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Old 20-12-2010, 20:29
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The Gutless Wonder The Gutless Wonder is offline
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Originally Posted by jack_duckworth View Post
saw nicky today!
got some singles/postcards signed and had a little chat.
poor lamb's not well, all croaky voiced and sorry for himself.
he said he was worried about getting back in the snow as he 'had the car' with him.
i still cant picture him driving tho.
he looked sweet all wrapped up in a massive overcoat.
when he saw i'd already got james' sig on the record he giggled 'oh,.. he's been in then has he?...hmmm'

such a sweetie
Hope he got back home ok! Great story Jack!
"Former glam-punk rocker James Dean Bradfield now looks like your friendly, slightly rumpled Welsh uncle who always brings you chocolate when he visits. That's not a bad thing." - Allister Thompson aka The Gateless Gate (Canadian musician)
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