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Gusto 24-10-2024 23:03

New single on streaming platforms.

Hiding In Plain Site

Routine Builder 24-10-2024 23:53

Sounds like a SATT b-side which is no bad thing and unlike D&F, doesn't try to recapture something long lost. Not as interesting as the single Futurology (have we collectively forgotten about that?) but I'm guessing if you've already made up your mind about Nicky's vocals, then this track isn't trying to change your mind. With all the guitar noodling, it does seem more like an album track than a single but that's what I get for complaining about the staleness of their singles. I remain hopeful of an adequate album (and a much better album afterwards) so will build my hut in a secluded corner of Porco's island, please wave at me but keep off my plot.

IntlDebris 25-10-2024 00:03


Originally Posted by Routine Builder (Post 2699012)
I remain hopeful of an adequate album (and a much better album afterwards)

Yeah, negative as I might be, snippets of interviews, and a general pattern, suggests they might do something more up my street next. TUVL didn't work for me, but I can't deny they were at least going for something a bit different. And in the last 20 years, the pattern is very obvious:

Lifeblood - branching out
SATT - Manics-by-numbers
JFPL - branching out
PFAYM - Manics-by-numbers
RtF/F (recorded at the same time, of course) - branching out
RiF - Manics-by-numbers
TUVL - branching out
CT - Manics-by-numbers?
Next album - four lengthy krautrock-style jams with a ton of trumpet improv from Sean

I'm just hoping they can knock out some less obvious songwriting, really. But while I might moan, I'm not giving up on the band. Not until they put out three or four albums like this in a row.

JimmiB 25-10-2024 02:38

Wooah, didn't expect this. Instantly liked it, definitely Manics but somehow quite different. Nicky's vocal good, nice melody, shit loads of little guitar solos, this is going to sound great on the radio. Big fan of this.

Vancouver 25-10-2024 06:41

Preorder page up on iTunes.

Critical Thinking. Jan 31. 12 tracks. Includes both singles so far (Tracks 2 and 4).

EDIT. Sorry, missed that this was mentioned already lol

Bartek Wyre 25-10-2024 07:06

Gaaah, they've replaced the cheesy piano with a cheesy string ensemble :| Gaaaah the obvious autotune on Nick's vocals...

That said, I like it a lot better than D&F.

There's a short loop of the new video accompanying this on Spotify, showing Nick and JDB rocking out. A music video with Nick on lead vocals, that's definitely a first!

blackflower 25-10-2024 07:28

Well I find I am loving this new Tuneful Anthemic Uplifting Manics Bops era. Save me a spot on Manics Still Good island and you'll find me dancing like a loon down the front of Wembley/Brixton/wherever they choose to play this time!

Edit: Or Shep Bush as it turns out :D

Lee 25-10-2024 07:43


Originally Posted by IntlDebris (Post 2698987)
It's not much of a song, just a verse repeated throughout. Very dull, glossy production. And, um, when did Nicky start sounding like Chris Martin?

I really get the Chris Martin comparison on this song.

It’s okay actually, much better than I thought it would be after reading some of the ‘reviews’ here. I can’t believe they’ve actually released a Nicky vocal as a single.

It’s fine. Not great but it’s nice. Manics have often released strange singles and left better songs on the album. Not getting my knickers in a twist over the album just yet.

On that note I see track one and twelve on the iTunes listing have the explicit tag next to them.

ZiZi 25-10-2024 07:55

I've never listened to any of Nickys solo-albums and I skip every track with Nicky vocals on Manics albums.

But this is absolutely magnificent. Fucking fantastic. Well done, boys. Very melodic, nice guitars, catchy as hell.

stormstocome 25-10-2024 07:58

Sounds like a decent b side.
The best bit is the string section part they had shared before.

theraven1979 25-10-2024 08:03

It's alright. The two songs so far I just can't imagine ever choosing to listen to them again.

someone, somewhere, soon 25-10-2024 08:03

Nicky really doesn't like intros does he? Maybe I'm mis-remembering, and I'm not going to go back and review all his contributions and solo stuff, but in my mind so many of them seem to open directly to his voice on the very first strum of the song...

It's pleasant enough, probably prefer it to D&F. Backing vocals are pretty, would've liked them higher in the mix to balance out his voice, although maybe that's just the speakers I'm listening on. Main criticism is as someone mentioned earlier, he always tends to find one simple melody line per track then sticks to that throughout - no variations, no countermelodies or subtleties, "this is the tune and it goes like this"...

mr bowlase 25-10-2024 08:05

The female back vocals just after the 1 min mark are giving me MoominValley theme tune vibes.

Europa Gluten Free 25-10-2024 08:09

Quite like it now. Looking forward to seeing it on Jools. I guess Wayne will be playing bass and James will be doing the girly backing vocals. Jimbo's guitar work sounds like a Strat to me but we will see.

LA ex 25-10-2024 08:14

Has someone at Manics headquarters messed up that it's available in the UK at least an hour early?

First listen quiet enjoyable. Felt like the Manics without being an obvious re-tread of what they've done previously. That said, it didn't feel quite reach the huge anthemic status I think it was aiming for.

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