as many people as possible to enjoy the album, the chart position and reaction of other fans (current or erstwhile) doesn’t really sway my decision to buy multiple copies at all.

I bought 3 different vinyls, a CD and tape of the last Sea Power album. Not long after I found myself looking at it all, thinking to myself that this is ridicolous carry on, and that I'm not doing it again. Even at their peak, they've always been a much smaller band than the manics, yet that album got to the dizzy heights of number 4 in the charts. It did so because enough of their fans had done what I did. That just makes chart positions even more silly and pointless.

I wasn't buying all those versions to help their chart position. It was because I had pretty much everything they had released previously.

If being a completest nowadays means instead of buying 2 or 3 versions of singles, that have different b-sides and 7" vinyls, And all you're doing is just buying different colours of the same thing or different artwork etc, then I'm done.

However, if one is happy to do this, then go for it.

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