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Old 19-07-2011, 15:20
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Pasquerel Pasquerel is offline
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Different track order for THB?

I just stumbled across this promo postcard on Ebay which I never saw before. It's a THB advert which uses a completely different track order and sometimes even song titles are not the same that are featured on the album.

See for yourselves:

Tracklist according to this postcard:

01. Yes
02. The Intense Humming Of Evil
03. Walking Abortions
04. She Is Suffering
05. 4 ST 7LBS
06. Die In The Summertime
07. Mausoleum
08. Ifwhiteamericatoldthetruthforonedayit'scountrywoul dfallapart
09. P.C.P.
10. Revol
11. Faster
12. Archives Of Pain
13. This Is Yesterday

The postcard refers to the original catalogue numbers, 477421 1-4-2, 1 being the LP release no one ever seen, 4 the MC and 2 the CD release.

It's really interesting because none of the advance tapes I'm aware of used this running order, all of them has the same that we all know from the released album.

Any opinions? IMHO This track order is really challenging, TIHOE as a second track, TIY as album closer, I wonder on what production stage they provided this tracklisting to Sony...
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