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wireobsessed 09-12-2009 23:34


Originally Posted by jack_duckworth (Post 1890398)
saw nicky and james today!

nicky about 12 noon and james just after 6.

said hello to both and got a wink off james!

no conversation this time but still exciting!

my colleague got her holy bible signed by james tho and she was lucky enough to get a hug and a 'happy christmas'!!.
inevitably she squeeeeeeeeddd alot!

nicky carrying m&s bags in a green jacket and james with his usual dark navy blue coat and rucksack-the 'just got off a train' look.
his hair's grown a bit, nice quiff going on.
nicky has re-bleached his hair also.
both looking quite thin

Yeh I'd heard Nicky was looking quite thin after the America tour. Hope he's ok ..I actually like him thin. Wish I was in Cardiff so I could bump into him. I almost jumped on a train to Bridge End today but decided gettin paid was better than a Manics trip-at the moment anyway, when I finish work anythings possible!!!! No job yet so anything goes...

Ken Korda 09-12-2009 23:50


Originally Posted by Chriss (Post 1890400)
I really need to see them in cardiff.



Originally Posted by jack_duckworth (Post 1890398)
nicky carrying m&s bags in a green jacket

This has made me smile a lot for pretty much no reason other than he shopped at M&S.

rabbit 10-12-2009 00:11


Originally Posted by wireobsessed (Post 1890630)
Yeh I'd heard Nicky was looking quite thin after the America tour. Hope he's ok ..I actually like him thin. Wish I was in Cardiff so I could bump into him. I almost jumped on a train to Bridge End today but decided gettin paid was better than a Manics trip-at the moment anyway, when I finish work anythings possible!!!! No job yet so anything goes...

Oh man if only it was as easy as that. i've been to cardiff HUNDREDS of times and never seen them out and about :(

exopotamie 10-12-2009 01:20


Originally Posted by rabbit (Post 1890672)
Oh man if only it was as easy as that. i've been to cardiff HUNDREDS of times and never seen them out and about :(

Thank you for saying this as a calm, rational alternative to my mind immediately thinking about adding a Cardiff university to my grad school applications.

Jack: awesome!!! Glad to hear they were so nice!

The Gutless Wonder 10-12-2009 07:13

Lucky thing Jack! :D

deadmartyr 10-12-2009 21:23


Originally Posted by wireobsessed (Post 1890630)
Hope he's ok ..I actually like him thin.

When was he ever not thin, apart from when he was a baby?

Jack - you should've told them to get the album out in 2010.

Deets 10-12-2009 21:29


Originally Posted by jack_duckworth (Post 1890398)
saw nicky and james today!

nicky about 12 noon and james just after 6.

said hello to both and got a wink off james!

no conversation this time but still exciting!

my colleague got her holy bible signed by james tho and she was lucky enough to get a hug and a 'happy christmas'!!.
inevitably she squeeeeeeeeddd alot!

nicky carrying m&s bags in a green jacket and james with his usual dark navy blue coat and rucksack-the 'just got off a train' look.
his hair's grown a bit, nice quiff going on.
nicky has re-bleached his hair also.
both looking quite thin

no, really, now I serioulsy want to move to Cardiff - 4REALLY. and I'm starting saving money from TODAY.

WelshManicFoo 11-12-2009 16:26

I'm in Cardiff often and I've only seen James once.I think that was pure luck.

rabbit 11-12-2009 18:37


Originally Posted by Deets (Post 1891231)
no, really, now I serioulsy want to move to Cardiff - 4REALLY. and I'm starting saving money from TODAY.

Haha oh no Deets! Cardiff is a huge city and people like WelshManicFoo and I
who live near it or in it have almost NEVER seen a Manic there!
Jack only sees them because he works nearly every day in a Cardiff shop that the manics like. he is a very lucky guy.

The Gutless Wonder 11-12-2009 19:42

Lucky Jack working in a music shop in Cardiff! :D

jack_duckworth 11-12-2009 20:59

erm, this is a strange thing to post but i had a call in my office today from my mate telling me nicky was in the shop again!
(thats twice this week!)

unfortunately i was in the middle of counting money so i could'nt leave the room but i asked him to keep an eye out for what he was upto.

he wandered about for a bit in his usual green coat, carrying a 'diesel' bag and selected three items.
i shit you not one of them was generation terrorists.
yes, really.
we spent about an hour thinking up theories as to why he'd buy it!

for shame that the idiot temp who served him didn't really care that she'd served him and did not question his purchase.

ten minutes earlier and i'd have been on lunch and been able to ask him too.

whadder you think?
joke xmas gift for someone?
worn his copy out?

so strange

The Gutless Wonder 11-12-2009 21:02

Maybe he has worn his copy out! Scratched it prehaps? Great info Jack! Thanks! :D

Littlesue 11-12-2009 21:03

Maybe he does'nt want the X Factor album to be No. 1 for Xmas so he is visiting every record shop in Britain and buying a copy of GT to get it to No. 1.

The Gutless Wonder 11-12-2009 21:04

GT for No 1! Yay!

jack_duckworth 11-12-2009 21:12

im really gutted i didn't get to ask him.
its not cheap either, aboy £12 i think.

plus (and this is where you start to doubt that im telling the truth,but really i am!!) we only had one copy in stock and thats the one i was listening to last week!

please understand that im in no way smug about seeing them in town all the time!
i dont act cool in front of them, i fall to bits then slap myself afterwards!

The Gutless Wonder 11-12-2009 21:15

No, no, you keep posting Jack. You never come across as smug at all! :) Wonder who he did buy it for! The intrigue!

Amanda 11-12-2009 21:16

I'm going for worn out his copy.

The day we were hungover and kept seeing him in Manchester in 2007 we were in All Saints so Sam could get one of those Divine Youth t-shirts (on his recommendation as they were having a bank holiday 10% off everything thing promotion) and when she went to buy it the boy behind the counter was a manics fan and he told us how we'd just missed Nicky being in there so we were like yeah we know (and quite grateful as we'd already seen him in Boots and HMV and any more would have looked like stalking, though potentially that could earn us the restraining orders we've also dreamed of).

Anyway the bloke behind the counter said how he thought it was Nicky when he first saw him but then he was looking at the t shirts so he figured it couldn't be and then when he picked one up decided it definitely wasn't right up until he got till the counter and he realised it really was :) I always thought that was quite the Nicky thing to do though.

The poor boy behind the counter also then got that whole they should have given me royalties/free t-shirts bit. They should make more t shirts with his face on really it was funny as you got like the drunken speech where he was talking about him and Richey and pointing at the wrong ones as he had the t shirt on back to front. The only real issue with it was the amount of time I spent looking for the mythical dress version that only Nicky Wire had ever seen. and the fact it came in yellow.

Dext37 Fielding 11-12-2009 22:07


Originally Posted by jack_duckworth (Post 1892296)
erm, this is a strange thing to post but i had a call in my office today from my mate telling me nicky was in the shop again!
(thats twice this week!)

unfortunately i was in the middle of counting money so i could'nt leave the room but i asked him to keep an eye out for what he was upto.

he wandered about for a bit in his usual green coat, carrying a 'diesel' bag and selected three items.
i shit you not one of them was generation terrorists.
yes, really.
we spent about an hour thinking up theories as to why he'd buy it!

for shame that the idiot temp who served him didn't really care that she'd served him and did not question his purchase.

ten minutes earlier and i'd have been on lunch and been able to ask him too.

whadder you think?
joke xmas gift for someone?
worn his copy out?

so strange

Hey James, just bought you this album for xmas, listen to the drum machine lol, please pass onto Sean.

Lindz Delirium 11-12-2009 23:27


Originally Posted by Amanda (Post 1892321)

They should make more t shirts with his face on really it was funny as you got like the drunken speech where he was talking about him and Richey and pointing at the wrong ones as he had the t shirt on back to front. The only real issue with it was the amount of time I spent looking for the mythical dress version that only Nicky Wire had ever seen. and the fact it came in yellow.

Ahh the mythical dress version, and my yellow one has gone a bit kinda green in the wash which is odd?

Little Girl Lost 11-12-2009 23:37

So, I go and snooze in the library whilst Manics wander around town, going into shops I'd just been into? Typical!

MSPKYE 11-12-2009 23:38


Originally Posted by The Gutless Wonder (Post 1892192)
Lucky Jack working in a music shop in Cardiff! :D

But which one there's only like 2! Spillers and HMV. I did see Nicky in Zavvi when that was still open.

rabbit 11-12-2009 23:41


Originally Posted by MSPKYE (Post 1892600)
But which one there's only like 2! Spillers and HMV. I did see Nicky in Zavvi when that was still open.

Heehee i know which one but i shall leave it to Jack to confess if he wants to. You don't sound smug at all Jack, i love your stories! im just jealous! lol

lovecakes 23-03-2010 16:49

Has anybody got any pics of JDB's wedding? Would love to see what Mylene looks like.
Please don't think of me as a sad wanker, just wanted to see him happy & in love.
I served him once in a pub during my student days. Really really wanted to talk to him
But the spinless girl I am let him walk on by as I just didn't have the bottle in case he Told me to "DO ONE". So my family take the mickey telling folk "THE DAY I LET JDB GO!"
Ha, ha very funny sis. Don't think that I will never live that one down.
LOVE the forum by the way. stay gorgeous, stay beautiful, but above all stay TRUE.

Dext37 Fielding 23-03-2010 16:51

JUst to say that Nick Naismith was in London HMV Oxford St today, buying an album, i presume he played on it or something,

franny 23-03-2010 17:28


Originally Posted by lovecakes (Post 1954580)
Has anybody got any pics of JDB's wedding? Would love to see what Mylene looks like.
Please don't think of me as a sad wanker, just wanted to see him happy & in love.
I served him once in a pub during my student days. Really really wanted to talk to him
But the spinless girl I am let him walk on by as I just didn't have the bottle in case he Told me to "DO ONE". So my family take the mickey telling folk "THE DAY I LET JDB GO!"
Ha, ha very funny sis. Don't think that I will never live that one down.
LOVE the forum by the way. stay gorgeous, stay beautiful, but above all stay TRUE.

Welcome to the forum, my sympathies for your plight

Originally Posted by Dext37 Fielding (Post 1954582)
JUst to say that Nick Naismith was in London HMV Oxford St today, buying an album, i presume he played on it or something,


The Gutless Wonder 23-03-2010 19:29


Originally Posted by lovecakes (Post 1954580)
Has anybody got any pics of JDB's wedding? Would love to see what Mylene looks like.
Please don't think of me as a sad wanker, just wanted to see him happy & in love.
I served him once in a pub during my student days. Really really wanted to talk to him
But the spinless girl I am let him walk on by as I just didn't have the bottle in case he Told me to "DO ONE". So my family take the mickey telling folk "THE DAY I LET JDB GO!"
Ha, ha very funny sis. Don't think that I will never live that one down.
LOVE the forum by the way. stay gorgeous, stay beautiful, but above all stay TRUE.

There's a couple of threads with pics of James' wedding. Just search for 'James' Wedding Pics'.

aPatsy 24-03-2010 17:38

I think I mentioned somewhere on this forum in the past I live quite close to where Nicky does in Newport and seen him a few times walking my dog here and there however I've always been a distance away and feel I should be respectable enough not to go out of my way just to meet him or, alternatively, scream out 'BRAINDEAD MOTHERF**KERS' as not only would this be rude and instrusive upon him but it would also be very weird...although still really tempting...

Slag 24-03-2010 20:11


Originally Posted by aPatsy (Post 1954961)
I think I mentioned somewhere on this forum in the past I live quite close to where Nicky does in Newport and seen him a few times walking my dog here and there however I've always been a distance away and feel I should be respectable enough not to go out of my way just to meet him or, alternatively, scream out 'BRAINDEAD MOTHERF**KERS' as not only would this be rude and instrusive upon him but it would also be very weird...although still really tempting...

I'd let my dog off the leash and pretend he ran away from me, hoping Nicky would help bring my beloved pup back. Of course, the bastard's probably too lazy to help with something like that, what with his poor knees and all...

The Gutless Wonder 24-03-2010 20:43


Originally Posted by Slag (Post 1955025)
I'd let my dog off the leash and pretend he ran away from me, hoping Nicky would help bring my beloved pup back. Of course, the bastard's probably too lazy to help with something like that, what with his poor knees and all...

Ha! Ha! Bet James would put himself in mortal danger to rescue a puppy though! :D

Mary Chain 24-03-2010 20:45


Originally Posted by The Gutless Wonder (Post 1955043)
Ha! Ha! Bet James would put himself in mortal danger to rescue a puppy though! :D

*Imagines him leaping into a river*

He would as well... He has jumped on a mugger after all!

The Gutless Wonder 24-03-2010 20:48


Originally Posted by harrijack (Post 1955046)
*Imagines him leaping into a river*

He would as well... He has jumped on a mugger after all!

Definitely! I'd be like 'No James! Don't do it!' (I'd call the emergency services to rescue said endangered animal! Fear not folks!)

Slag 24-03-2010 20:52


Originally Posted by The Gutless Wonder (Post 1955043)
Ha! Ha! Bet James would put himself in mortal danger to rescue a puppy though! :D

Thanks, I've a new fantasy now! I'd obviously have to invite him round to my place to thank him somehow...

The Gutless Wonder 24-03-2010 21:22


Originally Posted by Slag (Post 1955053)
Thanks, I've a new fantasy now! I'd obviously have to invite him round to my place to thank him somehow...

Of course! ;)

aPatsy 24-03-2010 23:15

...fair do's, the runaway pup idea is better than my 'Braindead Motherf*cker' idea :P

deadmartyr 25-03-2010 10:37


Originally Posted by aPatsy (Post 1954961)
alternatively, scream out 'BRAINDEAD MOTHERF**KERS'

He'd probably unveil the Cheshire Cat grin hearing that.

jack_duckworth 25-03-2010 16:33

nicky was shopping again today,
didnt see him myself but a colleague told me he bought albums by wilco, the enemy and a dvd box set (he couldn't remember the series)

no info on clothes/hair etc im afraid :-(

they must be rehearsing in their studio nearby as thats twice this month he's been about.

Manicben 25-03-2010 16:39

Seems strange he's only just buying a record by The Enemy, what with them being bum chums and all...

jack_duckworth 25-03-2010 16:43


Originally Posted by Manicben (Post 1955241)
Seems strange he's only just buying a record by The Enemy, what with them being bum chums and all...

an gift?
not one i would like to recieve tho!

its not nearly as strange as him buying generation terrorists a few months back

Son of Stopped 25-03-2010 16:43

Maybe Tom Enemy is coming round to the studio to negotiate using the studios? And the Manics have found themselves in a Fawlty Towers situation where they had to track down the second Enemy album before he arrived that evening?

jack_duckworth 25-03-2010 16:45


Originally Posted by Son of Stopped (Post 1955246)
the Manics have found themselves in a Fawlty Towers situation

im pondering this for a moment

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