nicky and james come into my shop every few weeks if they're not on tour.
their rehearsal room is not far from the town centre so its usually mid afternoon when they either break for the day or are on their way in i assume.
only served sean once tho.
they're lovely although nicky is alot more chatty than james,he's more stand off-ish.
i've sold them some wacky stuff;
dolly parton best of,obscure yoko ono back cat,disney dvd's,dr who series and the like.
james bought a motown compilation once but i bit my lip restraining the junk reference.
i still shake like its the first time i've seen them tho.
design was on the stereo one time and nicky was tapping along on his pokets.
when i got him to sign some records once my pen ran out so he used one of his own pulled out of his bag,he had about ten all lined up along the front and he chose a red one.
oh,and james stroked my dog on queen st the day after the newport gig!