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lovesean4ever 22-11-2007 14:42

anyone seen them out and about?
I mean when you've been out shopping or whatever, have you spotted Nicky or Sean with wife and kids, James popping into a pub (or standing outside one smoking!). Be nice to hear people's "spotted" stories !

The Gutless Wonder 22-11-2007 16:17

I haven't yet. My hopes of spotting them in London over the weekend were dashed. Nevermind, eh?

Takk 22-11-2007 16:18

Tis a big place! People often seem to see nicky in places like boots in newport!

The Gutless Wonder 22-11-2007 16:23

Selfridges in London was a hotspot for a while as well!

hummingbird 22-11-2007 16:38


Originally Posted by The Gutless Wonder (Post 1192750)
Selfridges in London was a hotspot for a while as well!

wonder if he'll do his xmas shopping in there. Should I make a regular pilgrimage Just.In.Case. ? :mrgreen:

I'd never go up to him in any case so my *spotted* story would be rubbish :lol:

The Gutless Wonder 22-11-2007 16:49


Originally Posted by hummingbird (Post 1192774)
wonder if he'll do his xmas shopping in there. Should I make a regular pilgrimage Just.In.Case. ? :mrgreen:

I'd never go up to him in any case so my *spotted* story would be rubbish :lol:

I'd be scared of making a complete fool of myself!

Littlesue 22-11-2007 16:51

I would never have the nerve to speak to them anyhow

Nicola17 22-11-2007 16:54


Originally Posted by Littlesue (Post 1192789)
I would never have the nerve to speak to them anyhow

Me neither - it's one thing to hang around after a gig, or to meet them at a signing - when they've made it clear that they're happy to talk to fans - but another thing entirely to approach them when they're just going about their day-to-day lives.

hummingbird 22-11-2007 17:00


Originally Posted by Nicola17 (Post 1192795)
Me neither - it's one thing to hang around after a gig, or to meet them at a signing - when they've made it clear that they're happy to talk to fans - but another thing entirely to approach them when they're just going about their day-to-day lives.

I agree. I'd be too scared they'd tell me to fuck off. They'd have every right to of course as I'd be bothering them but i'd be utterly crushed if that happened so no i won't bother em. Ever.

Loz 22-11-2007 18:48

I saw James at a Cardiff Blues game a couple of weeks back but i didn't go up to him or anything

Takk 22-11-2007 19:04


Originally Posted by hummingbird (Post 1192802)
I agree. I'd be too scared they'd tell me to fuck off. They'd have every right to of course as I'd be bothering them but i'd be utterly crushed if that happened so no i won't bother em. Ever.

I'm sure they wouldn't do that, they are nice people and as far as I remember people always say they are happy to talk to people.

But I think it depends on the situation a bit, although I pretty much agree with nicola. If you bumped into one of them whilst shopping, i think it would be ok, but if they were with their family, I think leaving them alone would be the right thing to do.

Amanda 22-11-2007 19:08

You have to be careful though as I always figured I'd do the not talking to them thing then one day I walked past James on the street and I thought I'll just be cool and nonchalant and not acknowledges this so just kinda kept my head down a bit and walked by. But then he smiled and I felt like little miss rude and evil about it - so possibly some kind of knowing nod/smile is the best plan - probably not the deranged fan big grin thing though.

I think everyone almost has met Wire in a Boots at some point though haven't they? Its a tragedy the points his missing not having an advantage card.

He's a *special* boy though, tends to go in for that spotting manics fan thing instead - then either accuses them of ignoring him or asks random questions about it the next day.

Boag 22-11-2007 20:23

I saw James on the tube once, or rather at a station I was geting off at. When I noticed him I tried very hard to pretend I hadn't or that I was not remotely bothered so I looked down at my boots unfortuntely I looked up, just to see where I was going, right as I was passing him, I looked straight at him with a startled expression. Well done me. Luckily he just smirked. I walked off feeling an idiot.

Lindz Delirium 22-11-2007 21:15

Nicky hangs out of car windows and bothers fans when they are going about their business. With no makeup on. :lol:

Boag 22-11-2007 21:25


Originally Posted by Lindz Delirium (Post 1193010)
Nicky hangs out of car windows and bothers fans when they are going about their business. With no makeup on. :lol:

Waving frantically whilst his other bandmates act like grown ups ;)

Nicola17 22-11-2007 21:33


Originally Posted by Amanda (Post 1192920)
You have to be careful though as I always figured I'd do the not talking to them thing then one day I walked past James on the street and I thought I'll just be cool and nonchalant and not acknowledges this so just kinda kept my head down a bit and walked by. But then he smiled and I felt like little miss rude and evil about it - so possibly some kind of knowing nod/smile is the best plan - probably not the deranged fan big grin thing though.

I do feel a bit guilty about just staring at Nicky blankly when the band arrived at the Q Awards nomination thing, in a "if I don't acknowledge him I will turn invisible and he won't know I'm here". Which clearly didn't work, judging by his waving (at least Sam had the good manners to wave back).

hummingbird 22-11-2007 22:19


Originally Posted by Takk (Post 1192919)
I'm sure they wouldn't do that, they are nice people and as far as I remember people always say they are happy to talk to people.

But I think it depends on the situation a bit, although I pretty much agree with nicola. If you bumped into one of them whilst shopping, i think it would be ok, but if they were with their family, I think leaving them alone would be the right thing to do.

oh i know but i was being ultra pessamistic and thinking i'd pick the one day in the year when they're in a shitty mood and want to bark at everyone :mrgreen:

It would depend on the situation i agree. If i was stuck behind em in a queue in a shop say i wouldn't see anything wrong with saying hi. I suppose. aaaww shucks :o

lovesean4ever 23-11-2007 08:34


Originally Posted by Takk (Post 1192742)
Tis a big place! People often seem to see nicky in places like boots in newport!

so presumably he's always in Boots buying drugs cos he's always ill! either that or PAMPERS

lovesean4ever 23-11-2007 08:35

I remember one of the band saying they were in ASDA years ago and someone "went it's you isn't it - it's you"!!! How embarrassing and cringeworthy I'd never do summat like that

Takk 23-11-2007 08:37


Originally Posted by lovesean4ever (Post 1193203)
so presumably he's always in Boots buying drugs cos he's always ill! either that or PAMPERS

I always thought he was after cheap makeup ;)

lovesean4ever 23-11-2007 08:38

yeah could be that he's hanging round the Rimmel counter ! although didn't he say most of his make up is sent by fans? mind you, i wouldnt wear stuff that was sent by fans - how unhygienic !

Jolita 23-11-2007 08:43


Originally Posted by Lindz Delirium (Post 1193010)
Nicky hangs out of car windows and bothers fans when they are going about their business. With no makeup on. :lol:

:lol: Madame, I loled. May I quote you on my sig?

The Gutless Wonder 23-11-2007 09:54

Nicky with no make up on. A scary thought indeed. (runs away from Nicky Girls)

lovesean4ever 23-11-2007 10:11

he looks better without it if you ask me

The Gutless Wonder 23-11-2007 10:17

I dunno, he doesn't really have the sex appeal for me, makeup or not.

lovesean4ever 23-11-2007 10:18

oh no he has NONE whatsoever for me - but if i had to choose it would def be make up OFF

mafiamonroe 23-11-2007 10:26


Originally Posted by The Gutless Wonder (Post 1192750)
Selfridges in London was a hotspot for a while as well!

I've already told my story about serving James when i worked in Selfridges before.
Try Chiswick or Cardiff to spot James.
Miss Oceania saw him near Chiswick tube.
I saw him in Golbourne House in Notting Hill once. Sppokily someone else saw him there and posted on Popex that when he went for a pee he didn't wash his hands afterwards.
I used to see James quite a lot when he used to go to The Bordeline in 94-95.

The Gutless Wonder 23-11-2007 10:51

James! Wash your hands for goodness sake!

lovesean4ever 23-11-2007 10:52

Gross ! and then he might've gone and shaken a fan's hand!!!

The Gutless Wonder 23-11-2007 10:54


Originally Posted by lovesean4ever (Post 1193404)
Gross ! and then he might've gone and shaken a fan's hand!!!

Maybe I should wear gloves when I meet him just to be on the safe side!

lovesean4ever 23-11-2007 11:01

...or lick them whilst thinking about where they've been!

The Gutless Wonder 23-11-2007 11:03


Originally Posted by lovesean4ever (Post 1193414)
...or lick them whilst thinking about where they've been!

I'm sure it was just a one off misdemeanour. He might have been in a hurry or something!

lovesean4ever 23-11-2007 12:20

should imagine Sean's usually to be found in a record store but we're more likely to see James living in London etc

tristwch 23-11-2007 12:33

I've seen James occasionally in Cardiff Bay, just walking. I've never felt able to say hello, though - it seems too intrusive.

lovesean4ever 23-11-2007 12:38

why not? just say hello what harm can it do? He can only ignore you and then you'd feel like a tit! But i'm sure he wouldn't he seems too nice a person

tristwch 23-11-2007 12:41

Sheer panic....!!

lovesean4ever 23-11-2007 12:43

aah well if you see him again just smile at first see how he reacts THEN say hello ! The Manics never seem the type to get mobbed in the street like most "stars"

The Gutless Wonder 23-11-2007 12:51

They don't get recognised like alot of stars. Just think you might have passed them in a street in London and not realised it!

tristwch 23-11-2007 12:52

I just tend to freeze! I shall have to try....

In South Wales there's a tendency to leave people to get on with it - which definitely pays off as they all feel that they can just go to the pub / supermarket etc. Cardiff's a great place for spotting people at the moment as there's also so much Dr Who and Torchwood filming. You never know quite what or who you might find round the next corner...

The Gutless Wonder 23-11-2007 12:55

A Manic hopefully!

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