Son of Stopped |
06-07-2010 18:12 |
Originally Posted by Inertiatic
(Post 2021428)
Tracklisting according to Wikipedia
"1. Eternal" "2. It's Not War Just The End Of Love" "3. A Billion Balconies Facing The Sun" "4. All We Make Is Entertainment" "5. She Was Called Special" "6. Postcards From A Young Man" "7. Anti-Humanism" "8. Psychological Conditions" "9. Golden Platitudes" "10. Zebra's" "11. Listen To Realism" "12. Magic Conspiricies"
Ahhh you had me as well until I read on!
Originally Posted by BrianPowell
(Post 2021545)
Although we haven't heard anything yet, what do we think the record will actually sound like judging from interviews, comments etc?
In my head I keep imagining Queen doing Everything Must Go and Send Away The Tigers with a little touch of Journal for Plague Lovers inspiration thrown in.
I picture it as TIMT sonics with Lifeblood lyrics and musically Gold Against The Tigers or Send Away The Soul? Plus those moments where the Manics do tracks that bear *gasp* no relation to anything they've done before!!!
Even if I'm as wrong as the tracklisting, from 2006 we've had different Manics albums apart from 2008. That means more surely?
And despite the past tense spoiler title... I liked number 5.
Originally Posted by franny
(Post 2021698)
Originally Posted by old_bloodstreams
(Post 2021703)
"* Bonus Track
I got banned from FD once for being Human
All Of The Above Tracks except 2,3,4,6,7,10 are utter fakes."
I chuckled, but resisted temptation to jump on the "editing the article" bandwagon.
Originally Posted by franny
(Post 2021718)
Cool beans, Meaghan corrected this person the last time. Someone really doesn't like us, quite an obtuse way of expressing it though.
Wow, I really missed the drama today, didn't I? I haven't got a wiki account.
And as for the banned user... you can leave FD... but FD never leaves you!
Originally Posted by A boy called Rita
(Post 2021742)
Hahaha, what loser complained about that? I got something like this when Wikipedia mentioned that Avril Lavigne was married to me :(