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Old 27-01-2012, 19:02
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Elizabeth M Elizabeth M is offline
Freed from the century
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Closer To The Heart
Posts: 748
No Manifesto Screening - Details And Roll Call

The screening will begin promptly at 3pm on Saturday 4 February 2012 at the Vibe Bar in East London at Old Truman Brewery, 91 - 95 Brick Lane. I need to hire seating, so if you want to be able to sit down, please be sure to post in this thread to confirm your attendance and whether you are bringing a +1.

There is no required admission charge, however, cash donations on the day of any sum no matter how modest to help offset the cost of hiring the venue and the seating would be deeply appreciated.

UPDATE: There will be approximately 90 seats. This will accommodate everyone who has been counted as of 31 January plus some. There will be plenty of standing room so even if you have not replied as of that date do feel free to attend, but all who are attending should be advised that if they want to be sure to be able to sit down they should arrive early!

Last edited by Elizabeth M; 31-01-2012 at 20:09.
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