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Old 02-06-2013, 18:26
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Originally Posted by GeorgeDawes View Post
I really enjoyed SATT. Loads of energy. I know it missed that edge that I love so much but I do think it trumps PFAYM. As far as some fans falling out of love goes, it did really test my affection for a while, especially when I saw them at Brixton (at the postponed gig) and they looked tired and jaded. It's the strength of the other albums that drew me back in and made me want to give Postcards another go - sadly it just doesn't work for me. I am hopeful about the new stuff though - albeit cautiously. I just have vague worries of a KYE type hit/miss affair.
you thought they looked jaded??? Which date did you go to? If it was the second then you were in a parallel universe. James was on fire..couldn't keep my eyes off him all gig. Mediocre album i agree but those Brixton January dates were great
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