Thread: New tour!
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Old 28-10-2024, 16:17
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LA ex LA ex is offline
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Originally Posted by Repoman View Post
I went to the Civic for the first time post refurb to see Elvis Costello a couple of weeks ago. I saw Manics there on the JFPL tour and a few bands in the late seventies.

They have done a pretty good job on the refurb but it is now run by AEG so you get arena styling queuing and security outside the venue, and ruinous bar prices inside; £7.50 for a Moretti.
Hopefully being turned completely corporate hasn't affected the environment.

Saw the Manics there three times there in the late/mid 2000s including the JFPL show you mentioned. Those were the days when Manics fans turned up early to queue to get the barrier. Can't remember which show it was (probably the SATT one) where some fans brought down a table tennis table and played games whilst they were waiting!
Hey look! I've got a blog where I review gigs I've been to. It's on the internet and everything:
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