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counterlanguage 21-09-2010 16:43


Originally Posted by WelshManicFoo (Post 2089839)
It's growing on me more now after a few listens today,although I find Platitudes a bit bland still.

I find quite a lot of the album bland to be honest, with this mass communication business I think they've tried to appeal to too many people and have ended up making it a bit MOR.

Ironically I think that'll backfire on them because if they'd injected a bit more energy and pace, it'd be a far better album.

Agreed on the B-sides too. After I'm Leaving You For Solitude, I was expecting more.

Deets 21-09-2010 16:45


Originally Posted by lovesean4ever (Post 2089589)
As is found with a lot of their material, the lyrics just don't match the exceedingly excellent musicality. There. I summed it up. :p

I remember you saying some time ago when no-one really knew anything about the album, that you heard the songs and you said they're great. how often do you change your mind?

Tetsu 21-09-2010 16:45

Auto-Intoxication is probably my favorite song on the album! You're all crazy!

And lyrically, it's some of Nicky's best work in a long time. And if you compare it to the absolutely uninspired SATT ones (except for the title-track and YLAINE), even more so. There's some really good lines here.

Little Girl Lost 21-09-2010 16:45

Still falling! I Think I've Found It and Last Decent are my faves at the moment. Still got it on repeat. :heart:

wirelover 21-09-2010 16:46

My favourites at the moment are probably 'Postcards From a Young Man' and 'Golden Platitudes' :D :heart:

centralscrutiniser 21-09-2010 16:49

Hazelton Av and Golden Platitudes I'm not so keen on. Nicky completely ruins a potentially good song with his awful singing (do you think Sean ever had to make a stand? "NO! You are not having a go on my fucking drums!"), and I think SKON should be the B side banished to the nether reaches of hell alongside SWSS. The rest of the songs are growing, PFAYM is stunning, I think I Found It - loads of good stuff.

MrsCarbohydrate 21-09-2010 16:54


Originally Posted by lovesean4ever (Post 2089589)
As is found with a lot of their material, the lyrics just don't match the exceedingly excellent musicality. There. I summed it up. :p

Admittedly, I've still not heard the album the whole way through, but I think it's the other way about this time!

Jackie Collins 21-09-2010 17:32


Originally Posted by WelshManicFoo (Post 2089839)
It's growing on me more now after a few listens today,although I find Platitudes a bit bland still.Would of loved to have the B Side Distractions on the album as I think it's bloody Brilliant.The Manics are so good a B Sides.That song would of been better on the album then Descent for sure.

I don't like PLatitudes either. The vocal is lovely (mind you, he could sing the bloody yellow pages and still sound amazing) but for me it's a skip button thing.

I'm liking AWMIE more and more with every listen. It reminds me of something I can't quite put my finger on.

And since somebody mentioned the 'sniffs' on Balconies it's all I've ever heard. I never noticed them before.

Bryter Layter 21-09-2010 17:44


Originally Posted by Zee (Post 2089652)
When the hell does this officially release? I've been listening to it for so long I thought it was already out. I keep wondering why my order hasn't arrived. (ordered the deluxe edition from Townsend records)

It likely shipped Friday or yesterday (my money's on yesterday) and probably wont arrive until Thrusday or Friday of this week at the earliest. Never purchased anything from Townsend Records before however, I'm fairly certain, based on experience, 4-5 business days is the standard wait time for items being shipped from Britain to Toronto unless of course you splashed out for rushed shipping. Even then however, it's a 2-3 day wait.

Well, at least you've bought your copy, I haven't as yet. I'm just not that fussed about it at the moment. From what I've heard, It's not a must have album for me at this time.

I will buy it, I'm just not in a hurry to do so.

The Gutless Wonder 21-09-2010 18:05

Sounded brilliant in the car today! :D Auto-Intoxication has been going through my head alot as well.

YouLoveMe 21-09-2010 18:07

I didn't like Golden Platitudes at first but now I think it is superb, definitely a grower. Still not immediate enough to be a single though, I hope Nicky's all-day golden shower on Twitter yesterday doesn't indicate it will be.

Dancing Kirby 21-09-2010 18:14


Originally Posted by YouLoveMe (Post 2089951)
I didn't like Golden Platitudes at first but now I think it is superb, definitely a grower.

It's my favourite on the album. It doesn't even have a proper chorus so I can't make my usual disparaging verse-chorus-verse-chorus-solo-chorus remark. It's the way forward!

The Gutless Wonder 21-09-2010 18:35

Come on Postcards! Get in!

Lone Architect 21-09-2010 18:48

It gets better as it goes on but I'm not mad keen at all after first listen. I dunno, it doesn't feel like a Manics album, although I can't yet put my finger on the problem.

mrdavidj 21-09-2010 19:03


Originally Posted by BrianPowell (Post 2089435)
The Future Has Been Here 4 Ever and Don't Be Evil were meant to be bsides?
It makes you wonder if All We Make Is Entertainment was meant to be the Album Closer.

After I read that I did think that All We Make Is Entertainment would have been a much better closer to the album

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