Originally Posted by cherrybomb
(Post 2092933)
I can't believe the amount of times I've read 'I've listened to the album once and I won't bother again it's crap' in this forum. You can't judge whether an album is any good or not on one or two listens, some of the best albums take a dozen or more listens before you really start to appreciate them, after just a couple of listens you can't even remember how the songs go. I don't like Lifeblood, but I could put it on now and sing along and scarcely get a word wrong, this is why I can say I don't like Lifeblood, I know every song and I gave the bloody thing a chance, in fact I still dig it out now and again and give it a spin hoping something will click. I know it's all a matter of opinion but for God's sake take the time to form an opinion before you come on here moaning about how shit everything is. This is the tenth album by a bunch of forty year olds and it's far, far better than it has any right to be, in fact it's rather fantastic, we're lucky, lucky fans. I dunno some of you people don't deserve the Manics and the Manics certainly don't deserve some of you people!
My response to the first bit: The album has been 'around' a while now and most people have given it a good ten listens or so, it's hardly the most complex or obscure sounding album ever (not to slate it), THB takes many listens, this is meant to be 'mass communication' so if it doesn't instantly click with people then that's a bad thing on the part of the Manics.
If people don't like it then they don't like it, you can't expect them to force themselves to listen to it alot in order to 'make' it click but if someone doesn't like it based on what they've heard then that's their opinion. You might disagree and so would I but that's how it is, I know I don't like 'Blood Sugar Sex Magik', I've only heard it once but I'd rather eat my own balls than hear it again, don't be so condescending as to presume that people don't know their own tastes.
My response to the last two lines: TWAT!
I don't know who 'you' refers to, but if you're seriously suggesting that Manics fans who don't like the new album and don't put it on all the time anyway don't deserve the band you're a right Charlie, not to mince words ;)
Grow up, we all deserve the band, anyone who likes anything they've done deserves the band, and the band deserve an intelligent audience who don't blindly swallow everything they throw at them, oh look, they do, marvellous.
On your bike.