i am always going to be interested in hearing what the band has to say, and with no expectations of what i or anyone else but them think they should be saying.
PFAYM and SATT both have uber-shit sandwiches that are entirely made out of shit on them, in particular that one where the tall one goes on about the shit of Godfather III. and the fucking haircut song. awesome clangers that would perhaps sink just about any other band, but i find there's still enough quality on both to say "not pants".
sadly they remain kings of fucking themselves over. no single from JFPL was a big, big mistake. Richard Nixon instead of 1985 as a single was a total clusterfuck, the fortunes of the band woud have been so, so different. compare, if you will, The Stone Roses. when they returned in 1994 they unleashed Love Spreads on the world, which kinda terrified us waiting for more of the same. all that time they had Ten Storey Love Song sat in the vault, a song more in the mood of the times, that would likely have been a much bigger hit. instead they released it as the second single when few could give a fuck by then.
Originally Posted by proevpete
BTW is that a slightly chubby Bono in your avatar?