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Richey used to carry about his guitar around the centre though? Did the others? Wonder why he did if not... little poser... |
James does love his pasties so no suprises there then!
I saw Sean Moore today when i was christmas shopping at Cribbs Causeway :D
did you resist the ruge to grab him Nic?! :lol: |
I was waiting for my husband outside M&Swhich was inside the shopping centre when i saw Sean walking towards the store.I don't know if he did see me but he suddenly headed for the car park.I've never seen anyone run up stairs so fast :lol: |
Great story Nic...I wonder what last minute presents he was buying... |
Well i was expecting my present in the post today ;) I think he had a Carphone Warehouse bag.He might have hid in his car and went back to finish the rest when i had gone :lol: |
A few months before I met my boyfriend, he met James in HMV in Middlesbrough on the day they played the Town Hall in 1996.
He said James was very pleasant (and short) and they had a chat about what music they were looking for. If only I'd met my other half a few months earlier I would've met him too! The extra annoying thing is that my other half isn't even a big fan, so he wasn't especially overwhelmed at meeting him. Grrr... |
I had a short conversation with Naysmyth in the Morrisons in central Leeds about pineapples.
I would generally try to avoid the band, no interest in meeting them really. I met James after his solo show in Leeds, but more out of boredom and wanting to help him if scary stalker girl tried to rape him. |
My manager supposedly met Nicky in Vivienne Westwood in Leeds, and her husband had a proper conversation with him. I don't think I believe her.
Not cool. |
If it helps after our little chat with all the aforementioned horrors which we had done our best to avoid by putting our heads down and walking past (which to be honest was never that smart as we've never been the type to dress subtley and blend into a crowd) only to be followed so I couldn't avoid the talking to him whilst looking rough as hell, we then saw him another three times which was just getting ridiculous as we figured we really didn't want to look like we were stalking him so we would go hide/run out of the shop only to safely get into another shop, look up and spot the gingerness all over again - thankfully we had a slight advantage though as his height and the glow off his hair acts as a kind of early avoidance warning beacon. That day was just silly though as in the space of half an hour we walked past all three of them separately in a now this is just getting silly way |
Were you walking forecfully in a line or anything as for some reason thats how it worked as a mental image. I don't suppose he could go three hours without a smoke as otherwise it would have been kinda amusing if you'd been the last thing he saw three hours earlier going in as well. |
It was April 2005 and I'd been on the lookout for a Soda Stream for months without any luck.
Just as I was about to give up hope, my missus pointed out a small ad in the local paper: "FOR SALE: Soda Stream. Slightly dog-muck contaminated but in full working order. Call to view." I excitedly called the number, slightly fearful that someone else had beat me to it. I needn't have worried - it hadn't been sold and I could view it that evening! So I drove through the night to a little town called Bethlehem, where I had agreed to meet the seller, chapped on the door of the public convenience where he lived and was left astounded when none other than SEAN MOORE popped his head out the door!!! "Hold on a mo," he said, "I'm having a dump." So I waited, and waited... and waited. After about 1hr and 45mins the convenience became unengaged. "Enter," Sean shouted, so I did, to find him sitting on the pan with his trousers at his ankles. "I've come about the Soda Stream," I asked. "Oh yes, here it is... as I said in the ad, it's slightly contaminated with dog-muck but it works fine!" "Do you have a gas cannister for it?" I asked. "Errr, no... I don't think so," Sean said. "Oh well, no good to me," I replied. "Well, fuck you, timewaster!" Sean yelled, then slammed the door angrily. Seconds later, it reopened. "Errr, you don't happen to have any toilet paper do you?", Sean asked nervously, face as red as a well-spanked botty. "FUCK YOU SEAN, AND YOUR SODA STREAM!" I bawled. THE END |
nicky and james come into my shop every few weeks if they're not on tour.
their rehearsal room is not far from the town centre so its usually mid afternoon when they either break for the day or are on their way in i assume. only served sean once tho. they're lovely although nicky is alot more chatty than james,he's more stand off-ish. i've sold them some wacky stuff; dolly parton best of,obscure yoko ono back cat,disney dvd's,dr who series and the like. james bought a motown compilation once but i bit my lip restraining the junk reference. i still shake like its the first time i've seen them tho. design was on the stereo one time and nicky was tapping along on his pokets. when i got him to sign some records once my pen ran out so he used one of his own pulled out of his bag,he had about ten all lined up along the front and he chose a red one. oh,and james stroked my dog on queen st the day after the newport gig!:D |
That is so cool! Thanks for sharing your story! Nice to see there are some musicians out there that can still be down-to-earth and unassuming. Especially James. He seems like such a lovely guy.
Such fantastic stories! jack_duckworth, I must ask.. who bought what, exactly? I bet Sean bought the Doctor Who series, he seems like the type ;)
nah,nicky had the dr who,disney,yoko,dolly parton(!!) edwin collins and wii and ds games.
james only buys cd's.i've never sold him any films. the one time sean came in he bought pans labyrinth. he had a big baseball cap on and didnt really make eye contact. i did catch him looking at my bangles tho. nicky has commented on my bangles and nail polish too but im too attatched to them to offer him one! also,they always pay in cash,never card of any sort. i've served patrick jones a few times too,he buys metal for his sons |
its a nice story though...one of his quotes on the notes on their website a while back was Dolly so I guess thats where he got it from. |
he is lovely.always so smiley.
i've never seen any punters approach any of them in the shop tho,they walk around completely unnoticed which is suprising to me given the amount of manics displays we have and the amount we sell with it being cardiff n all. its not like they look radically different off duty or anything *shrugs* |
and it was the new series!
he told my colleague it was for his daughter |
Isn't his daughter like 5? Why would she be watching it? lol
Those stories are so sweet!
that was around may/june time earlier this year. maybe her birthday as he spent quite alot that day? this is not definate but afew weeks earler i saw him strolling down the high street with a little girl. the reason im unsure if it was his daughter is because it was very busy,raining and people were running about all over the place trying to find shlelter.its quite possible a child could've been walking by him when i saw him. the reason i think it might have been is because he did not come into my shop,he did not let on to me and he did not stop to talk to the big issue vendor,which he always does (i was outside having a fag) if it was his daughter (which i hope it was,then i can say i've seen at least one manic offspring!) then thats amazing! i'll be honest and say that i did not get a good look at her face tho,i only saw her from the back. if not then its one more time i've seen nicky strolling about. even if he did ignore me |
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