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allisvanity 22-09-2010 11:56

Just went to Tesco's on my lunch break and there were no copies left! A good sign that it's selling?

starstruck 22-09-2010 11:56


Originally Posted by franny (Post 2090618)
Oh no, I'm really sorry if that came across as harsh, I was just clarifying that downloads do count and that physical sales alone wouldn't be representative, it wasn't meant to be snappy.

And I'm fine LS4E

good to hear mate - i know it's a question that crops up and up so it's tempting to give a "straight" answer, as it were. glad you are OK, matey.

ZiZi 22-09-2010 12:11


Originally Posted by mr bowlase (Post 2090500)
found this as well. It's Not War from Hammersmith:

Not available in my country. Offcourse.

MSPKYE 22-09-2010 13:34

PFYAM wasnt in my local Tescos whihc is rather worrying, and Phil Collins was album of the week, sad times.

lovesean4ever 22-09-2010 13:34

Thats cos tesco is full of old bald gits. No wait......

MSPKYE 22-09-2010 13:41

I'm not bald or old, I just wanted to get my lunch!:P


Originally Posted by Abstract Unknown Girl (Post 2090642)
It occurred to me on the way to work this morning that Hazelton Avenue sounds like Real Girl by Mutya Buena.

Haha it does a bit! It's ripe for a mash up

FacelessSenseOfVoid 22-09-2010 14:47

That song by the slag that used to be in the Sugababes samples that Lenny Kravitz song that everyone says sounds like Hazelton Avenue :P

Abstract Unknown Girl 22-09-2010 15:26

:up: Didn't know that, but that explains a lot!

Littlesue 22-09-2010 15:42

The Piano at the start of Golden Platitudes reminds me of the start of Angels by Robbie, but when James starts singing it sounds more like the verse at the start of Come Undone by Robbie.

nocultureicons 22-09-2010 16:09

Think this album is gonna be a SATT, getting a little bored of it already.

Jackie Collins 22-09-2010 17:16

SKON is bloody ace. I can't believe I wasn't that fond of it at first. I don't get all the negativity towards Auto Intoxication - I think it's bloody brilliant.

franny 22-09-2010 17:28

I don't want to start a new thread as there are far too many but what's the conensus on SKON and the demo? I prefer Nicky singing

hummingbird 22-09-2010 17:34

oh god ..i go away for two weeks (holiday..very lovely ta) and everthing goes mental..i can't keep up with all this promo catch-up business.. i have too much going on! Even Sean interviews to add to the list.. not fair! :p

i've only listened to the album a couple times but after the shock of the single only at 28 i'm thrilled the album is doing really well :D

mrdavidj 22-09-2010 17:51


Originally Posted by franny (Post 2091074)
I don't want to start a new thread as there are far too many but what's the conensus on SKON and the demo? I prefer Nicky singing

Ditto. As I've said before around here somewhere Nicky Wire may not have a technically good voice but it has a certain soul to it

TheCatInTheHat 22-09-2010 17:56

I'm not sure what I think about this album yet. It's very mainstream a la Send Away The Tigers, which I liked, and I understand that it was the objective but it still feels odd to me. Although, I think that will change after a few more listens.

The only thing I feel strongly about at this point is that the album should have been 10 tracks. All We Make is Entertainment is a fitting end and the last two songs just seem tacked on for the sake of making the album 12 tracks.

Favorite tracks: Postcards From A Young Man (does anyone else think the chorus sounds like U2's Windows in the Skies?), Some Kind Of Nothingness, Golden Platitudes, All We Make is Entertainment

"We're so post-modern, We're so post-everything"

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