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Rottenstain 18-09-2010 13:00


Originally Posted by nocultureicons (Post 2085991)
Don't you have any spare cases?

I am gonna get HMV to spend a spare one out.


Originally Posted by lovesean4ever (Post 2085992)
so what with that and the guy I heard talking in the shop earlier it sounds like a few people have had the wrong disc or damaged ones bah

Wrong disc ? different band album ?

Rottenstain 18-09-2010 13:01


Originally Posted by lovesean4ever (Post 2086001)


Or soon to be on youtube ;)

lovesean4ever 18-09-2010 13:03

ah that's ok I didn't want to interrupt him and say you shudder got the box set mate in case there was a version of the cd that came with the dvd. Let's face it there's a million versions of everything this time!

amay 18-09-2010 13:04


Originally Posted by Rottenstain (Post 2085989)
Got the album today from HMV, like usual a day early,


And the worst thing is that the broken pieces are not even in the package, which means they packed it broken.

Gonna have to send it back :(

P.s the booklet on the regular edition is appalling thin.

:( I ordered mine from HMV and it came today,nothing broken for me. The booklet is thin though!

Dancing Kirby 18-09-2010 13:04


Originally Posted by Lowri (Post 2085985)
What?! This is my favourite song! Does he do it justice?

He doesn't actually sing any of it, just plays a bit instrumentally and makes some weird noises.


Originally Posted by lovesean4ever (Post 2085981)
I just heard someone in newsagent saying he thought he'd ordered the cd with dvd but had received the the cd with demos version instead. Is the DVD only in the special box version though?

The DVD is exclusive to the shoe box edition, but when pre-orders initially went up there were stores erroneously listing the deluxe edition as CD+DVD because Sony always fucks these things up.

Anyway, I have retracted my earlier comment about Nicky's It's Not War demo. It took me two listens to appreciate that James' version is actually better. This is a painful moment for me indeed.

FacelessSenseOfVoid 18-09-2010 13:24


Originally Posted by Dancing Kirby (Post 2086010)
The DVD is exclusive to the shoe box edition, but when pre-orders initially went up there were stores erroneously listing the deluxe edition as CD+DVD because Sony always fucks these things up.

Out of interest, how long is the running time of the DVD?

Dancing Kirby 18-09-2010 13:29


Originally Posted by FacelessSenseOfVoid (Post 2086044)
Out of interest, how long is the running time of the DVD?

30 minutes.

By the way, I wish they'd decide upon a spelling for NN. In this booklet it's Naysmith, in the previous ones it's Nasmyth. You learn the weird spelling, you stick to it each time you mention his name and then they change it. What the fuck!

UEF 18-09-2010 13:30

The boxset (inc DVD) will soon be available as an Xmas stocking filler for £20 or so.

FacelessSenseOfVoid 18-09-2010 13:31


Originally Posted by Dancing Kirby (Post 2086056)
30 minutes.

By the way, I wish they'd decide upon a spelling for NN. In this booklet it's Naysmith, in the previous ones it's Nasmyth. You learn the weird spelling, you stick to it each time you mention his name and then they change it. What the fuck!

Nice one, glad I didn't waste my money for something I was going to buy just for a DVD that lasts 30 minutes!

Agree with the Naysmith/Nasmyth thing, no one seems to know I think.

Kieslowski 18-09-2010 13:33

I'm so excited about listening to this that I'm even going to listen to the opening track in full.

How the FUCK have they managed to make me stop hating (INW)JTEOL, just from seeing a couple of Jools Holland performances???

Mr.Selfdestruct 18-09-2010 13:34

I went for the two disc deluxe edition. I am very fond of the book. I was hoping it would be something similar to the Journals book and it is, so yay. I would have been much better and made more sense to have the dvd with it, instead of the demos.

Abstract Unknown Girl 18-09-2010 13:36

Well I've listened to it a few times all the way through. It's not bad, but I can't say I completely love it.

The first three tracks are pop-tastic. The title track is so far my favourite on the album. Then ironically it descends into mediocrity in the form of The Descent and Hazelton Avenue; the latter sounding like The Promise by Girls Aloud (I usually like Girls Aloud for the record, but that is one of their worst singles and I don't need the Manics doing an even crappier version :p). Then things pick up again with Auto-Intoxication and Golden Platitudes, which along with PFYAM are the high points of the album.

I Think I Found It is probably the lowest point of the album for me and not that fussed about Billion Balconies either. I quite like All We Make Is Entertainment. The intro sounds like the live version of Bling (Confessions of a King) by The Killers and parts of the chorus sound like Better Best Forgotten by Steps. Sorry, but it does :lol: 'Pointless jobs lead to pointless lives' probably wouldn't resonate well with the 'masses' Nicky is so desperate to communicate with though.

The Future Has Been Here 4 Ever is...different. It's not as bad as I thought it was going to be though, mainly due to the fact James sings on it as well as Nicky. I wish we didn't have to have the token 'NICKY SINGS!!!' track on each album though. I know some people do appreciate his voice, sadly I'm not one of them and it just feels like a waste of a track. Also, I don't want to come across like a SPAG Nazi, but for fuck's sake can Nicky get over all the '4 Ever' nonsense? It's just naff and really jars with me when looking at the otherwise pretty deluxe packaging.

I quite like Don't Be Evil, it's quite KYE somehow. But it's a bit of a strange album closer. Although I think perhaps ending on say All We Make Is Entertainment for example would have been a tad too cheesy even for this album.

So, overall a bit of a mixed bag. I can't really say I'm disappointed, because my expectations weren't massively high to begin with. I know this has all been said before, but I wish they hadn't bothered with the whole 'mass communication' stuff. Whatever everyone here thinks of the album, I don't think those outside of the fanbase are really going to give a shit about it and well, It's Not War doesn't look like it's going to set the charts alight tomorrow. This is all totally fine by me; I'm not a fan of this band because I need them to have number 1 singles or whatever. I just wish THEY didn't seem to care so much at this stage of their careers. I hope this is indeed a 'last shot' at mass communication and they just make music for themselves and if we all like it, then hey great and if we don't, then no big deal. Sony might not be up for that approach, but I don't think the Manics even need Sony anymore. It's not as if they've done a sterling job of promoting this album anyway. This band frustrate me more than anything sometimes. To some people this might come across as constant moaning, but I can assure you it's only because I care and know they are capable of much better than seemingly making an album aimed at a misguided notion of the 'masses', who probably actually existed over a decade ago rather than right now.

Kieslowski 18-09-2010 13:41


Originally Posted by Abstract Unknown Girl (Post 2086069)
I know this has all been said before, but I wish they hadn't bothered with the whole 'mass communication' stuff. Whatever everyone here thinks of the album, I don't think those outside of the fanbase are really going to give a shit about it and well, It's Not War doesn't look like it's going to set the charts alight tomorrow. This is all totally fine by me; I'm not a fan of this band because I need them to have number 1 singles or whatever. I just wish THEY didn't seem to care so much at this stage of their careers. I hope this is indeed a 'last shot' at mass communication and they just make music for themselves and if we all like it, then hey great and if we don't, then no big deal. Sony might not be up for that approach, but I don't think the Manics even need Sony anymore. It's not as if they've done a sterling job of promoting this album anyway. This band frustrate me more than anything sometimes. To some people this might come across as constant moaning, but I can assure you it's only because I care and know they are capable of much better than seemingly making an album aimed at a misguided notion of the 'masses', who probably actually existed over a decade ago rather than right now.

I don't meant to sound like an X Factor judge, but I agree one BILLION percent.

Rottenstain 18-09-2010 13:45

Just listening now for the first time,

I must say Auto - Intoxication is a manic cocktail, GT mixed with The Everlasting, then slice of Intravenous Agnostic, yummy. :)

everlasting 18-09-2010 13:50


Originally Posted by Dancing Kirby (Post 2086056)
30 minutes.

By the way, I wish they'd decide upon a spelling for NN. In this booklet it's Naysmith, in the previous ones it's Nasmyth. You learn the weird spelling, you stick to it each time you mention his name and then they change it. What the fuck!

Naysmith has the power and respect to have his name spelt in numerous ways :P

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