Originally Posted by Pyf
As the organiser of this chart first of all apologies to everyone on this forum as I have only recently discovered it and had my account activated! We were always looking for as many participants as possible so it's a shame some of you couldn't take part....maybe next time!! Having said that, blogging all the responses we did have meant my life disappeared for a couple of months, so god knows what would have happened with more!!
Obviously everyone isn't going to agree on the final chart, that's what makes it fun, but I do think the number of responses was high enough and the fans taking part representative enough in general to make it pretty accurate. There seemed to be fans who joined the Manics story at each album along the way, so fairly even.
It all encouraged us to listen to all our albums/B-sides again and cranked up the interest in Rewind the Film and the upcoming tour even more than usual, so all good really!!
It was a Herculean effort, but well worth it I think!
My PopMatters article has 148 likes and a few comments (plus some more on Facebook thanks to Manic St Mania), so if that's any indication it should have got the list out to a fair few more people.