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Old 12-09-2022, 16:08
Glyn Glyn is offline
Freed from the century
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 772
Red face Door To The River/ Solidarity the 'new' bits

Hi thought it would be good to start a new thread to identify the 'extra' bits that are in the KYE remixes. I haven't got the best ear (or memory to be honest) but the ones that jump out to me are :

Let Robeson Sing : Extra Nicky vocal at 0.56 "The Price of Leaving"

My Guernica: "Alfred J Prufrock" corrected to "J Alfred Prufrock" at 0.40. Can't work out if this is a different vocal take or has been cut up (sounds more like it to me). Extra guitar lick after the phonecall at 3.57

Intravenous Agnostic: extra 'breathing' (?) and possibly guitar in the breakdown section 2.37 onwards ?

Baby Elian : different vocal take for the choruses (or massively double tracked?)

Dead Martyrs : New outro (instrumental chorus and extra guitar, assume this is Kevin Shields) from 2.43

I'm not 100% sure on those and am sure there are loads I have missed. The new mixes of My Guernica and Freedom of Speech feel significantly different but is there anything truly 'new' in the mixes or just things being turned up/down ?

What has everyone else spotted ?
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