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Napoleon Bonaparte 06-09-2010 10:54

Eli Roth on the cover:lol:

burnleybassman 06-09-2010 10:54

Definitely a back off the mic moment there Jamo ;)

franny 06-09-2010 10:55

That or The Descent, well that was good fun, now I can go back to my morning of doing nowt.

Mr Inconspicuous 06-09-2010 10:56

Enjoyed that, needed something to cheer me up on a miserable Dublin morning.

I wonder are they gonna be doing other Irish radio appearances to day? I'll keep an ear out anyway...

nexberry 06-09-2010 10:57

Very good acoustic version of SKON. I like it.

savemejebus 06-09-2010 11:01


Originally Posted by nexberry (Post 2073777)
Very good acoustic version of SKON. I like it.

Better than the album version in my opinion!

nexberry 06-09-2010 11:12


Originally Posted by savemejebus (Post 2073782)
Better than the album version in my opinion!

I like them both. After so many "going on" in the album version it's good to hear only James and guitar. It could easily be played like this on some of the concerts. We'll see. :)

franny 06-09-2010 11:22

I thought the guitar could have done to have been stronger in that session really.

The Gutless Wonder 06-09-2010 11:24

Sounds like that was a good interview. Good to hear that James' voice is back!

MSPKYE 06-09-2010 11:27

Sounds like theyre booked up til March then, wonder if we'll get any Christmas time dates or if they'll do more UK ones in March/April

franny 06-09-2010 11:30

Doubt they'll do Christmas ones having just done the tour. Still, looks like they'll be doing the works vis a vis Europe.

nexberry 06-09-2010 11:54

I just hope for the proper European tour, with less festival gigs.

p2 06-09-2010 13:23

Listen again...

everlasting 06-09-2010 13:47

Thanks for the link. And once again, Nicky mentions the rage against dying of the light. He might as well just record one little speech and send it to radio stations to play.

wirelover 06-09-2010 15:50

Nice pic :D

The Gutless Wonder 06-09-2010 20:02

Want to see the pic on James' t-shirt!

Mr.Selfdestruct 06-09-2010 22:44

Very nice interview. Tom knows his stuff and is also a fan. I thought they might be on some show on Today Fm too? Both radio stations being in the same building and all.

Mr Inconspicuous 06-09-2010 23:17


Originally Posted by Mr.selfdestruct (Post 2074527)
Very nice interview. Tom knows his stuff and is also a fan. I thought they might be on some show on Today Fm too? Both radio stations being in the same building and all.

I half-thought that but they did a random one-off interview on Newstalk last year aswell, even before they had done any British promotional interviews for JFPL. I'm guessing the most likely time for other Irish broadcast interviews would be round that Guinness thing

MSPKYE 09-09-2010 16:16

Did he ever play the other track that he promissed?

Mr.Selfdestruct 09-09-2010 16:45

Don't think so

I would be surprised if they didn't do a proper session for Paul McLoone's show on Today Fm while they were in the building. I don't really listen to his show, or that station anymore, so not sure.

Mr Inconspicuous 09-09-2010 22:11


Originally Posted by MSPKYE (Post 2076862)
Did he ever play the other track that he promissed?

Not that I've heard. There's a listen again facility for whole shows on the site, so if anyone wants to double-check.:p

Tomorrow is another day though.;)

p2 13-09-2010 09:32

Emailed Tom, he just read out my request for the track, he'll play it before the end of the show :)

franny 13-09-2010 10:07

Ooh, nice of him, did he saw which it was?

MSPKYE 13-09-2010 10:13


Originally Posted by p2 (Post 2079791)
Emailed Tom, he just read out my request for the track, he'll play it before the end of the show :)

Ah good stuff!

p2 13-09-2010 10:13


Originally Posted by franny (Post 2079809)
Ooh, nice of him, did he saw which it was?

Sorry Franny, he didn't say.

savemejebus 13-09-2010 10:23

hopefully they'll play it soon, i'm going nuts here listening to this crap about butchers, hermaphrodite dogs and fricking milkthistle

MSPKYE 13-09-2010 10:55

Its Not War Acoustic (as predicted)

Mr Inconspicuous 13-09-2010 22:36


Originally Posted by p2 (Post 2079791)
Emailed Tom, he just read out my request for the track, he'll play it before the end of the show :)

Hats off P2, you never miss a trick, unlike me who's just after listening back to today's show and somehow not hearing the Manics. I actually tried to leave a comment asking Tom to play the other track but I'm glad it didn't 'stick'.

Can't find the full INW on the site like he said though.

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