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manicspain 21-09-2010 10:31

how much sold satt in his first day?

Alt.Duck 21-09-2010 10:31

not that far infront of the Collins album unfortunantly, which has seen a huge rise this week.

Manicben 21-09-2010 10:59


Originally Posted by burnleybassman (Post 2089359)
Those who have been in and bought it from HMV - how much were they selling the normal and deluxe version? My mate is thinking of getting a copy and I'm not up for sharing mine. Cheers :)

I believe mine was £15.99, I tried not to look at the price because I knew I couldn't really afford it.

BrianPowell 21-09-2010 11:09

The Future Has Been Here 4 Ever and Don't Be Evil were meant to be bsides?
It makes you wonder if All We Make Is Entertainment was meant to be the Album Closer.

bleeding pepper 21-09-2010 11:38


Originally Posted by lovesean4ever (Post 2089355)
Are some people starting to like it more since they heard the chart position? Hmm....

Nope. I'm feeling more of an eejit for buying it. Should've listened to the non-record-buying masses. It's a very disappointing album, possibly their worst in my opinion. Maybe it's a grower, but I somehow doubt it.

Flint 21-09-2010 11:44

It's time for the "Flinty is bored and procrastinating from actually doing any of the work he's supposed to be doing and reading FD for the past hour or so has made him want to post his Universally Factual Opinions on the new album" show! In the form of ranking from best to worst.

~The Top Tier~
1.Some Kind of Nothingness - amazing
2.I Think I Found It - just so wonderfully jubilant you can't help but love it. And if you don't love it your soul is officially grimgrimdarkdarkboringblah.
3.The Future Has Been Here 4 Ever - greatness. Nicky taking a more active role in songwriting has become a rather great asset for the band.

~The Pastures of Pleased Fanboyness~
4.Hazelton Avenue - adore that guitar riff and general atmosphere
5.Postcards From a Young Man - it's a pretty typical Manics-with-strings rocker but it does that damn well
6.The Descent - that chorus is excellent, shame the rest of the song doesn't really live up to it but it's still all good
7.Golden Platitudes - It's good. Will probably adore it some point in the future. But right now, it's good.
8.It's Not War - they could probably churn out this in their sleep but that upbeat joy is infectiously good. Singalongy happiness that you'll never long for but when it's on you're enjoying it to the max.
9.Don't Be Evil - sounds like a b-side, but a swell b-side. Really doesn't work as a closer though.

~The Murky Seas of Mnehness~
10.Auto-Intoxication - I do quite like the keyboards but as a whole the song is a bit of a jigsawy mess.
11.Billion Balconies - rawr rawr guitar rrock rawr we're angry and rocking and stuff and woo and rawr. Snore. Also while I generally think that Wire's lyrical pen throughout the album has taken a great step forwards from the SATT-slumps, he bites the dust here hard. But it's got a few nice moments - shame they're just small moments.
12.Entertainment - filler.

MSPKYE 21-09-2010 12:07

There's always the old trick of hiding Phil's CD's behind Manics ones...

mr bowlase 21-09-2010 12:11


Originally Posted by MSPKYE (Post 2089497)
There's always the old trick of hiding Phil's CD's behind Manics ones...

haha do it. i always like it when they do a top 100 albums display and it's always fun moving the Holy Bible to the number 1 spot!

counterlanguage 21-09-2010 12:18

It'll probably grow on me like SATT, but I'm finding it quite frustrating - best Wire lyrics in +10 years, only a couple of filler tracks, but the production and performance lacks the energy and beauty it could have. 7.5 out of 10 for the songs themselves, but 5/10 for the actual performance and production.

Especially SKON, which they've screwed up a bit. The version in my head after hearing the Hammersmith bootleg is so much better. Get someone like Mike Hedges in to remix it if it's going to be a single, please.

Oh, and I can scarcely believe I'm saying this, but replace McCulloch with Wire. McCulloch's got a foghorn of a voice these days.

mr bowlase 21-09-2010 12:32


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 2089473)
12.Entertainment - filler.

There's no way Entertainment can be called a filler! Especially not after the epic solo at the end!!!!

Dancing Kirby 21-09-2010 12:35


Originally Posted by counterlanguage (Post 2089511)
Especially SKON, which they've screwed up a bit. The version in my head after hearing the Hammersmith bootleg is so much better. Get someone like Mike Hedges in to remix it if it's going to be a single, please.

I'd like that too. I've become used to the album version but when I heard it for the first time I felt they'd gone OTT. A slightly toned down version, like the 'elegiac pop' we were promised with Lifeblood, would be most welcome over the winter months on radio. In its current state it's like musical chocolate and too much of it will start to leave you feeling sick.

counterlanguage 21-09-2010 12:36


Originally Posted by mr bowlase (Post 2089525)
There's no way Entertainment can be called a filler! Especially not after the epic solo at the end!!!!

Agreed, Entertainment is the best thing on there, especially lyrically.

centralscrutiniser 21-09-2010 12:37


Originally Posted by Dancing Kirby (Post 2089529)
I'd like that too. I've become used to the album version but when I heard it for the first time I felt they'd gone OTT. A slightly toned down version, like the 'elegiac pop' we were promised with Lifeblood, would be most welcome over the winter months on radio. In its current state it's like musical chocolate and too much of it will start to leave you feeling sick.

It's the worst song on the album IMHO, but I wonder if the demo will show another side to it (I haven't heard them yet). It sounds like a Will Young song. With all that over production it sounds like it should be the backing for a big budget advert which reassures me that my money is safe with this bank....

counterlanguage 21-09-2010 12:37


Originally Posted by Dancing Kirby (Post 2089529)
I'd like that too. I've become used to the album version but when I heard it for the first time I felt they'd gone OTT. A slightly toned down version, like the 'elegiac pop' we were promised with Lifeblood, would be most welcome over the winter months on radio. In its current state it's like musical chocolate and too much of it will start to leave you feeling sick.

Too much choir too soon, that's the main problem. They shouldn't come in til two thirds of the way through, so it builds to an epic climax.

lovesean4ever 21-09-2010 12:41


Originally Posted by counterlanguage (Post 2089533)
Too much choir too soon, that's the main problem.

100% correct

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