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Old 24-09-2010, 19:32
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deadmartyr deadmartyr is offline
A self-made vacuum
Join Date: Jun 2004
Location: Bristol
Age: 40
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Further Away is in my top 10 Manics tracks. I agree it's a straightforward track, including lyrically but I like those lyrics a lot, with some of my favourite Wire lines amongst them.

Everything gels together and sits well for me in the song and there's a nice nostalgic feeling about it (and I don't mean nostalgic feelings of my own). For some reason it's a song that I've liked more and more over the years, and the demo on the anniversary edition was part of that.
I need a remedy, of diesel and dust. Something I can taste, with a fix I can trust. Another high, more potent than lust. Eating and repeating like the workings of rust and time.
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