He certainly wasn't keen on the version James played him, which I think is when he came out with his Pantera-meets-NIN-meets-Screamdelica idea. I think A Version Of Reason mentions that James redid it to how he thought Richey would have liked it, but he could have just said that
"A man who had read all the books published today would have had to have read all Dan Brown's novels, two volumes of Chris Moyles autobiography, The World According To Clarkson by Jeremy Clarkson, The World According To Clarkson 2 by Jeremy Clarkson, The World According To Clarkson 3 by Jeremy Clarkson... His mind would be awash with bad metaphors, unsustainable reactionary opinion, and one long anecdote about the time Comedy Dave put pound coins in the urinal.
In short, the man who had read everything published today, would be more stupid than a man who had read nothing."
- Stewart Lee