Originally Posted by Abstract Unknown Girl
the handful of gigs they did in May 2011 were MUCH better than the whole of the PFAYM tour I thought, as was the O2 gig.
I'm ready for the next one (well, two!) now and feel a lot more optimistic that it's going to be music the band want to make, rather than music they think they should be making. Of course there's no guarantees I'll like it, but it sounds like they've learnt from their mistakes with PFAYM and I'm excited to hear what they've come up with.
Oh entirely, they were on FIRE for those May gigs, which even moreso makes me think they got over PFAYM very quickly. I reckon the O2 gig was unexpectedly good for them post-PFAYM, in terms of reassessment and reinvigoration. We shall just have to wait and see what they come up with and what they have to say about it, but I bet that gig started some cogs turning, perhaps unexpectedly. It was a good idea for us and a good idea for them too
Another thought I've had is that they don't seem to have been talking about PFAYM much after the obvious 'era' of it. If I am remembering correctly, the situation is similar to what happened when the THB re-release came out so soon after Lifeblood - the band were obvoiusly going to talk about that to promote it, and moreso because they (and critics/fans) think so highly of THB, but they seemed to forget Lifeblood entirely... until awhile later when they wanted to deride it. Similarly now, they've all been very enamoured of the GT re-release, obviously not without good reason, but PFAYM seems to have been quietly forgotten. There's been a wider gap between releases, and so it is more understandable, but I still thought it was interesting. Comparatively, with SATT, they seemed to be going on about it, and with great affection, for a long time afterwards (still, in fact!). True, SATT didn't have a following release to distract from it, but still.