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Donkey 16-09-2022 21:04


Originally Posted by Glyn (Post 2694507)

My Guernica: "Alfred J Prufrock" corrected to "J Alfred Prufrock" at 0.40. Can't work out if this is a different vocal take or has been cut up (sounds more like it to me).

That's obviously a completely newly recorded vocal. The voice sounds 20 years older. No matter it is now "correct", it sounds pretty awful to me because of the tonal change on James voice. What's wrong this year? Bernard Butler released new vocals for his first solo albums too :-D oh my

ron the little seal 16-09-2022 23:52

The change was confirmed by eringa to be a cut edit job. To my ears it doesn't sound the best but time will tell if it feels right

Donkey 17-09-2022 06:53


Originally Posted by ron the little seal (Post 2694660)
The change was confirmed by eringa to be a cut edit job. To my ears it doesn't sound the best but time will tell if it feels right

J. Alfred ? Or which change?

What is meant by cut-edit? Only modifying the old track? I seriously doubt it in case of J. Alfred, it really sounds
1. like JDB 2022
2. smooth (no strange cutting)

FacelessSenseOfVoid 17-09-2022 09:29

Definitely a cut/shift job on the vocal. It's very jarring and just sounds shit. The more I listen to the remix of My Guernica, the more I dislike it.

ron the little seal 17-09-2022 09:38


Originally Posted by Donkey (Post 2694661)
J. Alfred ? Or which change?

What is meant by cut-edit? Only modifying the old track? I seriously doubt it in case of J. Alfred, it really sounds
1. like JDB 2022
2. smooth (no strange cutting)

Apologies I should have been clearer, they moved the j to the front on the original vocal track. Dave Eringa confirmed it on the what is music kye podcast episode.

Donkey 18-09-2022 19:04


Originally Posted by ron the little seal (Post 2694663)
Apologies I should have been clearer, they moved the j to the front on the original vocal track. Dave Eringa confirmed it on the what is music kye podcast episode.

Thanks for that. I've just listened to it: Dave Eringa insist there is nothing new there indeed. First I thought he was lying, but I listened intensively to the orginal and new version and he is probably true. Probably there is a bit of time warping which change the tone a bit. But to be completel clear: I believe my feeling was simply wrong.

zaza_3121 19-09-2022 14:31


Originally Posted by Donkey (Post 2694699)
But to be completel clear: I believe my feeling was simply wrong.

Impossible! ;) :D

Son of Stopped 19-09-2022 15:18

Hahaha! Pedestal now has an unnecessary "WOWNK" guitar noise at the end instead a fade on Sean's symbol! Knew I should have bought the 3CD thing.

Vancouver 22-09-2022 00:28

I must say that Dave Eringa interview on that podcast was FANTASTIC.

darkanddivine 23-09-2022 15:28

Liking the mix. The alternative title of this is "Found That Reverb." :D

It's not a new bit by any stretch of the imagination, but I like the fact that they put a swell in Intravenous Agnostic (3:19.) Glorious.

The other veeeeery noticable thing is how the bass drum shifts from the centre to the side of the mix in the Ocean Spray heavy guitar part. This opens up the space so you can hear Mitch Ikeda's spoken word bit (at the end) much more easily.

The thing with the KYE mix originally is it's all so rough and unfinished that it's no surprise that a bit of polish and space is brining elements to the fore that were there but just inaudiable before.

I'll have a listen to some of these other suggestions and thoughts on the mix itself and see if I can spot the difference.

darkanddivine 23-09-2022 17:14


Originally Posted by Glyn (Post 2694507)
Baby Elian : different vocal take for the choruses (or massively double tracked?)

Good spot. Where James sings "kidnapped" he holds (mainly) one note in the remix, where he glides down from "kid" to "napped" in the original.


Originally Posted by Glyn (Post 2694507)
Intravenous Agnostic: extra 'breathing' (?) and possibly guitar in the breakdown section 2.37 onwards ?

This sounds like there's general foley/ambience in the background turned up high so you hear it. You have the ch-ch-ch sounds, but also what sounds like a book turning pages or something in there?

I notice that the high pitched guitar in the first part of this is *much* lower in the mix (from 2:44 onwards) than the original. I think a lot of what is going on here is just playing with levels rather than anything new, plus the swell mentioned in my last post.


Originally Posted by Glyn (Post 2694507)
Dead Martyrs : New outro (instrumental chorus and extra guitar, assume this is Kevin Shields) from 2.43

New outro sounds a lot like guitar tracks with feedback. In all likelihood if they chose a mix with an extra chorus, these would have just been muted and so they might have been part of the song originally, but we never got to hear it. And yeah, Kevin Shields is a decent shout as at 2:57 there is a tone very similar to the intro of Freedom of Speech at that point.


Originally Posted by Glyn (Post 2694507)
I'm not 100% sure on those and am sure there are loads I have missed. The new mixes of My Guernica and Freedom of Speech feel significantly different but is there anything truly 'new' in the mixes or just things being turned up/down?

I'll have to listen to these in more detail, but focussing on the mixes mainly:

The original Guernica has some very odd placements and deliberate crappiness (edit: this crappiness is something I wondered about, but I'm glad to hear it very much confirmed by Dave Eringa in the recent podcast episode), which is mostly removed. Typically, drums and bass are central in a vanilla song mix. KYE isn't traditional so on Guernica, you have the bass on one side of your ears and the drums on the other with a random tambo in the middle. The new mix is more traditional which makes way more space especially for James voice, and the guitars are significantly turned down.

Freedom of Speech; again, there's just a lot more space in the mix, and it sounds like there's some gentle movement of the placement of instruments in your ears as the song builds up. And it's drenched in reverb where the original isn't. The original is also quite a muddy mix, which again really highlights those jagged guitars and hides other aspects of the song.

Errrr what else?... The Convalescent now has a tambourine & cowbell. The end of Wattsville Blues is gone.

As a final note; what I'd say with remixes is that you'd be amazed how far you can turn a horrible buzz-saw guitar into something quite pretty with a low pass filter and a few other little tricks. The same is true the other way. If one can add reverb and delay to an instrument, then additional effects (see: Miss Europa guitars etc) can be added to tweak how a specific instrument sounds.

In a nutshell we've gone from a narrow, muddy and buzzy mix with buried vocals, to something more "classic Manics" if you will. The new one has a wide mix including mostly traditional placement of the instruments, more vocals, less guitars and a bunch of reverb.

sitdown1985 24-09-2022 12:44

According the the liner notes:


Solidarity and Door To The River aren't made up of re-recordings or reimaginings. There are no overdubs, the playing remains that of the band back in 2000 in those revered studios, the voice is James Dean Bradfield in his early 30s. The most striking differences are the huge shifts in tone and context.

Marat Sar 24-09-2022 16:11


Originally Posted by Vancouver (Post 2694753)
I must say that Dave Eringa interview on that podcast was FANTASTIC.

A link to that? Would love to hear him talk about this album.

Vancouver 24-09-2022 17:31

Tim 24-09-2022 19:45


Originally Posted by Marat Sar (Post 2694775)
A link to that? Would love to hear him talk about this album.

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