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rosetree 26-10-2024 22:37

Yes great performances, well done to Nicky and the nice backing vocals in the song.

Lee 26-10-2024 22:48


Originally Posted by Europa Gluten Free (Post 2699152)
D&F sounds fantastic on Jools. James playing the LP! And playing all the riffs and fills and solo! Yassss!

Playing the whole lot and not palming his guitar off onto Wayne whilst throwing his arms around is properly refreshing.

Son of Stopped 26-10-2024 22:56

*cough licence Well keeping an eye out on YouTube! Glad it's been well received. Can't wait!
EDIT: No that was brilliant but Hiding In Plain Sight stole the show of their performances.

everlasting 26-10-2024 23:10

I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that people will see that Jools show wonder why a lead song was sung by the bass player...

tomd2103 27-10-2024 00:57


Originally Posted by Europa Gluten Free (Post 2699140)
The more I listen to HIPS, the more I think they should have done a proper - if low key - Manics album with Wire as the front man.

I've wondered what a similar sort of album.would have been like with The Anchoress as the lead singer. Of all the other vocalists they have worked with, she just seems to fit with them the best and gives them an extra dimension live as well.

Lee 27-10-2024 01:08


Originally Posted by everlasting (Post 2699162)
I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking that people will see that Jools show wonder why a lead song was sung by the bass player...

Totally! Watching it again and I still can’t believe they’ve gone for a Nicky-led single.

Not sure exactly what the bed wetters on this site are crying about tbh.

Manualex16 27-10-2024 02:49


Originally Posted by hummingbird (Post 2699158)
They totally smashed that - sounded great - didn't know they changed venue for Jools ..used to be in some studio in Kent? Always sounded a bit off

They changed venues at least a year ago the last time I saw Jools Holland with the Noel Gallagher special, it's a gorgeous venue.

Manualex16 27-10-2024 02:51

I saw the Jools performance of Hiding and I loved it. The studio cut is going to take a bit of time to get used to,, I feel like the backing vocals shouldn't have been as prominent as it was, but the minor chord instrumental bit is lovely though.

Europa Gluten Free 27-10-2024 10:47

Both performances now up on YouTube and I think they are great.

Thought the whole Jools show was fantastic actually. Amazingly talented people, especially Jerron Baxton, the guy playing the old blues songs.

Routine Builder 27-10-2024 11:47

Jools performances were fine, good to see Nick visibly enjoying himself which isn't a given. Bit disappointed by interview, neither anything about the new album or what really prompted the attic treasure trove question? Feels like there is something in the works that's not quite ready to be discussed but that could just be me over theorising, guess we'll find out in 2026 which is looking like it may be the first year without a Manics related release since 2015 unless EMG is re-issues for a third time.

IntlDebris 27-10-2024 12:13

Wouldn't be remotely surprised if we get another Best Of in 2026, ideally one actually compiled by the band of what they think are their best/defining songs rather than just singles. Album cuts, b-sides, even remixes?

Son of Stopped 27-10-2024 14:39

If a documentary is being put together by the band and Kieran Evans. Then maybe a soundtrack/compilation similar to "The Kids Are Alright" in 2026?
It's Critical Thinking and a documentary I've saw mentioned in interviews months ago.
Thread was started in 2023! Taken a whole two years to record and get ready for next January.
But then a lot of the past year was getting the anniversary editons and shows.
I'm happy with 2024 and looking forward to January.

Mumbojumbo 27-10-2024 17:13


Originally Posted by keir (Post 2699144)
I like the video but I'd like it more if it wasn't in that ridiculous aspect ratio.

Yes, what is going on with this?! If this is a Kieran Evans effort then he's like a media studies student who's just got a cracked version of Adobe Premiere.

Someone on Facebook said Nicky is singing like Mark Owen these days and yes, I am all for a Nicky/Manics cover of this please:

Gusto 27-10-2024 22:53

Apologies if this has been posted previously but the SDE article on the deluxe CD mentions a Steven Wilson mix of Decline & Fall on the second disc.

savemejebus 27-10-2024 23:37

Was lifeblood the last time Nicky described an album as 'elegiac'? So 'elegiac' and 'effervescence'....wonder if it'll have a little sparkle

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