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Glyn 14-12-2024 09:21


Originally Posted by rosetree (Post 2699518)
The track listing looks interesting, the ONEMANMILITIA if it is the last track, hopefully has THB focus.

Fairly sure the final track had a 'Manic Street Preachers / Sex Pistols' writing credit on one website. Am hoping it's a more prominent sample than the Squeeze credit on D&F.

Europa Gluten Free 14-12-2024 15:53


Originally Posted by rosetree (Post 2699518)
The track listing looks interesting, the ONEMANMILITIA if it is the last track, hopefully has THB focus.

I'd say more likely a Rendition or Automatik Teknicolor type vibe but who knows.

Son of Stopped 14-12-2024 16:01

Hooray! Finally got a copy of Mojo! Been a while. First thing I noticed was the paper it's printed on isn't as glossy as the ones I remember.
Quite happy with the details being eked out. What I thought was a Richey tribute turned out to be something else instead. Arguments in the studio!
"a tender reckoning with teenage fandom and adult disappointment" from the journalist Dorian Lynskey made me smile. Looking forward to next year. Sniper's alley aside of course.

EDIT: And the line about Sean was worth the fare alone!

rosetree 14-12-2024 23:21


Originally Posted by Glyn (Post 2699519)
Fairly sure the final track had a 'Manic Street Preachers / Sex Pistols' writing credit on one website. Am hoping it's a more prominent sample than the Squeeze credit on D&F.

That sounds like quite a final track, would be nice to see more of the lyrics and track list.

rosetree 14-12-2024 23:29


Originally Posted by Europa Gluten Free (Post 2699520)
I'd say more likely a Rendition or Automatik Teknicolor type vibe but who knows.

Yeah that would be an interesting vibe with obscure lyrics and kind of explaining what they say recently.

Tim 15-12-2024 19:54


Originally Posted by Routine Builder (Post 2699517)
David Cameron would like to have a word with you.

That lot made Cameron look like a boy scout. Can one really compare a crook to a hive of scum and villainy? There is no comparison.

Routine Builder 15-12-2024 22:19

An ultra remainer defending the man who called the referendum. Thank you, that gave me a chuckle on a cold wet miserable night.

Son of Stopped 15-12-2024 22:23

Derek Smalls: Can I raise a practical question at this point in time... Are we still doing a Monarchy referendum?

savemejebus 16-12-2024 00:15


Originally Posted by Son of Stopped (Post 2699528)
Derek Smalls: Can I raise a practical question at this point in time... Are we still doing a Monarchy referendum?

David St. Hubbins: *NO*, we're not gonna fucking do a Monarchy referendum! ....but rest assured that Jimbo wouldn't be arsed voting anyway and then a few years later would babble on about no one deserving his vote when it was about a fucking concept not a person.

Tim 16-12-2024 12:23


Originally Posted by Routine Builder (Post 2699527)
An ultra remainer defending the man who called the referendum. Thank you, that gave me a chuckle on a cold wet miserable night.

You seem to be under the misapprehension that i'm defending the crook Cameron. That's sweet, but no. Calling the referendum and then fucking off to his holiday villa will be his lasting legacy while the rest of us pick up the pieces.
I am also glad James is ashamed with himself for sitting on the fence with this one, as he should be.

everlasting 17-12-2024 00:17

I just watched the music video for Nicky's single and I really think the band should get some kind of award, it's so different and out of their norm to have a single sung by a bass player, and the video is lovely, so give the band some kind of award, they deserve it and more. Just saying.

Son of Stopped 17-12-2024 17:17

Shit! I've bought a medium t-shirt instead of large.
Ah fuck it. Not like anyone's going to see me wearing it. Plus it'll be under layers of other clothing. My medium days are over!
EDIT: Contacted support. Looks like another cancel reorder nonsense to chase up. Farewell Nicky's jacket!

LA ex 19-12-2024 16:38

I was out and about today and Stay Another Day by East 17 was played. Has anyone noticed that the start of it has certain similarities with Hiding in Plain Sight?

Lee 19-12-2024 18:27

Yes! Thought that the first time I heard it but assumed nobody else had picked it up. :)

TheUglyLie 19-12-2024 20:55


Originally Posted by LA ex (Post 2699541)
I was out and about today and Stay Another Day by East 17 was played. Has anyone noticed that the start of it has certain similarities with Hiding in Plain Sight?

Don’t start the Manics legal team scrambling to compare them both! 😉😂

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