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pretty-vacant 27-08-2009 16:52

Possibly things for the american tour, but isn't there about a month to go yet? Hmm, perhaps this is how organised people plan to go away places!
:lol: at thread idea!!

rabbit 27-08-2009 17:13


Originally Posted by jack_duckworth (Post 1801183)
saw nicky in town this morning on my lunch break.:surprise:

first i saw him in boots with his big black shades on,then looking at his 3 sheets of A4 shopping list outside hmv before fiddling with his belt and wandering into topman.
he had a black tee on and looked really skinny.

i didnt want to bother him as he seemed in a bit of a rush.
i did smile at him stupidly but because of the enormous sunnies i dont know if he saw me

Dammit, you're sooo lucky! :D
Every time i go to Cardiff or Cardiff Bay i never see any of them!
(with the exception of once when I saw Sean - and he doesn't live in Wales so that was weird.)

Amanda 27-08-2009 17:19


Originally Posted by Clarence Pistoldinner (Post 1801207)
Hoover bags?

But surely as a dyson fan such things would be surperfluous to his world

sculptureofabloke 27-08-2009 17:28

My mate's sister reckons she saw Sean on the Lake District once...

Mary Chain 27-08-2009 17:49


Originally Posted by rabbit (Post 1801220)
Dammit, you're sooo lucky! :D
Every time i go to Cardiff or Cardiff Bay i never see any of them!
(with the exception of once when I saw Sean - and he doesn't live in Wales so that was weird.)

Every time I go to Cardiff I think I see James. He's very stereptypically Welsh-looking. Every other guy that goes past has his teeth and other features of his face, just less good looking versions.

rabbit 27-08-2009 18:27

:up: lol

Deets 27-08-2009 19:43

-> Jack Duckworth

aww! you're so lucky! moving to Cardiff is so tempting now!

mafiamonroe 27-08-2009 20:21


Originally Posted by harrijack (Post 1801252)
Every time I go to Cardiff I think I see James. He's very stereptypically Welsh-looking. Every other guy that goes past has his teeth and other features of his face, just less good looking versions.

Yeah there is definitely a Welsh stereotype. Roman nose, brown eyes, dark hair which is often curly. And not very tall either! Steve Jones is an exception. Gypsy Welsh as Sir Anthony Hopkins calls them!

Bryter Layter 27-08-2009 20:47


Originally Posted by harrijack (Post 1801252)
Every time I go to Cardiff I think I see James. He's very stereptypically Welsh-looking. Every other guy that goes past has his teeth and other features of his face, just less good looking versions.

Really? I always thought Richey and Sean had typical Welsh looks. James' features look a bit on the Irish side, IMO.
Of course, I have never been to Wales (unfortunately) so I may be way off base as to the type of features that are considered typically Welsh.

Mary Chain 28-08-2009 07:04


Originally Posted by mafiamonroe (Post 1801474)
Yeah there is definitely a Welsh stereotype. Roman nose,dark hair and eyes which is often curly. And not very tall either!

That's generally my type of man, especially the height.


Originally Posted by TheGreatPretender (Post 1801517)
Really? I always thought Richey and Sean had typical Welsh looks. James' features look a bit on the Irish side, IMO.
Of course, I have never been to Wales (unfortunately) so I may be way off base as to the type of features that are considered typically Welsh.

I dunno. My family's Irish and I've never seen the ressemblance. I'm just basing this theory on the embarassing amount of times I do double-takes at random men in Wales because for a second I think they're James.

Takk 28-08-2009 07:22


Originally Posted by TheGreatPretender (Post 1801517)
Really? I always thought Richey and Sean had typical Welsh looks. James' features look a bit on the Irish side, IMO.
Of course, I have never been to Wales (unfortunately) so I may be way off base as to the type of features that are considered typically Welsh.

I think James has the typical look of the valleys, not especially irish.

jack_duckworth 28-08-2009 15:14


Originally Posted by Deets (Post 1801387)
-> Jack Duckworth

aww! you're so lucky! moving to Cardiff is so tempting now!

do it!

its a lovely city.

(except saturday nights!)

deadmartyr 28-08-2009 18:48


Originally Posted by jack_duckworth (Post 1802078)

(except saturday nights!)

But that's when there's a chance JDB will save you from a mugging. Certainly worth it.

Nicky Wire's Dyson 28-08-2009 22:59


Originally Posted by jack_duckworth (Post 1801183)
saw nicky in town this morning on my lunch break.:surprise:

first i saw him in boots with his big black shades on,then looking at his 3 sheets of A4 shopping list outside hmv before fiddling with his belt and wandering into topman.
he had a black tee on and looked really skinny.

i didnt want to bother him as he seemed in a bit of a rush.
i did smile at him stupidly but because of the enormous sunnies i dont know if he saw me

Fiddling with the belt part has done it for me ;)

Bathtub 29-08-2009 15:37


Originally Posted by jack_duckworth (Post 1802078)
do it!

its a lovely city.

(except saturday nights!)

Used to be a lovely city, then they decided to knock half of it down and make the shopping centre even bigger.

Louise Mitch 29-08-2009 16:50


Originally Posted by mafiamonroe (Post 1801474)
Yeah there is definitely a Welsh stereotype. Roman nose, brown eyes, dark hair which is often curly. And not very tall either! Steve Jones is an exception. Gypsy Welsh as Sir Anthony Hopkins calls them!

I agree, look at Ryan Giggs. I love this look, i even thought Ricky Ponting, Aussie Cricket captain, had this look...Prehaps somewhere in his roots!! I would say prehaps it's the 'New South Wales' but Ricky is from Tasmania!!!

Hyökyaalto 29-08-2009 17:36

No, I haven't see them out and about, but today I saw a guy with Spillers Records canvas bag. Don't laugh, I was seriously thrilled, since I live in Finland and you definitely are not used to seeing Spillers Records canvas bags here :) I had this urge to go up to him and say "you've been in the same record shop as the manics used to go". He probably would have thought I'm crazy.

WelshManicFoo 30-08-2009 00:53

I don't know where my other half fits into this Welsh stereotype.He's over 6ft tall.

BranCox 30-08-2009 00:57


Originally Posted by WelshManicFoo (Post 1803865)
I don't know where my other half fits into this Welsh stereotype.He's over 6ft tall.

He's Nicky Wire?

jack_duckworth 16-10-2009 15:43

just got my copy of the great western signed by james at work!
my mate spotted him browsing and rang my office to let me know he was in.

i hovered around a bit waiting for eye contact but when he started heading for the door i plucked up the courage to call after him.
i waved the record infront of him and he giggled a bit and this is waht followed :lol:;

me; sorry to bother you everytime you're in but can i have a scribble?... im building up quite a collection!
james; (laughs) its ok, you're probably the ony fucker that'll buy it this year!
me; (nervous laugh) good to see you, how was america?
james; (surprised) oh, yeah really good. some places were only 300-400 capacity so it was really hot and sweaty. the last few days were a bit tough,i got sick (shrugs)
me; hard work then or fun?
james; gigs were fun but there was 2 days driving between some shows. just got on with a book and we were all sniping at eachother a bit (laughs) lots of burgers and chips too.
me; thank you so much for your time,sorry to have bothered you.
james; hey thats ok, if i dont see you have a good christmas (heads upstairs for more shopping)
me; squeeeee squeeeee squeeeee squeeeeeeeeee all the way home

he's such a lovely man,he didn't have to talk to me,he could've just signed the record and got off.
i was tempted to ask for a pic with him but was trying to play it a little bit cool im bound to see him around again. i will have a look on the cctv though, its a longshot but i might be able to get an image of us chatting.

squeeee squeeeee squeeee etc:heart::mrgreen:

Deets 16-10-2009 15:48



you're so lucky meeting them so often :mrgreen: Is he healthy now? I hope so *sneezes* which cds did he buy? aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww

mafiamonroe 16-10-2009 15:49

Aw that's great. What was he wearing? We need details!

relic 16-10-2009 15:56


Originally Posted by jack_duckworth (Post 1846797)
just got my copy of the great western signed by james at work!
my mate spotted him browsing and rang my office to let me know he was in.

i hovered around a bit waiting for eye contact but when he started heading for the door i plucked up the courage to call after him.
i waved the record infront of him and he giggled a bit and this is waht followed :lol:;

me; sorry to bother you everytime you're in but can i have a scribble?... im building up quite a collection!
james; (laughs) its ok, you're probably the ony fucker that'll buy it this year!
me; (nervous laugh) good to see you, how was america?
james; (surprised) oh, yeah really good. some places were only 300-400 capacity so it was really hot and sweaty. the last few days were a bit tough,i got sick (shrugs)
me; hard work then or fun?
james; gigs were fun but there was 2 days driving between some shows. just got on with a book and we were all sniping at eachother a bit (laughs) lots of burgers and chips too.
me; thank you so much for your time,sorry to have bothered you.
james; hey thats ok, if i dont see you have a good christmas (heads upstairs for more shopping)
me; squeeeee squeeeee squeeeee squeeeeeeeeee all the way home

he's such a lovely man,he didn't have to talk to me,he could've just signed the record and got off.
i was tempted to ask for a pic with him but was trying to play it a little bit cool im bound to see him around again. i will have a look on the cctv though, its a longshot but i might be able to get an image of us chatting.

squeeee squeeeee squeeee etc:heart::mrgreen:

:lol: FD's Man On The Spot interviewer eh?

He's lovely, I wish he lived near me, I'd be inviting him in for a cuppa all the time. I wonder what he was reading ...

jack_duckworth 16-10-2009 16:00

he didn't seem to be coughing or anything.
he was still looking at dvd's when i left so i don't know what he bought,i'll find out tomorrow.
he was wearing a black polo shirt, black jeans and a thin black overcoat .
and he had a little backpack.
and those big boots he always wears.

he was very smiley and seemed really pleased to chat and not put out at all.
just really warm and comforting really, i didn't feel awkward talking to him at all

mooserevenge 16-10-2009 16:00

James ftw. Simple as that <3

Loz 16-10-2009 16:00

I love that he told you to have a good christmas :D

foundthatsoul 16-10-2009 16:02


Originally Posted by jack_duckworth (Post 1846820)
he didn't seem to be coughing or anything.
he was still looking at dvd's when i left so i don't know what he bought,i'll find out tomorrow.
he was wearing a black polo shirt, black jeans and a thin black overcoat .
and he had a little backpack.
and those big boots he always wears.

he was very smiley and seemed really pleased to chat and not put out at all.
just really warm and comforting really, i didn't feel awkward talking to him at all

I did a massive AWWWWWWW at all of this. I don't know why. Especially the 'little backpack' bit. :lol:
Seriously James is just such a CB. What a wee darling.

lucy92 16-10-2009 16:11

great story jack_duckworth, i think you did in fact play it cool. he was wearing black doc martens at the boston show last week. maybe the same ones.

Atrocity Exhibitionist 16-10-2009 16:32

At the NYC gig while still outside getting one of those "over 21 bracelets" tied to my wrist, I was looking down as the bouncer was putting it on, when I looked up Nicky was just opposite me about three feet away just staring at me, we looked at each other for a few seconds, kinda of the way little dogs tilt their head when they see something interesting, then we both just smiled and I ending up walking in at the same time as him. I think maybe he was checking out my eye shadow as I was looking down, I was wearing quite a bit of Urban Decay, and friends did say it looked fierce! Thought experience odd and funny

rabbit 16-10-2009 16:42


Originally Posted by jack_duckworth (Post 1846820)
he didn't seem to be coughing or anything.
he was still looking at dvd's when i left so i don't know what he bought,i'll find out tomorrow.
he was wearing a black polo shirt, black jeans and a thin black overcoat .
and he had a little backpack.
and those big boots he always wears.

he was very smiley and seemed really pleased to chat and not put out at all.
just really warm and comforting really, i didn't feel awkward talking to him at all

AWWWWWWWWWW!! So sweet, you r so lucky!
where on earth do you work anyway? gotta be HMV am i right? ;)

Bryter Layter 16-10-2009 16:44

Seriously, is James not the nicest person in rock and roll, EVER?!?! What a lovely man! :)

Thanks for that story, Jack...made my day so far! :)

Dext37 Fielding 16-10-2009 16:52

If he ws in the DVD section... ...Maybe sabotaging some Manics DVDs or buying som cheap American porn!

jack_duckworth 16-10-2009 16:57


Originally Posted by rabbit (Post 1846842)
AWWWWWWWWWW!! So sweet, you r so lucky!
where on earth do you work anyway? gotta be HMV am i right? ;)



Originally Posted by TheGreatPretender (Post 1846843)
Seriously, is James not the nicest person in rock and roll, EVER?!?! What a lovely man! :)

Thanks for that story, Jack...made my day so far! :)

i agree, so genuine and approachable.
made my day too!
completely eclipses going to see bat for lashes tonight

astrababe 16-10-2009 17:10


Originally Posted by Littlesue (Post 1669878)
Have'nt you seen the wedding photo's, she is about 5 inches taller than him

Any one have better photos of the wedding pics or of her? The ones I saw from the german Manics site are crappy.

Mary Chain 16-10-2009 17:24

Aw, that's such a great story!!! I can't get over how lovely he is in person, every time I hear of someone meeting him they never have anything but great things to say! What I like is that he really listens to you when you're talkin,g instead of being all haphazard and rushed like other famous people when signing things for fans. :D

Rammstein 16-10-2009 17:29

I just met James about an hour ago when I was walking back from work, he was walking out of cardiff market and I had to do a double take to realise it was him (you dont expect your favourite bands vocalist to walk down a street you go by everyday) so I thought I had to say something, so I walked up and said "Mr James Dean Bradfield" he looked up and said "hey man, hows it going?" I then said the typical bullocks and embarrassed myself "your my favourite band" which he nodded, smiled and said "thanks very much", I then asked how long he has been back from America to which he replied "we have been back for around a week now, im starting to feel a bit human again". I was kind of mumbling everything but he was very nice and chatty and asked what my name was, when i replied he said, "cheers Jase, all the best and have a good christmas too" I'm still on cloud nine to be honest, I just couldn't believe it was him! Just wished i would of asked some decent questions and not done the mumbling starstruck fan routine!!

Elv 16-10-2009 17:31

What a great story, jack_duckworth! :D

Edit: Yours too, Jase!

Little Girl Lost 16-10-2009 17:54

Damn damn! I've been indoors all day! Great stories you two! Nice to see that James is in the same city as me at the mo! :D

Rammstein 16-10-2009 17:59


Originally Posted by LittleGirlLost (Post 1846902)
Damn damn! I've been indoors all day! Great stories you two! Nice to see that James is in the same city as me at the mo! :D

You probably of done a better job talking to him then I did, you have so many questions you want to ask but when you finally do it you make a grade a twonk of yourself :D I was loving the green coat he was wearing though :cool:

jack_duckworth 16-10-2009 18:05

green coat?
i could swear it was a black one

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