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Old 05-07-2024, 20:28
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napnet86_ napnet86_ is offline
I am purity, they call me perverted
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Originally Posted by Red View Post
It's disappointing to see so much Torying here.

The established standard for events is that essential info is provided by promoter or seller at the point of sale, or by means of direct communication before the gig. The other established standard is that the headline act goes on second.

There's nothing on the Manics tour page, any of the ticket seller sites, or (speaking at least for Ticketmaster) the concert information to suggest that Manics play the opening set on some nights. There's information about what clothing to wear with it being an outdoor event, but nothing about the 'headliner' playing the support slot. Blaming people for not reading about this on Facebook / Twitter / NME / their local planning department in Alpha Centuri is wank. The onus on providing this info directly to ticket buyers was on the Manics' team.
Sorry, but I don't think I've ever attended a gig where the "established standard" you suggest of providing essential info which in this case would be stage times, band orders etc was provided at point of sale or whatever... because it never happens! The onus for providing the info to ticket buyers should be on the point of sale, provided by the tour promotor and in a perfect world that would happen - but it simply doesn't, so that's where using your own brain, checking social media feeds and using search engines come in. There's usually always something that the bands or venue confirm in a social media post/tweet by lunch time when I go to check times etc, and I'm sure it'll be the same when I'm checking times for attending the Edinburgh date on Wednesday (I already know Manics are playing 2nd for that show, because it was announced in November after all.)
2001: Glasgow Barrowland / 2002: Glasgow Renfrew Ferry, Glasgow SECC / 2005: Glasgow SECC, Edinburgh Corn Exchange / 2006: Glasgow King Tuts Wah Wah Hut [James Solo], Dundee Fat Sams [James Solo], Glasgow Garage [James Solo] / 2007: Glasgow Barrowland, Aberdeen Music Hall, Edinburgh Corn Exchange / 2009: Glasgow Barrowland / 2010: Glasgow King Tuts Wah Wah Hut, Glasgow O2 Academy, Edinburgh Corn Exchange / 2011: London O2 Arena / 2013: Glasgow Barrowland / 2014: Edinburgh Corn Exchange, Glasgow Barrowland, Glasgow Barrowland / 2015: Edinburgh Usher Hall / 2016: Glasgow SECC / 2018: Glasgow SECC, Belfast Titanic Slipways / 2019: Edinburgh Usher Hall / 2021: Edinburgh Usher Hall, Dundee Fat Sams, Glasgow Barrowland / 2024: Edinburgh Castle
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