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Abstract Unknown Girl 24-09-2010 17:40

I can only hope that line is an ironic dig at themselves given the subject matter of that song.

Vancouver 24-09-2010 18:06


Originally Posted by Napoleon Bonaparte (Post 2093269)
You came to that opinion after more than one listen right?

Yes, I've listened to this record a lot. I was one of the people that had a copy for a few weeks before it leaked so I've spent a lot of time with this record. And it's a very, very average record.

(However, my opinion after my first listen didn't change all that much.)

Napoleon Bonaparte 24-09-2010 18:27


Originally Posted by Vancouver (Post 2093657)
Yes, I've listened to this record a lot. I was one of the people that had a copy for a few weeks before it leaked so I've spent a lot of time with this record. And it's a very, very average record.

(However, my opinion after my first listen didn't change all that much.)

& You are entitled to that opinion, you have obviously invested time in coming to it.

raven 24-09-2010 19:11


Originally Posted by sculptureofabloke (Post 2093339)
I hate the "pointless jobs lead to pointless lives" line from All We Make Is Entertainment. Yeah, fair enough.. it's in a song called All We Make Is Entertainment so I kinda get the impression they could be talking about themselves there too. It just doesn't settle well with me, kinda feels like having a middle class person tell me what it's like to be working class.


Originally Posted by River Boy (Post 2093343)
That is the one song I thought very strange from the 1 listen I've had so far. I hope it's joke gone wrong - like Underdogs - rather than an intelligent comment Nicky is trying to make.


Originally Posted by sculptureofabloke (Post 2093346)
Don't get me wrong, I think the song sounds great, it's just that one line. Like I say though, going by the title if nothing else it sounds like they're saying "don't take us too seriously".

Pointless jobs just lead to pointless lives
Breaking up our bones, breaking up our minds

It's supposed to be about the decline of the manufacturing industry & so more likely refers to how so many jobs with a point, with an end result requiring craft, skill, workmanship have been lost so many of us are now in jobs that produce nothing of any real value and it matters cos your job takes up a fair part of your life but you wouldn't say many really define you, you don't go home feeling you've contributed to something worthwhile, produced something of value, gain satisfaction....many of the manufacturing industries defined working class areas, when they shut down as well as the jobs and income a part of the identity of a place goes too. And what does Britain manufacture anymore, it is all servicing and entertainment

unger76 24-09-2010 19:14


Originally Posted by FacelessSenseOfVoid (Post 2092256)
Good comments, Markus - also have to say thank you to you for recording my favourite gig ever! (JDB Camden Barfly 2006 :P).

Wow, you still remember :-)

unger76 24-09-2010 19:20


Originally Posted by The Gutless Wonder (Post 2092768)
What Markus was saying about the Manics being a familiar listen. Read a couple of comments about some people feeling this album doesn't sound like a Manics album but to me there's only one band that could create an album like this.

Yeah, it simply appeared to me when I looked at my page and really surprised me how often I have listened to the new album already ... on the PC, on the car stereo, on the mp3 player ... and I wasn't even too fond of the new album ;-)
And it was a very nice moment to actually buy a CD on the release day again, don't know when I last did that (compared to buy the mp3s at Amazon or iTunes).

unger76 24-09-2010 19:28


Originally Posted by Napoleon Bonaparte (Post 2093305)
I've been encouraging friends to buy the "Pleasures virtual" version for £3.99 on amazon. Seems quite reasonable.

3.99?? Where have we come to?
I second that an album should be worth more than the cost of a latte, good writing by Asthmathic Kitty for the new Sufjan Stevens album by the way.

Napoleon Bonaparte 24-09-2010 19:32


Originally Posted by unger76 (Post 2093734)
Where have we come to?

The future has been here 4 ever, it's called promotion.

One Man Gang 25-09-2010 18:15

Have been listening to it all week and I really like this album. It's passed 3 of my 4 listening tests.

I listened to a few tracks in a bad mood on Monday and wasn't thrilled. Took it work on Tuesday and the album came alive. After listening to it on my stereo today it was really good. It's a bit too choir and strings arific at times, but on the Wire song they complement his voice well - that intro reminded me of Zeitgeist as soon as I heard it. Lots of queen nods in the album.

It's not a perfect album, but its a darned fine album that they should be very proud of. It deserves to be No. 1.

NewWaveDave 25-09-2010 18:26

First listen earlier today, is it really that bad? I actually switched it off before the final track.

hummingbird 25-09-2010 19:06

first time i listened to the album on monday on a crappy cd player in the kitchen.. Hazleton avenue was the song that stood out of the ones i hadnt already heard.. i listened to it again on the puter through even worse speakers and distracted by the telly. Finally listened to it properly through headphones last night gone midnite... planned to only listen to it once but played it 4 times :D Hazleton avenue is still a favourite aswell as Skon, postcards, golden platitudes, and don't be evil. Dunno where to put INWJTEOL yet as i'm a bit tired of it hearing it on the radio all the time. LOVE IT !

The Gutless Wonder 25-09-2010 19:07


Originally Posted by NewWaveDave (Post 2094566)
First listen earlier today, is it really that bad? I actually switched it off before the final track.

Go back and listen to Don't Be Evil you naughty Manics fan! :p

Porco 25-09-2010 19:32

I'm still totally loving PFAYM. I'm even not skipping TFHBH4E like I thought I would do.

Really hope they get the number one album tomorrow.

Abstract Unknown Girl 25-09-2010 21:26


Originally Posted by NewWaveDave (Post 2094566)
First listen earlier today, is it really that bad? I actually switched it off before the final track.

You could probably answer your own question if you carried on listening to it :p I don't see how you can form a proper opinion on it if you won't even listen to it all the way through.

Takk 25-09-2010 21:28

It took me 4 or 5 times, it requires a bit of investment.

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