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Tetsu 05-09-2010 19:17


Originally Posted by pennyroyalty (Post 2073401)
there's a lot of things they could sound like in an attempt to communicate with the masses. they are masses after all. but the Manics haven't been realistic about it have they? we'd have called a lot of this album naff in the nineties and the very special guests were better known 20+ years ago. they don't have to sound exactly like Lady Gaga, but she's one example of an artist who makes them look very passé indeed. from the perspective of the masses, if you guys can't bring yourself to say anything positive about her. if the Manics don't even like computers, what makes them think they have any clue about what the masses want and why are they trying to, er, communicate with them anyway? what are they telling the masses exactly? it's not war, just the end of love? what does that mean, does anyone know? meanwhile Lady Gaga knows the pain of being called on the telephone in the club when she's trying to listen to her favourite song, and has expressed it beautifully.

Not contesting any of this. The whole "one last shot at mass communication" talk is complete nonsense. That's why I was very fearful of this new record and expected a SATT Part II. But guess what? It isn't like that at all! I like the record not because of any mainstream/masses notion, but because I found it to be a set of wonderfully endearing pop/rock songs.

Frozendiva 05-09-2010 19:19


Meanwhile Lady Gaga knows the pain of being called on the telephone in the club when she's trying to listen to her favourite song, and has expressed it beautifully.
Post-post-post-post modern at its best. A tragedy in the vein of Hamlet. She stares in to the phone, wondering what's with the ghost of her phone's battery. Something is rotten in the music biz.

Tiortranew 05-09-2010 19:23

Lady Gaga might not be a great lyricist, but just take a look at the music of Bad Romance. It's damn complex and it's a huge achievement to manage making a memorable tune out of that structure. All wannabe complex bands like the Mars Volta or Tool would never manage to write a song like Bad Romance.

JamesyEsquire 05-09-2010 20:02


Originally Posted by Tiortranew (Post 2073421)
Lady Gaga might not be a great lyricist, but just take a look at the music of Bad Romance. It's damn complex and it's a huge achievement to manage making a memorable tune out of that structure. All wannabe complex bands like the Mars Volta or Tool would never manage to write a song like Bad Romance.

Do you understand music at all?

Mr Richey 05-09-2010 20:04


Originally Posted by Tiortranew (Post 2073421)
Lady Gaga might not be a great lyricist, but just take a look at the music of Bad Romance. It's damn complex and it's a huge achievement to manage making a memorable tune out of that structure. All wannabe complex bands like the Mars Volta or Tool would never manage to write a song like Bad Romance.

The Mars Volta have actually written some damn catchy songs. "Goliath" for one.

Scarecrow 05-09-2010 20:11

How did this evolve from the new Manics album to the contrast between Lady Gaga and The Mars Volta.

Littlesue 05-09-2010 20:13


Originally Posted by NasalScarecrow (Post 2073453)
How did this evolve from the new Manics album to the contrast between Lady Gaga and The Mars Volta.

I was wondering that to!! I'm sick of the sight of Gaga without having to read about her in a Manic Discusson thread

Bryter Layter 05-09-2010 20:16

I understand the point some of you are making about Lady Gaga, but I have to say, it's pretty limited if she's the only example of an artist with mass appeal you've got in your arsenal. What does her success have to do with a band like the Manics anyway? Musically and lyrically, they're polar opposites. Your points would be much more convincing if you not only used examples of similar minded artists, but also those with a bit more history behind them. To me, comparing Gaga and the Manics is a little night and day, apples to oranges, etc etc.

The day a bunch of 40 somethings known for their lead singers excellent guitar work, put out an album even remotely in the same vein as an artist like Lady Gaga in an attempt to gain a larger audience, is when the shame factor hits an all time high. Even suggesting that they learn a thing or two from how she and her producers make music with commercial appeal, is nonsensical to me.

Mr Richey 05-09-2010 20:16

Don't worry, my 60 year old father is going to post his PFAYM review shortly. That will either get this thread back on track or start a debate about the relevancy of a pensioner's opinion of the Manics :P

Littlesue 05-09-2010 20:20


Originally Posted by Richey83 (Post 2073461)
Don't worry, my 60 year old father is going to post his PFAYM review shortly. That will either get this thread back on track or start a debate about the relevancy of a pensioner's opinion of the Manics :P

I hope he slaps your arse for calling him a Pensioner"!!

Mr Richey 05-09-2010 20:21


Originally Posted by Littlesue (Post 2073464)
I hope he slaps your arse for calling him a Pensioner"!!

He hasn't slapped my arse but he has just sworn at me. But that might also be because I just made him listen to the "The Future Has Been Here 4 Ever" once again. He reeeeeeeeeeeeally hates it :lol:

Bryter Layter 05-09-2010 20:22


Originally Posted by Littlesue (Post 2073457)
I was wondering that to!! I'm sick of the sight of Gaga without having to read about her in a Manic Discusson thread

Yeah, I know what you mean. I suppose I have a certain respect for her as a performer, but musically, she's as generic as they come.

I've no idea myself why they've brought her specifically into the discussion/debate other than I guess she's the flavour of the month. Next year, undoubtedly, it'll be another irrelevant comparison.

Littlesue 05-09-2010 20:25


Originally Posted by TheGreatPretender (Post 2073468)
Yeah, I know what you mean. I suppose I have a certain respect for her as a performer, but musically, she's as generic as they come.

I've no idea myself why they've brought her specifically into the discussion/debate other than I guess she's the flavour of the month. Next year, undoubtedly, it'll be another irrelevant comparison.

Well we can live in hope!!;)

Tiortranew 05-09-2010 20:27


Originally Posted by NasalScarecrow (Post 2073453)
How did this evolve from the new Manics album to the contrast between Lady Gaga and The Mars Volta.

Where did it all go wrong? Where did the feeling go? Why colonise the moon?

Seriously, I might not have helped but we should get back on the tracks now.

Daniel 05-09-2010 20:27


Originally Posted by TheGreatPretender (Post 2073460)
Even suggesting that they learn a thing or two from how she and her producers make music with commercial appeal, is nonsensical to me.

That's the thing, I don't really think any one suggested that. People have taken the Gaga 'comparison' far too literally. I think the point was that MSP cannot do 'mass communication' any more if they're going to whinge about the internet and The X Factor. Also, you ask for comparisons with MSP, but from what I can see, 90's retro hasn't quite kicked off yet, whilst long guitar solos have been decidedly out of fashion for years. It's as if they're trying to do 'mass communication' with a serious misguidance as to what the masses want right now.

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