Originally Posted by BeautyBeyondLust
It would damn near complete me.
I hear you. SO many tunes on there I'd die happy hearing live.
IMO they'll definitely be considering it - it marked a new era and if they just played THB tour, it would be unfinished if you get what I mean?
Originally Posted by Corkie308
I couldn't get excited about THB20 as its not one of my favourite Manics albums. EMG20 on the other hand... Please let this happen.
Didn't they say that they would be taking (another) break after this year though?
I agree. Although THB is monumental and iconic, it's not as musically complete as a few other albums.
& we never know!!! Might they have had a change of heart about the break?
I'm not seeing a TIMTTMY tour, so I think they're testing the water about an EMG tour, and then they might get one 'over with', so to speak and then having their much deserved break!!!
Ahhhh I really hope at least one or two gigs arise!!!