Originally Posted by deadmartyr
Further Away is in my top 10 Manics tracks. I agree it's a straightforward track, including lyrically but I like those lyrics a lot, with some of my favourite Wire lines amongst them.
Everything gels together and sits well for me in the song and there's a nice nostalgic feeling about it (and I don't mean nostalgic feelings of my own). For some reason it's a song that I've liked more and more over the years, and the demo on the anniversary edition was part of that.
Fair enough. I've always considered This Is Yesterday to be the weakest track on THB, and yet it's some people's favourite track, so it just shows what I know
"A man who had read all the books published today would have had to have read all Dan Brown's novels, two volumes of Chris Moyles autobiography, The World According To Clarkson by Jeremy Clarkson, The World According To Clarkson 2 by Jeremy Clarkson, The World According To Clarkson 3 by Jeremy Clarkson... His mind would be awash with bad metaphors, unsustainable reactionary opinion, and one long anecdote about the time Comedy Dave put pound coins in the urinal.
In short, the man who had read everything published today, would be more stupid than a man who had read nothing."
- Stewart Lee