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Routine Builder 23-03-2022 15:47

Only half the capacity went to the raffle so I imagine this is 50% guestlist, sigh.....

UEF 23-03-2022 15:59


Originally Posted by Routine Builder (Post 2692843)
Only half the capacity went to the raffle so I imagine this is 50% guestlist, sigh.....

Nothing says Rock n Roll like a jolly for industry chums.

Routine Builder 23-03-2022 16:26

Taxpayer funded jolly for the chums....

UEF 23-03-2022 17:57


Originally Posted by Routine Builder (Post 2692845)
Taxpayer funded jolly for the chums....

I look forward to footage of a camera panning across half-empty seats

Tim 24-03-2022 00:51


Originally Posted by Routine Builder (Post 2692843)
Only half the capacity went to the raffle so I imagine this is 50% guestlist, sigh.....

What is your source for this?

I didn't get one either.

Routine Builder 24-03-2022 07:29

75 pairs of tickets raffled for a 300 capacity venue.


UEF 24-03-2022 07:38


Originally Posted by Routine Builder (Post 2692851)
75 pairs of tickets raffled for a 300 capacity venue.


Think you might want to try that link again

This’ll be like the Postcards “working man’s club” gig where every man (and woman) in attendance was working at Sony

Routine Builder 24-03-2022 08:38

Tim 24-03-2022 21:44


Originally Posted by Routine Builder (Post 2692853)

Got it. No wonder i never stood a chance. They should have held it in the tramshed or maybe, i dunno, allocated more tickets for fans... as wild as that thought may seem. (-_- )

Son of Stopped 24-03-2022 22:01

The only gig where nobody shouts for Sleepflower?

hummingbird 24-03-2022 23:52

oooh sour grapes :lol: they play loads of gigs ...plenty chance to see them ... Even 300 tickets is a long shot. This is for a festival isn't it? Don't think they chose the venue themselves

Routine Builder 25-03-2022 08:12

Not blaming the band here, more the BBC raffling only 7 out of 75 pairs to outside Wales.

hummingbird 25-03-2022 22:38


Originally Posted by Routine Builder (Post 2692857)
Not blaming the band here, more the BBC raffling only 7 out of 75 pairs to outside Wales.

Aah. Don't mind most go to the locals but then I can't be arsed going :)

LA ex 26-03-2022 07:44


Originally Posted by Son of Stopped (Post 2692855)
The only gig where nobody shouts for Sleepflower?

Did anyone have time to shout for it on the PFAYM tour when they opened with it a couple of times?

Europa Gluten Free 27-03-2022 21:16

IS this on anywhere this week?

EDIT: Edit to say yeah it is on 6 music and then on the app. Seems some videos from it will be posted at a later date as well.

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