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Midlands_Junk 20-04-2014 21:12

JDB awkwardly filmed walking around Berlin
Only just seen this. Erm, what is it and why?

Son of Stopped 20-04-2014 21:16

Is this the most awkward footage of anyone promoting their solo album ever?
You can tell he's thinking "Ah, if I had the others with me at least Nicky's sunglasses and jackets would be getting the attention instead!"

nocultureicons 20-04-2014 21:42

That bizarre!

Nature's Discontent 20-04-2014 22:01

Haha. I've seen the first 30 seconds of this. The whole thing's just him walking around right? Nobody rugby-tackles him at the end or anything?

bachelorette 20-04-2014 22:03

What are those feet/crotch shots about? I mean, not that I'm likely to complain about close-ups of James' crotch, but why? And what is he hiding in his hand? Bizarre, just, bizarre.

beyondgoodandevil 20-04-2014 22:10

He's not even walking about in the interesting parts of the city. It looks like a call centre. Inexplicable European promo video for...what?

Porco 20-04-2014 22:15

Someone told me the bridge was up here… is there a bridge? No, there's not a bridge here.

Can someone walk me to the bridge?

Oh, you don't know either… what's that? Oh a lift? Oh ok, I guess that will have to do.

Nature's Discontent 20-04-2014 22:17


Originally Posted by beyondgoodandevil (Post 2594533)
He's not even walking about in the interesting parts of the city. It looks like a call centre. Inexplicable European promo video for...what?

He needs to pick up a load of followers a la Fat Les's Vindaloo and Peter Kay's godawful cover of ...Amarillo, and adopt more of a grin and a strut. Otherwise it's the most uninteresting promo video in existence :p

starstruck 20-04-2014 22:56

his expression is "i am looking for porn, pies, prozzies and a piss, so please fuck off out of it with that camera"

beyondgoodandevil 20-04-2014 23:33

Replace pies with Currywurst and you're spot on.

jefferio 21-04-2014 00:33

I just watched and found it tough going! Uncomfortable.

hummingbird 21-04-2014 21:26


Originally Posted by bachelorette (Post 2594530)
What are those feet/crotch shots about? I mean, not that I'm likely to complain about close-ups of James' crotch, but why? And what is he hiding in his hand? Bizarre, just, bizarre.

looks like his phone.

y'all over- analysing things again

Futurologist 21-04-2014 21:56

My idea that this was for a tv thing where they cut little bits together as the intro, but then put the whole song over the top. Poor Jamesy looks very self conscious.

hummingbird 21-04-2014 22:00

his jeans are too big.. that's all that's wrong with it :p

bachelorette 21-04-2014 22:01


Originally Posted by hummingbird (Post 2594650)
his jeans are too big.. that's all that's wrong with it :p

agree on that one (for obvious reasons). :X

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