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Old 15-10-2010, 13:16
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The Fantasy Setlist Game - Spotify Edition

Ok, the fantasy setlist threads are interesting, but let's take it up a notch. I give you:


It's pretty much the same idea, but you actually put your setlist together on Spotify, in the running order you'd like to hear it. There's a fair amount of Manics stuff available on Spotify, so you should be able to put together a pretty varied setlist. Some rules for the game:
  • Every setlist must include at least one song from every studio album. FD and LT don't count (but you can obviously use them)
  • Each setlist must only be 24 songs long
  • Each setlist must include at least two, but no more than three acoustic songs. These must should be put as tracks 15-17 (assuming you had three). You can have any song as an acoustic version, even if it isn't acoustic on the album.
  • If there are songs that aren't on Spotify, please mark them as italic when you post your setlist

Once you've done that, post the link in the thread. I'll add them into the original post when I get a chance, so everyone can see who's taken part.

Understand? Good. I'll kick things off with mine:

BradfieldsLoveChild's Fantasy Setlist:

Ok, GO!

(Apologies to those in countries without Spotify. If you still want to take part, I'm sure someone can compile your playlist for you).
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Old 15-10-2010, 15:49
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Old 15-10-2010, 16:55
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Pretty much, though was annoyed at having to include something off SATT


"To the hideousness of nineteenth-century industrialization is added the desolation of twentieth-century obsolescence. The Black Country looks like Ceaucescu's Romania with fast food outlets."
Theodore Dalrymple

Last edited by Bobafettish; 15-10-2010 at 17:05.
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Old 15-10-2010, 17:40
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Harder to do than I thought it would be...
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Old 27-03-2014, 16:26
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Necro post!
I was going to make my own thread about this, but here you go.

Condemned To Rock 'N' Roll
We Her Majesties Prisoners
Sculpture Of Man
No Surface All Feeling
Dead Trees And Traffic Islands
You're Tender And You're Tired
Socialist Serenade
The Masses Against The Classes
Close My Eyes
So Why So Sad
Just A Kid
There By The Grace Of God
Happy Ending
A Song For Departure
Marlon J.D.
Golden Platitudes
Running Out Of Fantasy

There. I'd listen to that. I am listening to it! Oh hang on... "Engage With Your Shadow" is also on Spotify... Maybe I should delete that entire playlist and have that one over and over?
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