19-07-2011, 15:55
Hold me she said, Love me to Death
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Preston
Age: 32
Posts: 2,824
Originally Posted by Ermintrude the Cow
Nooooo, PCP after TIHOE is perfect in the way that the album slowly drags you down into that slow, haunting track and then throws you straight back up again with PCP. Leaves you wanting more. Putting TIY at the end instead would leave you on a low, not with the odd urge to listen to the whole thing again...
I'm not overkeen on the sound of that order, but I'll try it. You never know...
I agree completely, Adele!!!
Originally Posted by NasalScarecrow
From "WANKERS WANKERS WANKERS" to baby talk in seconds? That's the most bi-polar thing I've ever seen on here.
Originally Posted by Ermintrude the Cow
I read that as "can change it" and had an image of you doing pelvic floor exercises like a mentalist, screaming "I will be a virgin again" whilst clutching a Care Bear and a picture of Richey...
Originally Posted by proevpete
I, for one, am slightly turned on by your obsession with penis size as you are indeed the hottest chick on here.